
  • 网络Antiviral;antiviral drugs;antiviral agent
  1. 被选中的那几个人要不要服用抗病毒药呢?

    Do the chosen few receive antivirals ?

  2. 似乎没有证据可以表明抗病毒药、类固醇以及其他治疗措施使患者受益,有些治疗反而可能有害。

    It seems that there is no evidence that the antivirals , steroids or other therapies used benefited patients and some possibly harmed them .

  3. 肝靶向抗病毒药NGA-ACV的制备及其趋肝性

    Preparation of hepatic targeting antivirus agent Nga ACV and its targeting property

  4. 结果:AIDS患者服用抗病毒药以后从未停药者占87.67%,停药者停药的原因分析显示,66.7%是因为严重药物副反应。

    Results : AIDS patient who take the anti-virus drug has 87.67 % without stopping the medicine . 66.7 % of those who stopped anti-virus medicine is that because the side reaction .

  5. 陈冯富珍说,生产抗病毒药达菲(Tamiflu)的罗氏公司(RocheHoldingAg)已向世卫捐赠了大量这种药品。

    Ms. Chan said that Roche Holding AG , maker of Tamiflu , has made sizable donations of the drug to the organization .

  6. 如在临床疾病早期给予抗病毒药利巴韦林(ribavirin),这对拉沙热是有效的治疗。

    The antiviral drug ribavirin is effective treatment for Lassa fever if given early on in the course of clinical illness .

  7. 目的评价利巴韦林、更昔洛韦、单磷酸阿糖腺苷3种常用抗病毒药对家兔外周血血红蛋白含量(Hb)和网织红细胞比率(Ret)的影响。

    Objective To assess the effects of 3 commonly used antiviral drugs ribavirin , ganciclovir and vidarabine monophosphate on the erythropoiesis in the rabbits .

  8. 缬更昔洛韦(valganciclovir)是抗病毒药更昔洛韦的前体药物,用于治疗AIDS病人发生的巨细胞病毒(CMV)视网膜炎。

    Valganciclovir is a prodrug of ganciclovir which has been developed for the treatment of cytomegalovirus ( CMV ) retinitis in patients with AIDS .

  9. 采用聚合酶链反应对主要在抗病毒药治疗后从其上呼吸道采集的样本反复检测所有流感A病毒,包括H5N1,均呈阴性。

    Repeated tests on samples taken from his upper respiratory tract , most after antiviral treatment , were negative by PCR for all influenza A viruses , including H5N1 .

  10. 目的综述抗病毒药拉米夫定(3TC)及其类似物(-)FTC的化学合成、药理活性研究进展。

    Objective To summarize progresses of chemosynthesis and biological activity of lamivudine ( 3TC ) and its analog ( - ) FTC .

  11. ET是由美国埃莫里大学和三角药物公司联合开发的核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂(口服用药或静脉注射),2003年7月再美国上市。它是再拉米夫定的基础上开发出的核苷类抗病毒药。

    It was a kind of nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor drug , which was developed jointly by American Emory university and triangle pharmic company and marketed in july , 2003.It is a kind of nucleoside antivirus drug developed in the base of lamivudine .

  12. 上海有关部门强调,H7N9病毒仍对瑞士罗氏公司(Tamiflu)生产的抗病毒药达菲(Tamiflu)敏感,及时得到诊断的病人是可以治愈的。

    Shanghai authorities have stressed the H7N9 virus remained sensitive to the drug Tamiflu and those who were diagnosed early could be cured . Tamiflu is made by Roche .

  13. 目前尽管两种经典的抗病毒药是有效的,但是最近的试验中表明H5NI株对其有耐药性。

    Although two classes of antiviral drugs are currently available , the H5NI strain has demonstrated resistance in recent testing .

  14. 基因可能成为治疗的目标,包括疫苗及抗病毒药,来治疗肥胖,Pasarica说。

    The gene could be a target for a range of human therapies , including vaccines and anti-virals , to treat obesity , said Pasarica .

  15. 例如,在前列腺素、头孢类抗生素中间体7-ADCA、抗癌新药紫杉醇及抗病毒药阿昔洛韦等药物的半合成或全合成中就大量用到了有机硅保护剂。

    For examples , OSPA are widely used in the syntheses including Semi - synthesis and total synthesis of prostaglandins , 7-ADCA which is a inter - mediate of cephalosporin , Taxol which is a new anticancer drug and Acyclovir-a novel antivirus drug .

  16. 他被给予抗病毒药奥司他韦进行治疗。

    He was treated with the antiviral drug , oseltamivir .

  17. 抗病毒药和人白细胞干扰素联合治疗单疱病毒性角膜炎

    Treatment of herpes simplex keratitis with human leucocyte interferon combined with antiviral drugs

  18. 一些病人可以用非特效的抗病毒药和类固醇治疗;

    Some patients respond to a combination of non-specific anti-viral drugs and steroids ;

  19. 金刚烷胺是一种抗病毒药,主要抑制A型流感病毒的复制。

    Amantadine is an antiviral agent which specifically inhibits influenza group A virus replication .

  20. 对于其他的一些抗病毒药,也是可以用的。

    For a number of other antiviral drugs , but also can be used .

  21. 广谱抗病毒药17997治疗实验性单纯疱疹性角膜炎的疗效观察

    Efficacy of 17997 against experimental herpes simplex keratitis

  22. 目前临床上常用的抗病毒药都存在副作用,还易产生耐药性。

    At present , all commonly used antiviral agents show side effect and cause drug resistance .

  23. 荧光和共振光散射法测定某些抗病毒药和心血管药的新方法研究

    Study on the New Determination Method for Antiviral and Cardiovascular Drugs by Fluorescence and Resonance Scattering Technique

  24. 陈冯富珍表示,世卫还邀请仿制药生产商开始生产抗病毒药。

    The WHO has also invited generic drug makers to start producing antiviral drugs , she added .

  25. 抗病毒药:字面意思“抵抗-病毒”&任何可杀灭或抑制病毒的药。

    Antiviral : Literally " against-virus " & any medicine capable of destroying or weakening a virus .

  26. 目的:探讨抗病毒药珍霉素(17997)在兔实验性单纯疱疹性角膜炎中的治疗剂量范围。

    AIM : To investigate the dosages of antiviral agent 17997 in experimental herpes simplex keratitis ( HSK ) .

  27. 3种抗病毒药对家兔外周血血红蛋白和网织红细胞的影响

    Influence of 3 Antiviral Drugs on the Hemoglobin Concentration and Reticulocyte Count in the Peripheral Blood of the Rabbit

  28. 最明显的下降是从1996年开始,因为广泛使用了组合的抗病毒药治疗的缘故。

    Most dramatic drops in both cases and deaths began in1996 , with the widespread use of combination antiretroviral therapy .

  29. 从鸟嘌呤核苷为起始原料,经三步反应制得高效抗病毒药阿昔洛韦,总收率52%。

    Aciclovir was synthesized by three steps including acylation , con-densation and aminolysis from guanosine in 52 % overall yield .

  30. 在干细胞移植的提前一天,科研人员终止了这个病人的抗病毒药。

    Researchers stopped the patient 's HIV regimen at the day of the stem cell transplant and have not restarted it .