
zhāo ɡǔ shuō mínɡ shū
  • see also 招股书
  1. 细细研读苹果首次公开发行(IPO)招股说明书,其中的数字令人瞠目结舌。

    Peruse Apple 's initial public offering prospectus , and the numbers are startling .

  2. 5月中旬,在facebook修改招股说明书,以反映第一季度增长放缓后,他们调降了业绩预测。

    They reduced their forecasts in mid-May after Facebook revised its prospectus to reflect slowing growth in the first quarter .

  3. 法院卷宗中称:(Facebook的)登记声明和招股说明书中包含对重要事实的虚假陈述。

    The [ Facebook ] registration statement and prospectus contained untrue statements of material facts , the court filing claims .

  4. 多家美国律所开始调查阿里巴巴,原因是其未能在IPO招股说明书中披露与国家工商总局召开会议的内容。

    A number of US law firms are investigating Alibaba for its failure to disclose the SAIC meeting in its IPO prospectus .

  5. 保诚仍须获得英国上市管理局(uklistingauthority)对其招股说明书的最后批准,后者通常在5天之内批准此类文件的新版本。

    The Pru still has to get final approval on its prospectus from the UK listing authority , which has a target of approving new versions of such documents within five days .

  6. 随着人民币升值,安踏体育用品有限公司(AntaSports)去年7月份上市招股说明书中的一个小细节,给这家中国公司带来了一个当初未曾意料到的头痛问题。

    A small detail in Anta Sports ' listing prospectus last July has yielded an unexpected headache for the Chinese sportswear company as the value of the renminbi rises .

  7. 摩根士丹利回应称,修改后的招股说明书面向所有投资者公布,该行遵循了在IPO之前对客户作出提醒这一正常程序。

    Morgan Stanley has responded that the revised prospectus was disseminated to all investors , and that the bank followed its normal procedures for speaking to clients ahead of an IPO .

  8. 在长达1600多页的IPO招股说明书中,近40年来一直为私人所有的嘉能可,首次披露了公司的所有权结构。

    The IPO prospectus – at more than 1,600 pages – has for the first time revealed the ownership structure of Glencore , which for nearly 40 years has been privately owned .

  9. 彭博通讯社(Bloomberg)报道称,工行将请求监管机构豁免一些信息披露方面的规定,以便使内地的招股说明书符合香港的相关规定。

    Bloomberg reported that ICBC would ask regulators for waivers on some of disclosure rules in order to make the mainland prospectus compatible with Hong Kong rules .

  10. 预计曾希望在圣诞节前完成ipo的俄铝将于本月登记招股说明书,之后,它将有30天的时间启动其具有里程碑意义的ipo。

    Rusal , which had hoped to complete its IPO before Christmas , is now expected to register its prospectus this month , after which it will have 30 days to launch the landmark IPO .

  11. 他说,在过去两年里,有些公司在香港上市后出现了严重问题,这说明它们的ipo招股说明书未能如实反映公司的财务健康状况。

    Over the past two years several companies have floated shares in Hong Kong and then suffered significant problems , he said , suggesting that their IPO prospectuses failed to give a true picture of their health .

  12. 这是因为,IPO公司的招股说明书中对这方面的信息披露十分有限,而且也很难通过其他的途径获取这些信息。第三,研究方法的局限性。

    This is because the information in this regard , the IPO prospectus disclosure is very limited , but it is difficult to obtain this information through other means . Third , the limitations of the method .

  13. 阿里巴巴是电子商务公司阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)的在线商务上市子公司,通过其网站将中国的制造商与批发商撮合在一起。阿里巴巴在招股说明书中称,公司将以10至12港元的价格发行8.589亿股股票,占扩大后股本的17%。

    Alibaba.com , which matches Chinese manufacturers with wholesale buyers through its website , will sell 858.9m shares , or 17 per cent of its enlarged share capital , at a price between HK $ 10 and HK $ 12 , according to its preliminary prospectus .

  14. 实际上,按照Fitbit的IPO招股说明书所示,该公司的5个战略目标之一是“进一步渗透企业福利市场”。

    Indeed , one of Fitbit 's five strategic goals is to " further penetrate the corporate wellness market , " according to its IPO prospectus .

  15. 该公司还投资了私家车搭乘服务应用Lyft和游戏制造商Kabam,不过招股说明书只提到了ShopRunner。

    It also has invested in taxi-killer Lyft and game maker Kabam , but only ShopRunner earned the prospectus mention .

  16. 据招股说明书披露的内部估算,今年4月阿里巴巴对自身估值高达1210亿美元,不过,IPO的最终估值可能受到内部业绩、以及市场与投资者对一场跨三大洲路演的反应的影响。

    According to its internal estimates disclosed in the prospectus , Alibaba in April valued itself at up to $ 121bn , though the final valuations at its IPO could be swayed by internal performance , the market and investor reaction to a roadshow spanning three continents .

  17. 根据上周五递交的招股说明书,这家总部位于上海的公司计划在纽约证券交易所上市,股票交易代码为“BILI”。

    The Shanghai-based company plans to list on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol BILI , according to the prospectus filed last Friday .

  18. 徽商银行和其他金融上市企业的表现正受到市场的密切关注。不久之后,中国一家“坏银行”——中国信达资产管理公司(Cinda)将于11月22日发布招股说明书,计划通过IPO融资20亿美元。

    The performances of Huishang and of the other financial listings are being closely watched ahead of the planned $ 2bn IPO of Chinese " bad bank " Cinda , which is due to file its prospectus on November 22 .

  19. 比如,阿里巴巴的招股说明书中唯一提到的美国投资,是收购了ShopRunner公司39%的股权。该公司的服务与亚马逊金牌会员服务(AmazonPrime)非常类似,其创始人曾经创建过亚马逊的竞争对手GSICommerce公司,后者如今已被易趣(eBay)收购。

    For instance , the only U.S. investment it discussed in its I.P.O. filing was the 39 % stake it took in ShopRunner , an Amazon Prime-like service founded by the same team that started an Amazon competitor called GSI Commerce , now part of eBay .

  20. 招股说明书是上市公司信息披露制度最重要法律文件。

    The prospectus is the most important instrument of legal document .

  21. 招股说明书中虚假陈述的民事赔偿责任与法律救济

    Civil Compensation Liability and Legal Relief of False Statement in Prospectus

  22. 出版商们准备发布一份1000页的招股说明书。

    Printing presses were ready to spew out the1,000-page prospectus .

  23. 更让人担心的是那些招股说明书上没有列出的。

    What is more concerning is what is not included .

  24. 应该,只要招股说明书正确反映了其中的危险。

    Yes , as long as the prospectus correctly reflects the dangers .

  25. 以募集方式设立公司的,还须提交招股说明书。

    Prospectus , if the company is established through subscription .

  26. 深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司人民币特种股票(B股)招股说明书

    Prospectus of Victor onward textile industrial co. , Ltd

  27. 单纯依赖招股说明书风险很大。

    Relying on a prospectus alone is a big risk , he says .

  28. 制定高质量的招股说明书披露准则是证券市场规范化发展的重要方面。

    Enacting high quality prospectus criterions is an elementary requirement of standardization of stock market .

  29. 在这家券商长达300页的招股说明书中,有很大一部分讨论了其业务面临的主要风险。

    Much of the broker 's 300-page prospectus discusses the main risks to its business .

  30. 他们中多数人尚未审议招股说明书中的所有财务信息。

    Most had yet to plough through all of the financial information contained in the prospectus .