
zhāo shāng
  • attract investment;canvass business orders;courtship
招商[zhāo shāng]
  1. 加入WTO与我国招商引资策略的调整

    Entering WTO and the tactical adjustment to invite outside investment and fund in our country

  2. 招商形式:BOT方式、合作、合资公司均可。

    Business Invitation : BOT , cooperation , or joint venture is acceptable .

  3. 本文在分析了传统的招商引资信息发布系统所存在问题的前提下,讨论了以GIS技术为基础的招商引资信息发布系统设计方案。

    According to an analysis on the existing problems in conventional investment information announcing system , the design program based on GIS is introduced .

  4. 中国招商银行(chinamerchantbank)希望明确“排他性”的含义;我必须向该行解释,当其它银行赞助某项特定活动时,我们将允许它们展示自己的标识。

    China merchant bank wants clarification on the meaning of " exclusivity " ; I have to explain that other banks will be allowed to display their signs when they sponsor a particular event .

  5. 2012年第二季度,中国招商银行(cmb)的净息差已经降低了近20个基点。

    It already slipped almost 20 basis points at China Merchants bankin the second quarter of 2012 .

  6. 通过对EVA及其相关的概念问题的阐述,结合对招商银行的案例分析,以此来达到解决问题的目的。

    Through the concept of EVA and its related problems described , with case studies of China Merchants Bank , in order to achieve the purpose of solving the problem .

  7. 西气东输工程招商、广东LNG和福建LNG项目商务合同取得重要进展;

    Encouraging progress was made also in promoting the West-East Gas Pipeline project , as well as progress with commercial contracts for the Guangdong LNG project and Fujian LNG project .

  8. 尽管光大证券、招商证券均已在今年顺利过会,A股的“熊掌”还是使IPO戛然而止。

    Despite the Everbright Securities , China Merchants Securities have been successful this year will be , A shares of the " bear 's paw " or halted so that the IPO .

  9. 围绕着GDP等政绩显示因子,苏锡常三地政府在招商引资、优惠政策、地方性公共物品、人才引进等多个方面展开剧烈竞争。

    In order to attract investments , governments of Suzhou , Wuxi and Changzhou compete with each other furiously all the time , especially in favorable policies 、 local public goods 、 talent introduction and so on .

  10. 她管理着诸如LVMH、惠普、蒙牛乳业、招商银行,诺基亚和索尼等大客户。

    Under her charge were major clients such as LVMH , HP , Mengniu Dairies , China Merchants Bank , Nokia and Sony .

  11. “7月份时,我们交易大厅里的人还很少,”中国招商证券(chinamerchantssecurities)某营业部经理蔡浩宁(音译)表示:“但是过去10天里,又热了。”

    " In July the number of people on our trading floor was thin , " said Cai Haoning , manager of a branch of China Merchants Securities in Shanghai . " But in the last 10 days the heat has been back on again . "

  12. 通过对基于CORBA、分布式和Agent等技术的分析,结合模糊聚类分析、专家系统、决策支持等技术,构成了招商管理和办公自动化的集成系统模型。

    The CORBA technology , distributed technology and agent , combined with fuzzy cluster , OA system , expert system and decision support technology , has been analyzed . The integration system model is proposed and successfully applied in investment introduce management system .

  13. 18个月前,这家英国公司赢得了中国招商银行(CMB)的一项合同,将为该行在上海外滩设计一座高200米的总部大楼,目前这个项目已在建设之中。

    Eighteen months ago the UK-based group won the contract to design a 200-metre high headquarters for China Merchants Bank on Shanghai 's Bund , which is under construction .

  14. 根据DCI的特点,目前两岸DCI的合作、对接,福建可由招商引资模式提升为项目带动模式。

    On the basis of DCI 's peculiarity , when considering cross-strait DCI cooperation , Fujian can upgrade her pattern from investment mode to the project led mode .

  15. 中国内地银行处于全球估值最高银行之列。以2007年预期收益计算,它们的市净率从中国银行(BoC)的2.59倍,到招商银行的4.9倍不等。

    Chinese banks are some of the most expensive in the world , with price to book valuations ( based on 2007 estimated earnings ) ranging from Bank of China 's 2.59 times to CMB 's 4.9 times .

  16. 但彭博(Bloomberg)的数据显示,投资者正为新兴市场银行付出越来越高的溢价。在全球市值最大的50家银行中,招商银行的市净率排名第一,为4.3倍。

    But investors are attaching a growing premium to emerging markets banks , led by China Merchants , the most highly rated of the biggest 50 banks by market capitalisation , on a multiple of 4.3 , according to Bloomberg data .

  17. 在银行业中,建设银行于2002年率先在部分分行尝试建立EVA绩效管理体系,兴业银行、工商银行、招商银行等股份制商业银行也不同程度地进行了探索。

    In the banking sector , the Construction Bank in 2002 , took the lead in some branches of trying to establish EVA Performance Management System , Industrial Bank , Industrial and Commercial Bank , China Merchants Bank and other joint-stock commercial banks have also been explored to varying degrees .

  18. CMICT码头(招商国际集装箱码头)土石方工程开挖量约590万m3,爆区周边有玻璃厂和300多幢年代不同、结构不等的村民房屋。

    About 5.9 millions m ~ 3 of rock were blasted in the excavation of CMICT ( China Merchants International Container Terminal ) Dock . Near the blast area there are a glass factory and about 300 village houses with different structures and ages .

  19. 新形势下吉林市招商引资工作探析

    The Investment Promotion Practice of Jilin City under the New Circumstances

  20. 开发区招商项目优劣的综合评价

    Study on the synthetically evaluation in attracting project in development area

  21. 贵州对外招商引资宣传策划及组织实施研究

    Studies on the Publicity Planning and Implementation of Guizhou Attracting Investment

  22. 招商网络电子商务系统的架构研究

    The design and research of electronic commerce system based on investment

  23. 辽阳市政府招商引资工作中存在的问题及对策研究

    The Study on the Strategy of Investment Promotion in Liaoyang City

  24. --积极做好招商引资工作。

    Actively implement the task of attracting merchants and luring investments .

  25. 当前形势下招商银行的国际化战略分析

    A Study on the Current Internationalization Strategy of China Merchants Bank

  26. 招商引资奖励办法(试行)

    The Measures for Rewarding Investment Attractors ( for Trial Implementation )

  27. 论外商的再投资招商引资优惠政策

    POINTS ON FOREIGN REINVESTMENT Preferential Policy on Attracting Business and Investment

  28. 哈尔滨女装招商所以,婚后一起的时间也不多。

    So , don 't have much time together after marriage .

  29. 第五,对新区招商引资工作影响较大。

    Fifthly , influence to the investment promotion and capital introduction .

  30. 市政府采取各种措施招商。

    The city government takes many measures to invite investment .