
  • 网络Real Estate Trust;reits;real estate investment trust
  1. 房地产信托投资基金(REITs)是近年来中国房地产金融创新的一个热点议题。

    REITs is a hot topic in the aspect of Chinese real estate financial innovation in recent years .

  2. 最后,在借鉴美国房地产信托基金(REITs)的成功运作经验的同时,结合我国特殊国情对我国信托业在发展房地产投资信托基金的必要性和可行性进行了较为详尽的阐述。

    Our country should draw lessons from the mature experience of the REITs 's development in developed country , and set up our own real estate investment trust mode properly according to the situation of our country .

  3. 7.2发展包括REITs在内的房地产信托经营;

    7.2 . develop business of realestate trust including REITs ;

  4. 与房地产信托投资计划、房地产抵押支持证券(MBS)以及房地产股票相比,REITs具有自己的独特优势。

    Compared with real estate trust investment plan , MBS and real estate stocks , REITs have their own unique advantages .

  5. 挪威石油基金还作为基石投资者参与了多宗上市交易,其中包括辉山乳业(HuishanDairy)今年11月在香港的13亿美元IPO,以及今年早些时候丰树(Mapletree)旗下中国房地产信托基金在新加坡的13亿美元IPO。

    The oil fund was also a cornerstone investor in Huishan Dairy 's $ 1.3bn Hong Kong offering in November , and in the $ 1.3bn Singapore listing of Mapletree 's China real estate trust earlier this year .

  6. 第六章我国房地产信托业未来发展方向与对策,提出我国房地产信托业的未来三种发展模式,即可转让房地产期权、房地产投资信托、REITs。

    Chapter 6 is based on the direction of the development and strategies of Chinese real estate trust industry . The three development models are concluded , which are real estate Option , real estate investment trust and REITs .

  7. 中国发展房地产信托投资基金的思考

    Considerations on Investment Fund of Real Estate Entrust in China

  8. 房地产信托投资基金和金融发展与创新

    Real Estate Investment Trust Fund and Financial Development Innovation

  9. 房地产信托融资分析与研究

    Analysis and Research of Real Estate Investment Trust Financing

  10. 联华信托的主要业务是创设及管理房地产信托计划。

    UTI primarily originates and manages property trusts .

  11. 房地产信托产品创新启示

    Innovation Insight of the Real Estate Trust Products

  12. 王忠民:什么是信托房地产信托如何创新发展?

    Wang Zhongmin : What is the innovation and development of trust property trust ?

  13. 境外资本觊觎中国房地产信托基金:狼真来了?

    Chinese offshore capital coveted real estate trust funds : the wolf really came ?

  14. 中国房地产信托行业的分析与思考

    Analysis on China ′ s Real Estate Trust

  15. 但中国信托业本身发展不成熟,房地产信托风险机制不健全,房地产信托发展的法律障碍较大。

    However , Chinese estate trust is still immature and the risk system is incomplete .

  16. 其次,提出房地产信托融资的一般操作流程和不同信托类型具体的操作流程;

    Next , the general and concrete operation procedure of Real Estate Trust is proposed .

  17. 在房地产信托业繁荣发展的同时,由此所带来的问题也逐渐暴露了出来。

    As real estate trust industry developing prosperously , questions from which has been exposed gradually .

  18. 首先,中国的房地产信托产品与不动产投资的性质,不同的产品。

    First , China 's real estate trust products and REITS in the nature of different products .

  19. 同时我国的房地产信托投资基金业也面临着一些发展中的制度障碍和自身不足。

    At the same time China 's real estate investment trust fund also faces many obstacles and self-development system inadequate .

  20. 最后研究房地产信托与宏观经济政策的联动性,分析其前景。

    Finally , linkage of Real Estate Trust and the macro-economic policy is studied , and its prospect is analyzed .

  21. 房地产信托投资基金最早于2002年进入中国,在这五年多的时间里发展迅速,其数量和规模逐渐增多。

    The Real Estate Investment Trusts entered China in 2002 and developed rapidly , their number and scale have increased gradually .

  22. 第四章重点阐述我国房地产信托业发展中五个现实困难与五个存在问题。

    Chapter 4 summarizes the five current difficulties and five existing issues in the development of the real estate industry in China .

  23. 房地产信托是以委托人提供财产为前提,体现了财产委托人和受托人、受益人之间的经济关系。

    Real estate trust is to reflect the economic relation amongproperty client and trustee , beneficiary if the client offers the property .

  24. 深入探讨A信托公司房地产信托业务风险管理的新策略和新措施,并提出相应的解决方案。

    To discuss the new strategy and new measures of risk management in real estate trust and put forward the corresponding solutions .

  25. 目前,我国房地产信托的发展还有赖于中国信托业的整体进步。

    But the current development of real estate trust in China still depends on the progress of the trust industry as a whole .

  26. 伴随着中国富人对直接购买国内住宅的热情下降,他们将转向商铺和房地产信托、地产基金等间接投资。

    With the investment enthusiasm for real estate decreasing , they turn to the stores , real estate trusts and real estate fund .

  27. 然后,根据不同类型的房地产信托对房地产企业的利弊,研究房地产企业应该选择何种信托类型;

    Then , which type real estate enterprises should choose according to pros and cons of different types of Real Estate Trusts is studied .

  28. 第二章主要是对房地产信托的概念性质进行分析,描述了国内外房地产信托的情况和类型。

    Chapter 2 mainly introduces the real estate trust principles and contents , describing some kinds of real estate trust practices in other countries .

  29. 针对部分媒体报道称“银监部门紧急叫停房地产信托业务”,银监会对此传言表示否认。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ) denied reports it has urged some trust companies to suspend their real estate trust business .

  30. 本文分析了未来有较大发展潜力的三种融资渠道&房地产信托投资、房地产证券化、吸引外资注入。

    The author analyzes three more potential method of financing in the future real estate trust investment , real estate-backed securitization and drawing foreign capital .