
jí xíng jūn
  • forced march;rapid march;rapid match
急行军 [jí xíng jūn]
  • [rapid match;forced march] 快速行军

急行军[jí xíng jūn]
  1. 部队急行军,一夜走了一百里。

    The detachment made a rapid march of 100 li in one night .

  2. 这个排必须急行军以在天黑前赶回基地。

    The platoon will have to march in double time to get back to base before nightfall .

  3. 夏季10公里急行军训练战士的肛温的预测和控制

    A method for predicting and controlling the rectal temperature of the soldier marching rapidly for 10km in summer

  4. 休闲旅游是以休闲为目的的旅游,它是人们经历了急行军式的传统观光旅游之后的一种理性回归。

    Leisure Travel aims at easing which is also a kind of rational regression from the traditional travel manner of " quick march " .