
  • 网络investment operations
  1. 第三部分为国外养老基金的投资运营。

    The third part is the investment operations of foreign pension funds .

  2. 经过九年的投资运营,2008年12月31日其基金权益总额已达5601.82亿元。

    After nine years of investment operations , the National Social Security Fund equity have reached 560.182 billion yuan on december 31,2008 .

  3. 许多人只是记得MarySpillane多年来投资运营了一个化妆品公司,但是她实际上拥有信息科学和政治的硕士学位。

    Many people only remember Mary Spillane for the years she spent running a cosmetics company , but she actually has masters degrees in information science and politics .

  4. 关于规范环保投资运营机制的实践与思考

    Practice and Ponderation of Standardizing Environmental Protection Investment System of Operation

  5. 但对企业年金基金投资运营的管理各国却各不相同。

    But the management of occupational pension fund varies in different countries .

  6. 我国养老金投资运营的监管改革

    Reforming the Supervision Systems of Pensions Investment Operation in China

  7. 论我国保险资金的投资运营

    On the Investment Operation of Insurance Fund in Our Country

  8. 我国社保基金投资运营管理问题研究

    Research on the Social Security Fund Investment and Management

  9. 基金的投资运营风险;

    Third , investment risk of basic pension fund ;

  10. 社会保障基金投资运营风险预警防范问题研究

    Research on the Invests Operation Risk Vigilance and Advance of Social Security Funds

  11. 第二部分探讨了养老保险基金在资本市场的投资运营。

    The chapter 2 discusses the pension fund investment running in the capital market .

  12. 基于过度自信的全国社保基金投资运营研究

    Research on National Social Insurance Fund 's Investment and Operations Based on Overconfident Agent

  13. 养老保险基金投资运营研究

    Research on the Pension Funds Investment Operation

  14. 医院无形资产投资运营的影响因素:以声誉为例

    Influence factors of investment management of hospital intangible assets : take reputation as an example

  15. 第二章根据现行立法的选择,分析了社保基金投资运营中的委托代理风险,从而以期选择信托这种更具优势的资产委托方式规避委托代理中的风险。

    Chapter two analysis the risk of entrust agency in investment of social insurance fund .

  16. 第四部分是国养老保险基金投资运营效益与投资组合实证分析。

    The fourth part is the pension fund investment efficiency analysis and portfolio empirical analysis .

  17. 养老基金的有效投资运营是维持养老金制度正常运转的一个重要方面。

    It is important to keep the investment of pension fund for the social security system .

  18. 第三章:分析智利养老基金投资运营的管理体制和投资政策的发展演变。

    Chapter 3 discusses the institutional arrangement of pension fund investment and explains the investment policy .

  19. 在社会保险基金投资运营的基本途径方面提出了证券投资组合和资产证券化新的投资运营模式;等等。

    Securities investment combination and asset securities are new models of investing and running social insurance funds .

  20. 本文旨在研究和揭示风险投资运营微观监控机制的各种特殊机制。

    This paper focuses on all sorts of special mechanisms of microcosmic monitor mechanism of venture capital operation .

  21. 并致力于开发创新并投资运营基于宽带互联网的通信、娱乐和传媒服务。

    It also devotes itself to developing and investing broadband Internet based communications , entertainment and media services .

  22. 将养老保险基金个人账户的资金有效地投资运营,以保值增值已成必然之势。

    It is an inevitable trend to invest the money of the private account effectively to add its value .

  23. 其中一个主要问题就是养老保险基金投资运营绩效低下,缺乏保值增值的手段。

    One of the major causes is ineffective investment of pension funds and single method of increasing its value .

  24. 第五部分为中国养老保险基金投资运营的对策。

    The fifth part is for the Chinese to extend pension fund investments and Chinese pension fund investment in countermeasures .

  25. 该案例中所暴露的问题,其根本症结在于中投公司投资运营机制的缺陷。

    The problems exposed in this case , whose basic crux lies in CIC investment operation mechanism of the defects .

  26. 在文章的最后部分,本文还提出了对新型农村合作医疗基金运行环节的投资运营的探索。

    At the end of the article , it also mentions the investing and running of the new country cooperative medical fund .

  27. 在基金投资运营方面,主要研究分析了社会保险基金投资运营的模式和基本途径,提出了河南省社会保险基金投资运营过渡性安排。

    It also explores the molds , ways and the transitional arrangements of social insurance fund investment and management in Henan Province .

  28. 巨额的隐性债务和积累的数额庞大的养老保险基金都有迫切的保值增值要求,而养老保险基金的保值增值只有通过有效的投资运营才能实现。

    Millions of covert debts and pension fund is waiting for maintain and increase in value , which needs effective investment operation .

  29. 除了其在投资运营,巴尔的最近更新了它的IT系统和供应链活动。

    In addition to its investment in operations , Barr 's has recently updated its IT systems and its supply chain activity .

  30. 通过构建专职的、脱离行政体系的国有资产投资运营部门来加强所有者监督;

    We can strengthen owner 's supervision through structuring an independent investment system of state-run assets , which break away from administration .