
  • 网络antagonistic microorganisms;antagonistic microbe
  1. 土壤拮抗微生物对几种草莓病原菌的拮抗作用测试

    Bioassay of antagonistic microorganisms from soil against several strawberry disease-causing agents

  2. 目前,从土壤中筛选拮抗微生物来防治病害逐渐成为研究的热点课题。

    At present , the screening of antagonistic microorganisms from soil to prevent and treat Watermelon fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum , has gradually become one hot topic of research .

  3. 水稻稻瘟病菌(Pyriculariagrisea)拮抗微生物的研究

    Study on the Antagonistic Microorganism of Pyricularia Grisea

  4. 松树两种病原菌拮抗微生物的筛选

    Screening of Antagonistic Microbes to Two Kinds of Pine Trees Pathogens

  5. 利用拮抗微生物防治中药材土传病害研究进展

    Progress on the control of medicinal plants soil-borne disease by anti-microorganism

  6. 烟草主要土传病害拮抗微生物菌株的筛选

    Isolation and Screening of Antagonistic Microorganism Strains Against Major Soil-borne Diseases on Tobacco

  7. 拮抗微生物对茄根腐病菌的抑制作用

    Effects Inhibition of Antagonistic Microbes on Fusarium solani

  8. 拮抗微生物对灰葡萄孢菌的生物防治作用及其应用前景

    Bio - control Effect of Anti - fungal Microorganism for Botrytis Cinerea and its Application Prospect

  9. 烟草赤星病菌拮抗微生物的筛选及其对病原的抑制作用

    Screening of antagonistic microorganism against tobacco brown spot disease and its inhibitory action on the pathogen

  10. 目前发现的拮抗微生物中,木霉菌是最有希望的生防因子。

    At present , the Trichoderma which is found in antagonistic microbes is the most promising biocontrol factor .

  11. 由于常规防治方法存在着一些弊端,利用拮抗微生物进行生物防治是一种行之有效的办法。

    Since the conventional control methods have some drawbacks , biological control method is becoming a high effective way .

  12. 厦门海区潮间带海洋动植物共附生拮抗微生物的分布

    Distribution of Symbiotic and Epiphyte Antibiotic Microorganisms Associated with Marine Organisms in the Intertidal Zone of Xiamen Sea Area

  13. 茄根腐病致病病原&茄病镰孢菌及其蓝色变种的分离与鉴定拮抗微生物对茄根腐病菌的抑制作用

    Isolation and Identification of Fusarium Solani and Fusarium Solani var. Coeruleum & Pathogens of Eggplant Root Rot Effects Inhibition of Antagonistic Microbes on Fusarium solani

  14. 植物真菌病害是植物病害中最严重的一种病害,是造成农业损失的主要原因之一,应用拮抗微生物对植物真菌病害进行生物防治具有巨大的应用前景。

    Plant fungal disease is one of the most serious plant diseases and causes huge agricultural loss . Application of antagonistic microorganisms for biological control of plant fungal disease has great prospects .

  15. 过去沿用的生物防治措施的原理是通过拮抗微生物分泌的抗生素或水解酶来杀死病原物,或通过营养竞争影响病原物的繁殖和生长。

    Biological control used to be thought as antagonism against the pathogen via production of antibiotics or hydrolytic enzymes , or through competition for nutrients to inhibit multiplication and growth of the pathogen .

  16. 利用土壤拮抗性微生物防治人参锈腐病

    Studies on the Control of Cylindrocarpon destructans of Ginseng by Soil Antagonistic Microbes

  17. 在发生黄瓜连作障碍的土壤上施用含有特殊拮抗菌株的微生物有机肥后,可以缓解病原菌对植株水分生理代谢的影响。

    The application of microbial organic fertilizers in continuous cropping soil could alleviate the effects of pathogeny on plant water absorption and transportation . 2 .

  18. 概述并讨论了果实成熟的调控、气调贮藏、拮抗性病原微生物、热处理、辐射处理、可食性被膜、果实品质的非破坏性测定等果实采后操作研究内容。

    Some fruit postharvest manipulation aspects , including regulation of fruit ripening , controlled atmosphere storage , antagonistic microorganisms , heat treatment , irradiation treatment , editable coating , and nondestructive measurement of internal fruit quality are reviewed and discussed in this paper .

  19. 从堆肥中筛选高效拮抗菌株为功能微生物菌剂的开发提供新途径。

    These findings indicated that efficient antagonistic strains chose from the compost provide new approach for the development of functional microbial agents .