
dǐ yā rén
  • mortgagor
  1. (一)抵押人和承押人签订房产抵押合同;

    The mortgagor and the mortgagee shall sign a building property mortgage contract ;

  2. 抵押人保留着对土地的法律上的所有权。

    The mortgagor retains legal title to the land .

  3. 拥有此份不分割业权之注册受抵押人;

    A registered mortgagee in possession of such undivided share in land ;

  4. 国会正反复考虑向身陷困境的抵押人提供小额补贴。

    Congress is chewing over a small subsidy to troubled mortgage owners .

  5. (五)抵押人偿还贷款的时间和数额;

    The schedule and amounts of the mortgagor 's repayment of the loan ;

  6. 该付款必须有抵押人的会签。

    The payment has to countersigned by the mortgagor .

  7. 银行取消了抵押人的财产赎回权。

    The bank foreclosed a mortgage on the property .

  8. 抵押人所有的房屋和其他地上定着物;

    Houses and other things firmly fixed on the land which are owned by the mortgagor ;

  9. 承押人因此所受的损失由抵押人赔偿。

    Losses suffered by the mortgagee as a result thereof shall be compensated by the mortgagor .

  10. 使服从取消抵押品赎回权程序;剥夺抵押人赎回抵押的权利。

    Subject to foreclosing procedures ; take away the right of mortgagors to redeem their mortgage .

  11. 须由每名抵押人或其代表按指明方式妥为签立。

    It shall be duly executed by or on behalf of each mortgagor in the specified manner .

  12. 抵押人保留偿还全部抵押贷款以赎回土地的权利。

    The mortgagor retains a right to redeem the land once all mortgage moneys have been repaid .

  13. 如果抵押人不履行债务且并不纠正,抵押权人有权取消(抵押人的)回赎权。

    If default is made by the mortgagor and not rectified the mortgagee has power to foreclose .

  14. 抵押人可以将前款所列财产一并抵押。

    A mortgagor may at the same time mortgage all the property listed in the preceding paragraph .

  15. 试论抵押人之专有抗辩权&从第三人为抵押人出发

    On the Exclusive Right of Counterplea of the Mortgagee & On the ground of the third being as the mortgagee

  16. 第二十三条抵押人如将抵押的房产租给他人,应征得承押人同意。

    Article 23 If the mortgagor rents the mortgaged building property to another person , he shall obtain the mortgagee 's consent .

  17. 转让的价款超过债权数额的部分归抵押人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。

    The value exceeding the obligee 's rights shall be attributed to the mortgagor , and the gap shall be paid off by the obligor .

  18. 四扣除上述三项款额后,如有余款,承押人应将余款交付抵押人。

    4If there is any surplus after deducting the amounts in the above three clauses , the mortgagee shall pay over the surplus to the mortgagor .

  19. 为此,赋予抵押人正常经营处分权的浮动抵押制度便成为解决这一问题的最佳选择。

    Therefore , the system of floating charge which gives the chargor rights to dispose his possessions , comes to the best choice to solve this problem .

  20. 商品名称及数量或金额(一)抵押人姓名(名称)和承押人的名称;

    Commodity and Quantity or Amount ( 1 ) The surnames and given names ( title ) of the mortgagor and the name or title of the mortgagee ;

  21. 抵押人不恢复抵押财产的价值也不提供担保的,抵押权人有权要求债务人提前清偿债务。

    Where the mortgagor neither recovers the value nor provides any security , the mortgagee has the right to require the obligor to pay off the debts in advance .

  22. 前款规定的债务人或者第三人为抵押人,受益人为抵押权人,提供抵押的财产为抵押物。

    The debtor or the third party prescribed in the preceding paragraph is the mortgagor ; the beneficiary is the mortgagee ; the property provided as mortgage is the mortgaged property .

  23. (二)抵押人持房产抵押合同至深圳市人民政府房产管理机关领

    The mortgagor shall present the building property mortgage contract to the agency for building property administration of the Shenzhen Municipal People 's Government to obtain a Building Property Title Certificate ; and

  24. 第二十一条抵押人不依照房产抵押合同规定偿还贷款,承押人有权拍卖抵押的房产。

    Article 21 If the mortgagor does not repay the loan as provided in the building property mortgage contract , the mortgagee has the right to sell the mortgaged building property through auction .

  25. 三抵押人将《房产权证书》交承押人收存,承押人按房产抵押合同的规定付款。

    3 the mortgagor shall give the building property title certificate to the mortgagee for safekeeping , and the mortgagee shall make payment in accordance with the stipulations of the building property mortgage contract .

  26. 尤其是浮动抵押人范围过宽而客体狭窄及相关设备不健全,必然会引发一系列的风险问题,即浮动抵押权人面临较大的风险无法达到切实维护。

    Especially , the wide range of mortgagor , narrow mortgage and imperfect equipment will cause a series of risk , that is , the mortgagee whose right will not defended face greater risks .

  27. 基于对社会生活关系的稳定性、债务人、抵押人和其他利害关系人等多方利益的考虑,主债权诉讼时效届满,抵押权应当消灭。

    Based on the stability of the relationship between social lives , the debtor , mortgage and other interested parties such as multi-interests , the principal debt statute of limitations expired , the mortgagee should be eliminated .

  28. 在休眠阶段,我们要界定日常经营行为的范围,并且认为抵押人对抵押财产行使自由处分权时不能够超越一范围。

    In the dormant stage , we have to define the scope of daily business activities , and that the mortgagor the exercise of freedom of disposition of property can not be beyond the scope of the time .

  29. 抵押人对抵押物价值减少无过错的,抵押权人只能在抵押人因损害而得到的赔偿范围内要求提供担保。

    If the mortgagor is not responsible for the decline in the value of the mortgaged property , the mortgagee may only demand that the mortgagor provide security to cover the loss resulting from the decline in value .

  30. 论抵押权人的抵押物保险请求权

    On the Claim of Insurance of the Pledgee 's Guaranty