
  1. 第四章,公共工程招投标监管机制改革的对策和建议。

    Explain the principles , ideas and countermeasures of public project biding supervision mechanism reform .

  2. 如何提高公路建设项目招投标监管工作质量

    How to Enhance Quality of Supervision Work in Inviting and Entering Bids with Highway Construction

  3. 招投标监管主体包含监管者、被监管者以及除此之外的第三方;客体包含监管项目本身以及所依存的外部环境。

    Tendering supervision subject contains the regulators , the regulated members third-party ; Object contains the project itself and external environment .

  4. 其主要原因之一是招投标监管机制不健全,政府监管不到位。

    One of the main reasons is that tendering supervision mechanism is not perfect and the government supervision is not in position .

  5. 基于上述实证结果,针对招投标监管效果影响因素中的重要因素,进行深入分析,提出改进招投标监管效果的有效措施。

    Based on empirical evidence , have a profound analysis of the important factors influencing of effectiveness of tendering supervision and proposed effective measures to improve tendering regulatory effect .

  6. 本文得出的主要结论是:1.招投标监管各方参与者是一种为了经济利益或社会效益进行的博弈,目的是招投标组织者以最小政府资金的投入,实现公共工程社会效益或经济效益的最大化。

    The main conclusions in this article are : First , each participant in the tendering supervision play an economic or social interests game . The purpose is that tendering organizers use least government fund input and achieve the maximization of the social or economic efficiency .

  7. 政府对建设工程招投标的监管是必要的,但政府自身的行为必须规范化。

    While it is necessary for the state to supervise private bids and state granting of construction contracts , such state management must be standardized .

  8. 文章从招投标方式、政府监管制度、代建单位水平3方面剖析目前政府投资项目实行代建制面临的成本控制问题和风险,并提出相应保险措施。

    This article analyzes the cost control problems and risks involved in government invested construction projects from the aspects of tender invitation and bidding , government supervision system and construction manager-agent organization 's competence and proposes relevant insurance suggestions .