
  • 网络My So-Called Life
  1. 想起中学时代开始我的青春期。

    I think I became adolescent in my middle school days .

  2. 我的青春期来的比较晚。

    Puberty hit me late .

  3. 我的青春期有一半是在楼梯间里的上上下下中度过的,自那以来我就一直是一位忠实的爬楼梯人士。

    Half my youth was spent running up and down the staircase and I have been a devoted stair-climber ever since .

  4. 在接受我调查的青春期女孩中,有75%担心恐怖主义,66%担心气候变化,50%担心伊朗问题。

    Seventy-five per cent of teenage girls I surveyed are worried about terrorism ; 66 per cent worry about climate change ; 50 per cent worry about Iran .

  5. 这毕竟是我的母亲青春期的她,独自在明尼苏达的寒冷湖泊中自学游泳,带着她从当地图书馆借来的《学游泳》一书。

    This was my mom , after alla woman who had taught herself how to swim as an adolescent , alone in a cold Minnesota lake , with a book she 'd borrowed from the local library entitled How to Swim .

  6. 对,我有严重的青春期妄想症。

    Yeah , I 'm having lots and lots of puberty .

  7. 这毕竟是我的母亲——青春期的她,独自在明尼苏达的寒冷湖泊中自学游泳,带着她从当地图书馆借来的《学游泳》一书。

    This was my mom , after all - a woman who had taught herself how to swim as an adolescent , alone in a cold Minnesota lake , with a book she 'd borrowed from the local library entitled How to Swim .

  8. 五年级的时候,我张的比我的同学快,青春期的提前到来使我的个子比很多孩子都大。

    In fifth grade , I started growing faster than almost anyone else . I hit puberty early and was stronger than a lot of the other kids .