
  • 网络Technology intensive industry;high technology industry
  1. 汽车行业是技术密集型工业,拥有大量的显性知识和隐性知识,特别是技术研发中心,其研发知识更是企业核心的知识资产,也是企业取得竞争优势的核心资源。

    The automotive industry is a technology-intensive industry , having an abundance of explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge , especially in technology R D center , whose R D knowledge is the core knowledge assets of enterprises , and also the core resource for enterprises to obtain competitive advantage .

  2. 作为高耗能,高污染的资金技术密集型产业,钢铁工业面临着原材料高位运行,节能减排的巨大压力。

    As a high energy consumption , high pollution of the capital and technology intensive industries , iron and steel industry is facing high raw materials , energy-saving emission reduction of pressure .

  3. 由于市场需求结构遵循比较优势原则,机械产业的技术发展受到抑制,本应为技术密集型产业的机械工业沦为技术能力低下的劳动密集型产业。

    Because the free market followed the principle of comparative advantage , the technique development of machinery industry was contained . The supposed technology-intensive industry was reduced to be labor-intensive industry .