
  1. 下周控辩双方律师将进行结案陈词。

    Prosecution and defense lawyers are expected to deliver closing arguments next week .

  2. 违反法律规定限制或者剥夺被追诉者辩护权,严重扭曲控辩双方的对抗关系。

    Limit or deprive of defendant 's rights of defending .

  3. 最后,控辩双方攻防能力相当。

    Lastly , both sides have equivalent competing abilities to accuse and defend .

  4. 所以法院和控辩双方的观点都不准确。

    So the courts and the prosecution and defense point of view is not accurate .

  5. 通过此一系列的措施,使控辩双方的力量达到平衡,促进刑事诉讼文明的发展。

    Through this series of measures , the power of prosecution and the defense will be balanced .

  6. 其次,这种原因还来自于控辩双方角色的错位带来的负面影响。

    Second negative influence caused by wrong roles of parties of prosecution and defense is another reason .

  7. 控辩双方交叉询问质证程序;

    Cross - examination procedure ;

  8. 控辩双方的证明责任转换的关节点是法官证明评价的形成,这和控辩双方证明责任的性质密切相关。

    The key point on the shifting of burden is the judge 's evaluation of to the proofs .

  9. 第二,控辩双方应均可提出被害人陈述提交审查。

    Second , controls debates both sides to be possible to propose that the victim states the submission examination .

  10. 当代世界各国普遍采取控辩双方平等对抗,裁判者居中裁判的诉讼格局。

    Contemporary countries generally adopt both sides equal confrontation , and the middle magistrate judge pattern of the proceedings .

  11. 平等武装要求控辩双方在诉讼中的法律地位平等,双方拥有对等的攻防手段。

    Equality of arms requires both parties in the litigation have equal legal status and equal offensive and defensive means .

  12. 法官庭上出示调查证据后,控辩双方有权就证据的证据能力、证明力展开辩论;

    After judge shows investigation evidence on courtroom , both sides have rights to debate about evidence ability and proof force ;

  13. 第二部分主要提出了本案中控辩双方乃至司法实践与理论界的意见分歧。

    The second part is mainly present the deferent opinion of prosecution and defense as well as judicial practice and theory .

  14. 新的法官,新的陪审团以及新的控辩双方律师将会为您带来怎样的新的事实?

    What new facts would be brought by the new judges , new jury and the new attorneys of the prosecution and the defense ?

  15. 其二,力图建立控辩双方平等对抗的诉讼机制;

    The second is the establishment of the action mechanism that the prosecuting party and defending party have the equal rights in the confrontation .

  16. 证明责任的上述分配实际上根源于实体法领域犯罪构成的推定机能,正是这种推定机能使得证明责任在控辩双方之间进行了合理地分配。

    The above rules about the burden of proof actually stem from the function of presumption which is owned by the constitution of crimes .

  17. 如何在控辩双方之间合理地分配证明责任,会对争议案件的诉讼结果产生决定性的影响。

    How to distribute the criminal burden of proof reasonably between the accuser and the accused will fatefully affect the outcome of dispute cases .

  18. 证据展示是在庭审前控辩双方交换证据、相互获取有关案件信息的制度。

    Discovery is a system that the defender and accuser can exchange evidences and get some relevant information from each other before the trial .

  19. 控辩双方任何一方提出的上诉,都有可能沿着联邦法院系统一直往上走,成为重要的判例法。

    And an appeal by either side has the potential to work its way through the federal court system to become significant case law .

  20. 在奉行当事人主义的英美法系国家中,法官需要在听取控辩双方充分辩论的基础上作出判决。

    In common law countries with adversarial systems , the judge basis his or her ruling on the arguments of the prosecutor and defense lawyer .

  21. 控辩双方达成协议后,法官就不再对该案件进行实质性审判,而只需要根据辩诉交易的内容作出判决即可。

    Once an agreement is reached , the judge may make the decision based on the results of the plea bargain and the agreed-upon facts .

  22. 控辩双方的质证能力和质证水平不高,需注重方法,讲究技巧。

    The capacity and level of cross-examination between the prosecuting and defending parties is not high , needing to pay attention to the method and skills .

  23. 本部分的重点在于考虑目前各方面条件制约的情况下构建控辩双方介入、书面审与开庭审相结合的复核方式。

    The focus of this part is to construct the combined way under the limited conditions , which will involve both the defense and the prosecution .

  24. 其次,在制度上保障律师平等参与刑事审判,增强其防御能力,并且加大对控方的制约,使控辩双方围绕案件事实和适用法律进行充分辩论,这是辩护意见采纳的关键。

    Next , safeguards attorney equally participation criminal trial , full debate with the prosecution , this is the key of judge accepts the defense opinion .

  25. 而刑事证据特权规则对于平衡刑事诉讼控辩双方的诉讼地位有一定的积极作用。

    Rules of criminal evidence and privilege in criminal proceedings have definitely positive effects for the balance of the status of both the defense and prosecution .

  26. 直接、言词审理原则符合现代诉讼结构,有助于保障控辩双方诉讼地位平等。

    Principle of Direct Verbal Trial accords with the principles of modern proceedings structure , and helps to guarantee the equal status between prosecution and defense .

  27. 在囚徒困境中,控辩双方所形成的纳什均衡并不是双方受益最大的选择,不能形成帕累托最优。

    Controls in the convict difficult position debates Nash who both sides form balanced is not the both sides maximum gain choice , cannot form Pareto optimum .

  28. 其价值体现在:它可以增强辩方的防御能力,是形式上保持控辩双方对抗格局的重要因素,有利于维护刑事诉讼构造平衡;

    Its value lies in strengthening defendants ′ defensive ability , forming the antagonistic condition of the two sides , maintaining the balanced structure of the criminal litigation .

  29. 外人对控辩双方的辩论细节了解甚少,多数媒体只能得到官方的新闻稿,其内容重复,往往一字不差。

    The details of what was said for and against the defendant are scant , dictated to most media by the official press release and often repeated verbatim .

  30. 在控辩双方势均力敌的情况下,有一个因素可能会使陪审团偏向起诉方,即公众对华尔街和美国企业界的强烈反感情绪。

    One factor that could tip the jury in the prosecution 's favour in a close case is the harsh public sentiment against Wall Street and corporate America .