
biǎn bǎi
  • Hinoki;Japan cypress;oriental arborvitae
扁柏 [biǎn bǎi]
  • [oriental arborvitar] 常绿乔木( Biota orientalis ),叶子像鳞片,果实呈球形。木材可做建筑材料和器物

扁柏[biǎn bǎi]
  1. 扁柏和美州红松很少用于商用温室的上部结构。

    Cypress and redwood are seldom used in the superstructure of commercial greenhouses .

  2. 红桧及台湾扁柏引种初报

    A Successful Introduction of Formosan Cypress and Taiwan-Japanese Cypress

  3. 日本扁柏引种推广技术研究

    Study on Introduction and Extension Technique of Chamaecyparis obtusa

  4. 通过5年造林引种试验,观察了红桧、台湾扁柏、台湾黄杉、台湾杉木和本地杉木龙15与闽33双系的物候期和生长节律。

    Investigation was made on the phenological period and growth rhythm of Chamaecyparis formosensis and Cunninghamia lanceolata , etc , from Taiwan .

  5. 关于日本扁柏人工林光能利用效率的研究(Ⅰ)&群落生产结构与现存量、生长量和光能利用效率

    Studies on the solar energy utilization ratio in a Chamaecyparis obtusa plantation (ⅰ) & community productive structure , standing crop , increment and solar energy utilization ratio

  6. “喏,到生物系的小植物园去,那儿不仅有龙柏,还有雪松、扁柏呢。”

    Pointing to a place nearby , she proposed , " Why don 't we go to the small garden of Biology Department ? It has not only cypresses there , but silver pines .

  7. 以多枝桉和扁柏作供试木材,采用扩大影象法,测定了热处理和空气层对水与木材的接触角的影响。

    With the wood of Eucalyptus viminalis and Chamaecyparis obtusa as experimental materials , and adopting the method of image amplification , the impact of heat treatment and air layer on the contact angle between the tested wood and water was determined .