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  1. 提出一种基于计算机视觉的,以及改进的模糊C均值聚类算法的机器人多指手预抓取模式分类方法。

    A pre-grasp pattern classification method based on the computer vision and the improved fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm is introduced .

  2. 本文主要进行排牙多指手的结构设计与多指手抓取规划的研究,并应用高级编程语言在WINDOWSnt平台上对排牙多指手进行了运动仿真。

    This article mainly studies on the structural design and the grasp plan of multi-fingered hand and applies advanced program language to simulate multi-fingered hand on the Windows NT platform .

  3. 多指手操作系统的运动学通解及活动性分析

    General Kinematic Solution and Mobility Analysis of Multi-fingered Hand Manipulation System

  4. 基于物体目标阻抗的多指手协调混合阻抗控制的研究

    Coordinated Hybrid Impedance Control of Multifingered Hand Based on Object Impedance

  5. 排牙多指手抓取操作的仿真

    Simulation of the Array-tooth Grasp Operation of a Multi-finger Hand

  6. 基于非完整运动规划的多指手灵巧操作

    Dexterous manipulation of multifingered hand based on nonholonomic motion planning

  7. 绳牵引并联机构与多指手抓取的连接关系

    On the Connections Between Wire-Driven Parallel Manipulators and Multi-Finger Grasping

  8. 机器人多指手协调操作中的约束运动及规划

    Constrained Motion and Planning in Coordination of Multifinger Robot Hands

  9. 具有滚动接触的多指手操作运动学及其算法

    The kinematics and its algorithm for multi-fingered hand manipulation with rolling contacts

  10. 身体运动不熟练,特别是指手。

    Not skillful in physical movement especially with the hands .

  11. 约束环境中多指手操作的鲁棒控制

    Robust Control for Multi-fingered Hand Manipulation in a Constrained Environment

  12. 提出了一种设计仿生多指手的新的方法。

    It provided a new way to design the bionic multi-finger hand .

  13. 基于支持向量机的机器人多指手预抓取模式分类

    Method of Pre-grasp Classification of Multiple Fingers Based on Support Vector Machine

  14. 实验证明该算法提高了多指手操作控制精度。

    Experiments demonstrated that this control scheme could improve the operating precision .

  15. 机器人多指手的控制与传感器技术

    The control and sensor technology of multi - fingered hand

  16. 提出了一种新的多指手位置/力矩控制策略。

    A new position / torque control strategy for multi-fingered hand is proposed .

  17. 基于任务适应性的多指手抓取规划

    Grasp Planning for Multi-fingered Hand Based on Task Compatibility

  18. 多指手的操作灵巧性设计

    Design of multi - fingered hand with manipulating dexterity

  19. 机器人多指手抓取中的规划问题

    A survey of grasp planning for Multifingered Robot Hands

  20. 一种基于强化学习的多指手位置控制方法

    Position Control of Multi-fingered Hand Based on Reinforcement Learning

  21. 机器人多指手自主抓取规划研究

    Study on Autonomous Grasp Planning for Multifingered Hands

  22. 拟人多指手模块化设计

    Modular Design of Humanoid Multi - finger Hand

  23. 探讨了多指手操作系统运动学通解的构造及活动性分析问题。

    A new inverse kinematics of redundant manipulator based on fuzzy RBF neural network ;

  24. 机器人多指手抓取动态稳定性分析

    Dynamic stability analysis of robotic multi-fingered hand grasp

  25. 多指手操作:运动学算法和实验

    Multifingered hand manipulation : kinematic algorithms and experiments

  26. 基于强化学习的多指手控制方法,该方法将反馈控制与强化学习相结合。

    The former one is a new approach combining reinforcement learning with feedback control .

  27. 面向任务的三指手机器人抓取规划研究

    A research of three-fingers robotic grasping plan

  28. 多指手的协调控制

    The Coordinated Control of a Multifingered Hand

  29. HIT/DLR多指手抓取操作研究

    Multi-fingered manipulation with HIT / DLR hand

  30. 研究多指手滚动操作的运动学及其算法。

    The kinematics and its algorithm for multi fingered hand manipulation with rolling contacts are investigated .