
  • 网络inert material
  1. 浅析如何提高惰性材料堵漏成功率

    How to increase the leaking stoppage successful rate with inert material

  2. 掺惰性材料水泥混凝土抗冻性试验研究

    Study on the frost resistant test of concrete with a inert material

  3. Al2O3陶瓷是一种生物惰性材料,硬度高,熔点高,化学稳定性好,具有比较高的机械强度和耐磨损性能及化学稳定性,但脆性较大。

    Alumina ceramic is a very important inert bio-ceramic material , which possesses high hardness , high melting point , good chemical stability , good mechanical properties and wear-resisting property . Its limitation is brittleness .

  4. 惰性材料表面细菌生物膜构建的研究

    Study on construction of bacterial biofilm on the surface of inertia materials

  5. 填充惰性材料对甲烷部分氧化反应的影响

    Influence of Filling Inert Stuffing on Methane Partial Oxidation

  6. 在可得到的可用作二氧化铅电沉积的阳极的各种惰性材料中,铂与金是最合适的。

    Of various inert materials available as anodes for the electrodeposition of lead dioxide , Pt and Au are the most suitable .

  7. 可用来作为特殊的功能标准进行测试的生物材料,在小空间有址可寻的排列在惰性材料上。

    Small , spatially addressable arrays of biological material ( on an inert substrate ) that can be tested for specific functional criteria .

  8. 虽然钛及其合金具有良好的生物相容性和力学性能,但钛及其合金属于生物惰性材料,几乎不具有生物活性。

    Although Ti and its alloy has excellent mechanical properties , they belong to biological implanting material , there is little bio activity .

  9. 微粒硅是铁合金生产中的副产品一是一种惰性材料,主要成份是二氧化硅,它具有粒径小,比表面积大的特点,作为水泥外加剂,可降低水泥浆密度。

    Micro silicon is a by-product of iron alloy with and an inert material with property of small particle radius and large surface area .

  10. 为了研究催化剂的反应机理和对生物质焦油裂解的影响,在固定床反应器上,对硅铝催化剂、白云石催化剂和碳化硅惰性材料进行生物质焦油催化裂解和热裂解试验。

    The catalytic cracking experiments on biomass tar were carried out in a fixed-bed reactor with SiO_2-Al_2O_3 and dolomite as catalyst and SiC ( inertia material ) as contrast .

  11. 通过在催化剂床层上部气相空间填充惰性材料,考察了甲烷氧化反应中气相自由基反应对催化反应的影响。

    The influence of filling inert stuffing on the partial oxidation of methane was investigated by fully filling inert material into the space of empty reactor or into the upper space of catalyst bed .

  12. 新型支架材料的研究趋势呈单一组分向多组分过渡,惰性材料向活性材料过渡,宏观水平向微观水平过渡。

    The research on novel scaffold materials is now characterized by a transition from single element to composition , from inert materials to bioactive materials , and from macro - level to micro - level .

  13. 在骨缺损修复材料的应用上,已从惰性材料发展到生物活性材料;在操作技术上,则从创伤性手术向微创技术发展。

    Nowadays , with the development of biomaterial science , the bone defects repair materials developed from the traditional mechanical fixation to biomaterial implantation and the technique of surgery developed from traumatic to minimal invasive technology .

  14. 水泥基材料是一种高电阻率的惰性材料,通过掺入一定体积含量(0.2vol%~1.2vol%)的短切碳纤维,可显著提高其电导率。

    Cement based material is an inert material with high electrical resistivity , but its electrical conductivity can be obviously improved by the addition of short carbon fibers ( 0.2 vol % ~ 1.2 vol % ) .

  15. 但是,C/C属于生物惰性材料,未经处理的C/C表面具有疏水性,长期置于人体中,脱落的游离碳会随体液流动,沉积到表面皮肤,造成黑肤效应。

    However , C / C composites are bio-inert ; the surface of C / C composites without any treatment is hydrophobic . The dissociative carbon can flow with body fluids and thus cause " black skin effect " due to the carbon deposition within the skin .

  16. SiC晶须增强NiFe2O4基惰性阳极材料烧结工艺研究

    Study on sintering technique of NiFe_2O_4 / SiC_w used as matrix of inert anodes

  17. MnO2对镍铁尖晶石惰性阳极材料性能的影响

    Effect of MnO_2 on properties of inert anode of NiFe_2O_4 spinel

  18. TiB2惰性阴极材料的特性与工程化实验研究

    Characteristic of Inert Cathode Material TiB_2 and Engineering Experiment for It

  19. 本文首先系统地综述了锌电积用惰性阳极材料的研究现状,并根据基体材料不同,重点阐述了铝基合金阳极和尺寸稳定型阳极(DSA)。

    In this paper , study status of inert anode for zinc electrowinning is systematically summarized , firstly . According to different base material , the lead-base alloy anode and dimensionally Stable Anode ( DSA ) are elaborated .

  20. NiFe2O4基金属陶瓷是最具应用前景的铝电解惰性阳极材料,国内外对其性能与制备技术进行了大量研究。

    NiFe_2O_4 based cermets has been the most promising inert anode for aluminum electrolysis , and a mass of researches have been focus on their performances and preparation techniques .

  21. 本文研究了TiB2-碳胶涂层的制备方法,并对制得的惰性阴极材料进行了力学性能,热膨胀/热收缩性能,导电性,湿润性及抗腐蚀性能的测试。

    Experimental results of studies on the TiB_2-coating on cathode carbon blocks in aluminium electrolysis cells are reported . Various properties of the coating layer such as mechanical strength , thermal expansion / contraction coefficient , electrical resistivity , wettability and anticorrosion were tested .

  22. TiB2具有熔点高、导电率高、硬度大、耐熔融铝液和冰晶石熔体的侵蚀、能被铝液良好润湿等特点,是铝电解惰性阴极材料的首选。

    TiB 2 is a candidate material for inert cathode in aluminium electrolysis because of ist many super characteristics , such as high melting temperature , high hardness , excellent electrical conductivity , good corrosive resistance and good wettability with liquid aluminium .

  23. 铝电解用惰性阳极材料研究的发展概况

    Summary on the studies of inert anode materials of aluminium electrolysis

  24. 镍铁尖晶石基惰性阳极材料腐蚀热力学分析

    The Thermodynamics Analysis of Inert Anode Material Based on Nickel-Ferric Spinel

  25. 着重介绍了国内对金属陶瓷惰性阳极材料的研究现状。

    The current researches of metal inert anode in China are presented primarily .

  26. 锌电积用惰性阳极材料的研究现状

    Study Status of Inert Anode Materials in Zinc Electrodeposition

  27. 金属陶瓷基铝电解惰性阳极材料制备及其非极化腐蚀

    Preparation and Chemical Corrosion of Behaviour Cermet Inert Anode Used in the Aluminum Smelter

  28. 铝电解陶瓷类惰性阳极材料的发展

    Development of the Materials of Inert Anodes Based on the Ceramic for Aluminum Electrolysis

  29. 电解铝生产用的惰性电极材料

    Inert elctrode materials for aluminum electrolysis

  30. 介绍了国内外90年代以后在电解铝生产用惰性电极材料研究方面的最新进展。

    Developments of inert electrode materials for aluminum electrolysis in the nineties were introduced in this paper .