
shū qínɡ shī
  • lyrics;lyric poetry
抒情诗 [shū qíng shī]
  • [lyric poetry] 以抒发感情为主的诗篇

  1. 如果你想读懂一些抒情诗,学点法语和克里奥尔语是有帮助的。

    It helps to know French and Creole if you want to understand some of the lyrics

  2. 他对Lear的打油诗和Swinburne的抒情诗的搭配分析实践了他关于研究限制性语言的一贯主张。

    His study of the collocations in limericks of Edward Lear and lyrics of Swinburne is one of his practices of his insistence on studying restricted language .

  3. 这首诗是他抒情诗的范例。

    This is a good example of his Lyric poetry .

  4. 这首诗是雪莱抒情诗的范例。

    This is a good example of Shelley 's lyric poetry .

  5. 屈原是中国历史上第一位伟大诗人,其代表作《离骚》是中国文学史上最长的一首自传体政治抒情诗。

    Qu Yuan is the first poet in the Chinese history .

  6. 叶芝中期抒情诗中的叙事策略

    The Narrative Strategy in Yeats 's Lyrics of the Middle Period

  7. 论中国古典抒情诗审美意象生成的心灵轨迹

    A metaphysical approach to the aesthetic image in Chinese classic lyrics

  8. 汉斯带着强烈的感情读这首抒情诗。

    Hans was reading the lyric poem with heart and soul .

  9. 抒情诗一直是西方诗歌创作的重要形式之一。

    Lyric is one of the main forms in western poetry .

  10. 重庆抒情诗·献给重庆直辖九周年

    Lyric Poetry in Chongqing To the Ninth Anniversary of Chongqing Municipality

  11. 水彩画被喻为抒情诗、轻音乐。

    Watercolor painting is compared to the lyric and light music .

  12. 浅析抒情诗的时间结构

    A Tentative Study of the Temporal Structure in Lyrics Time is

  13. 论彭斯抒情诗中爱之主题

    On the Theme of Love in Burns ' Lyrical Poems

  14. 从哈代的抒情诗看哈代的悲观主义

    On the Pessimism of Thomas Hardy-A Study of His . Lyric Poetry

  15. 我被雪莱的这首抒情诗深深打动了。

    I 'm deeply moved by this lyric of Shelley 's.

  16. 舒伯特把歌德的一些抒情诗谱成了歌曲。

    Schubert set some of Goethe 's lyrics to music .

  17. 讽刺诗,抒情诗,寓言诗和散文诗;

    Satirical Poetry , Lyric Poetry , Verse Fable and Prose Poetry .

  18. 文学上的主要成就是诗歌,尤其是抒情诗。

    The major achievement of literature was poetry , especially the lyrics .

  19. 强度厚度力度&新时期政治抒情诗的浪漫主义特质

    Romantic Traits in the Political Lyrics of the New Period

  20. 孤独中对死亡的否定之否定&试析莱蒙托夫抒情诗的主题变化

    Analysis on the Variation in the Theme of Lermontov 's Lyric Poetry

  21. 并在七月雨夜的萧萧叶片间化做抒情诗。

    And becomes lyric among rustling leaves In rainy darkness of July .

  22. 赞美诗:用来颂扬上帝的诗歌或抒情诗。

    A song or lyric poem in praise of God .

  23. 对当代文学政治抒情诗的话语分析

    The discourse-analysis of the political lyric of China contemporary literature

  24. 在英语诗歌中,最严谨、最富有挑战性的抒情诗是十四行诗。

    Sonnets are the most rigorous and challenging lyrics in the English poems .

  25. 抒情诗和田园诗及其他

    " Lyrics and Idylls , with Other Poems "

  26. 它与其说是歌词,不如说是一首抒情诗。

    It sounds more a lyric than a song .

  27. 抒情诗是我最喜欢的诗歌。

    Lyric poetry is my favorite kind of poem .

  28. 俄罗斯第一位诗人艺术家&普希金的抒情诗艺术

    The First Poet and Artist in Russia & Pushkin 's Arts of Lyrics

  29. 直觉与分析是中西抒情诗文化思维方式的不同。

    Way of thinking & instinct and analysis respectively .

  30. 叶芝最好的几首抒情诗收录在《诗集》(1906)中。

    Some of his best lyrics were published in Poems ( 1906 ) .