
shū qíng
  • express one's emotion;lyricism
抒情 [shū qíng]
  • [express one's emotion] 表达情思,抒发情感

  • 抒情诗

  • 夜曲本来是一种抒情的曲子,夜晚在人家窗下随便唱。--《威尼斯》

抒情[shū qíng]
  1. 散文作品需要描摹形象,创设意境,需要议论抒情,而这些应靠形象化的语言来传达。

    Prose entries need to portray the image , create the moods , controvert and express one 's emotion , which should rely on figurative language to convey .

  2. 去年,柯林斯写了一首动人的抒情歌曲,突出描绘了无家可归者的苦境。

    Last year Collins wrote a moving ballad which highlighted the plight of the homeless

  3. 如果你想读懂一些抒情诗,学点法语和克里奥尔语是有帮助的。

    It helps to know French and Creole if you want to understand some of the lyrics

  4. 这首诗是他抒情诗的范例。

    This is a good example of his Lyric poetry .

  5. 在抒情方面,这一系列作品成为阿勃丝对于畸形人摄影的乡愁。

    In lyrical aspect , this series of works became the nostalgia of freaks to arbus .

  6. 这首诗是雪莱抒情诗的范例。

    This is a good example of Shelley 's lyric poetry .

  7. 在交响乐中间有一段奇妙的抒情长笛独奏。

    There 's wonderfully lyrical flute solo in the middle of this symphony .

  8. 叠字是中国古典诗词的修辞手段之一,其主要修辞功能是抒情、叙事、状物、摹声。

    In Chinese classical poetry , the reiterative diction is one of rhetoric methods .

  9. 他的色彩斑斓的抒情油画将人物和事物不同寻常地加以并置,并经常漂浮在空中

    His richly coloured lyrical paintings depict objects and people in unusual juxtapositions , often floating in space .

  10. 屈原是中国历史上第一位伟大诗人,其代表作《离骚》是中国文学史上最长的一首自传体政治抒情诗。

    Qu Yuan is the first poet in the Chinese history .

  11. 叶芝中期抒情诗中的叙事策略

    The Narrative Strategy in Yeats 's Lyrics of the Middle Period

  12. 在表现与隐藏自己之间的抒情策略。

    Second , the lyrical tactics between displaying and hiding themselves .

  13. 苏格兰民谣的华彩乐章&彭斯抒情诗歌赏析

    The Highlight of Scottish Ballads-The Appreciation of Burn ′ s Lyrics

  14. 对话与独白:《离骚》抒情方式的重新解读

    Dialogue & Soliloquy : Analysis on Lyrical Way of Li Sao

  15. 抒情小说体式的拓展和陌生化叙事&《呼兰河传》解读

    Stylistic Development of Lyric Fiction and Unfamiliarized Narration about Hulan River

  16. 对自然景致的描绘是这一时期田园抒情小说中最大的亮点。

    The natural description is the brightest spot of these novels .

  17. 冷叙述与热抒情&现代诗歌抒情格调琐谈

    Cold Narration and Hot Expression & Lyrical Style of Modern Poetry

  18. 论中国古典抒情诗审美意象生成的心灵轨迹

    A metaphysical approach to the aesthetic image in Chinese classic lyrics

  19. 辞赋抒情功能得到加强。

    Thirdly , fu 's function of expressing emotion is strengthened .

  20. 汉斯带着强烈的感情读这首抒情诗。

    Hans was reading the lyric poem with heart and soul .

  21. 王国维的学术转变与抒情传统的现代危机

    Wang Guowei 's Learning Transformation and Modern Crisis of Lyrical Tradition

  22. 这是我作的最抒情的歌。

    It 's the most lyrically advanced thing I 've done .

  23. 平铺直叙的抒情方式及其直率慷慨的美学风格。

    Secondly simple straightforward lyricism and frank impassioned aesthetic style .

  24. 她的小说前后贯穿着一种挥之不去的抒情气氛。

    Her novel is shot through with a haunting lyricism .

  25. 从比兴手法看词的抒情美创造

    Make the Lyric Characteristics of Ci Through the Bi and Xing Skills

  26. 浅析罗伯特·弗罗斯特抒情诗歌的风格

    Preliminary Analysis On Lyric Poetry 's Style of Robert Frost

  27. 五岳为辞锋四凕作胸臆&谈李白写景诗的抒情特色

    The Feature of Lyric in Li Bai 's Scenical Poems

  28. 他的较早作品显露了一流的抒情天才。

    His earlier work announced a lyric talent of the first order .

  29. 完美的抒情必须是真与美的统一。

    The perfect expressions must be the union of truth and beauty .

  30. 其作品浓郁的抒情韵味和哲理色彩,上接叶圣陶早期的童话创作,下启新时期抒情派童话,代表了中国童话作品的一种形态。

    His works stands for a type of fairy tales in China .