
bài fǎng
  • visit;be on a visit;call on;see;pay a visit;come around;go round;call to pay respects
拜访 [bài fǎng]
  • (1) [visit]∶敬词,看望并谈话

  • 天刚交黑时去拜访了几位朋友

  • (2) [call on]∶短时间看望

  • (赵秀才)一早去拜访那历来也不相能的钱洋鬼子。--《阿Q正传》

拜访[bài fǎng]
  1. 改日再来府上拜访。

    I 'll pay a visit to your home some other day .

  2. 我需要同意这个计划的每个人通过手机,发送电子邮件,在tweet上发帖,拜访,并提醒你在华盛顿的代表。

    I need everyone who agrees with this plan to get on the phone , send an email , tweet , pay a visit , and remind your representatives in Washington who they work for .

  3. 这是社交性的拜访,还是业务性的?

    Is this a social visit , or is it business ?

  4. 我去拜访时,他不在家。

    He was out when I called to see him .

  5. 我在城里的时候将去拜访你。

    I 'll pay you a call when I 'm in town .

  6. 我最近无缘去拜访他。

    I 've had no occasion to visit him recently .

  7. 她每个星期天都来拜访,没有哪一次不带礼物。

    She visited every Sunday and never arrived empty-handed .

  8. 我们星期天要去拜访我的姻亲。

    We 're visiting my in-laws on Sunday .

  9. 他拜访了住在河畔避暑别墅的亲戚。

    He visited relatives at their summer house on the river .

  10. 我正下决心准备去拜访时,西蒙来了。

    I was steeling myself to call round when Simon arrived .

  11. 总统对明仁天皇进行了礼节性的拜访。

    The President paid a courtesy call on Emperor Akihito .

  12. 有外星人拜访了他们。

    They have been visited by creatures from outer space .

  13. 她带他们去拜访她那些不苟言笑的表兄表姐们。

    She took them to visit her sedate , elderly cousins

  14. 只要她在那一带,她总会去拜访教区牧师。

    She always called at the vicarage whenever she was in the area

  15. 人们过去每天都来拜访他。

    People used to come and visit him every day

  16. 劳伦斯·沃特斯代替不幸生病的约翰·特雷休伊来拜访我们。

    Laurence Waters visited us in place of John Trethewy who was unfortunately ill

  17. 我会设法登门拜访,问他几个问题。

    I 'll try to look him up , ask him a few questions

  18. 你想要谁来拜访你都可以。

    You can have whoever you like to visit you

  19. 索菲娅打算去拜访基茨小姐。

    Sofia was intending to call on Miss Kitts .

  20. 她一天的大部分时间都用来拜访在爱丁堡的朋友了。

    She spent most of the day dropping in on friends in Edinburgh .

  21. 埃塞克斯的警察再次拜访了他们。

    They had another visitation from Essex police .

  22. 这是我一周内第3次拜访,这说明了一切。

    This is my third visit in a week , which says it all .

  23. 没有直接提及外交部长的拜访。

    No direct reference was made to the call by the Foreign Office minister .

  24. 预防犯罪的官员可以登门拜访并就如何使居所更安全向你提出建议。

    Crime Prevention Officers can visit your home and suggest ways to make it safer .

  25. 他下了汽车,继续带着文件四处拜访。

    He got out of the car , and carried on with his paper round .

  26. 我现在要去教区牧师家拜访,然后适时向你汇报情况。

    I 'll now call at the vicarage and report to you in due course .

  27. 这就是劳埃德·格罗斯曼拜访名人家庭的那档节目。

    This is the show in which Loyd Grossman visits the houses of the famous .

  28. 迈克去拜访了他们。

    Mike went round to see them .

  29. 如果您不方便出门,可以安排专业顾问登门拜访。

    If you are housebound , you can arrange for a home visit from a specialist adviser .

  30. 这位老太太脾气还是那么犟,但至少她已经同意接受此次拜访。

    The old lady was still being ornery , but at least she had consented to this visit .