
  • 网络University of Torino;Turin University
  1. 来自意大利都灵大学的阿尔贝托.巴尔代利(AlbertoBardelli)教授是大肠癌方面的权威,他从进化理论中得到灵感,寻找应对癌细胞耐药性的办法。

    Colorectal cancer researcher Alberto Bardelli of the University of Turin in Italy , has also been using evolutionary theory as inspiration for a potential solution to overcoming drug resistance .

  2. 意大利都灵大学(universityofturin)商学研究教授、上述研究的作者之一贝尔纳多博尔托洛蒂(bernardobortolotti)说:“市场不景气的时候,你当然可以开始考虑出售,但通常来说,等一等会更好。”

    Bernardo bortolotti , Professor of business studies at the University of Turin and an author of the study , said : " you can start to think of selling in a depressed market but generally you are better to wait . "