
qián kè
  • broker;middleman
掮客 [qián kè]
  • [broker] 为买主与卖主之间签订买卖(如房地产、货物或证券)契约(合同)收取手续费或佣金的人;类似于或比喻为这类人的人

  • 政治掮客

掮客[qián kè]
  1. 他没什么原则,只是个政治掮客。

    He has no principles ; he 's just a political broker .

  2. 诉讼掮客问题刍议关于EVA贴现模型的探讨

    A Discussion on the Issue of Litigation Broker

  3. 但是这个名为ProductHunt的网站却得到了硅谷最有影响力的权力掮客们的关注,最近更是从他们那里获得了真金白银的投资。

    That site , called Product Hunt , has captured the attention , and as of today , the investment dollars , of Silicon Valley 's most influential power brokers .

  4. 《星报》声称CBC著名主持人埃文所罗门(EvanSolomon)违规担任艺术品交易掮客,遭CBC解雇。

    CBC host Evan Solomon fired after Star investigation finds he took secret cut of art deals .

  5. 三月底,这部根据乔治·马丁的奇幻小说《冰与火之歌》(ASongofIceandFire)改编的电视剧迎来了第三季的首播。在此,不妨让我们来看看剧中的敌我对手、权力掮客和阴谋家们。

    As we prepare for Sunday 's third season premiere , let 's consider the rival claimants , power brokers , and schemers in the show based on George R.R. Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire book series .

  6. 英模文化ESEE是中国范围最大的专业中外籍模特掮客公司。

    ESEE is the largest professional model agency in China , which represent numerous Chinese and foreign models .

  7. 事实上,尼斯副市长、蓝色海岸地区的政治掮客克里斯蒂安•埃斯特罗西(ChristianEstrosi)就一再表示,海滩上女性遮盖身体是一种挑衅——不管是用布基尼还是大T恤,长裤还是穆斯林头巾——它们暗含着对法国秩序的挑战。

    Indeed , the deputy mayor of Nice , Christian Estrosi , who is a political power broker on the Cote d'Azur , has repeatedly referred to the covering of women on the beach - whether in a burkini or a large T-shirt , pants and hijab - as a provocation , suggesting a challenge to the French order .

  8. 房地产掮客在出售这幢房子时敲了鲍勃一笔竹杠。

    The estate agent did Bob down over selling the house .

  9. 过去,华盛顿只有几个权势掮客。

    Once Washington had only a handful of power brokers .

  10. 但我可以告诉你戴维恩是一个黑市掮客。

    But I can tell you that davian 's a black-market trafficker .

  11. 传统的股票掮客已被使用复杂电脑程序的交易人代替。

    Traditional stock pickersare being replaced by traders using sophisticated computer programs .

  12. 他说,英国人宁愿扮演掮客的角色。

    The British , he said , always preferred the role of brokers .

  13. 在本质上,政府就像一个商业掮客。

    In essence , the government was acting as a broker for business .

  14. 当饥荒构成威胁时,报纸会向政治掮客们发出警报。

    When famines threatened , newspapers alerted the powerbrokers .

  15. 19世纪晚期中国的西方技术掮客

    Brokers of Western technology in late nineteenth century China

  16. 那个拉皮条的又开始在海滩上掮客了。

    That pimp starter Castle up the beach .

  17. 论代理人的佣金请求权诉讼掮客问题刍议

    On Claim for Commission of Agent A Discussion on the Issue of Litigation Broker

  18. 她是一个国际情报掮客。

    She 's an international intelligence broker .

  19. 交易掮客相信,贝恩资本处于优势地位,因为该公司与华为关系密切。

    Dealmakers believe Bain is in pole position , given its close relationship with Huawei .

  20. 而纽约的地产掮客会全程陪着客户满城转。

    In New York , brokers will travel all over the city with their client .

  21. 簇拥着幕僚和权力掮客

    surrounded by courtiers and power brokers .

  22. 我只知道他是个掮客,口袋里有好几本帐。

    All I know is that he is a broker with several accounts in his pocket .

  23. 和很多华盛顿政治掮客关系密切。

    With several Washington power brokers .

  24. 她对于人们听到她是劳埃德船舶协会掮客时的反应一笑置之。

    She laughs about people 's reaction to hearing that she is a lloyd 's broker .

  25. 除此之外,老马还给他介绍了一批倒卖外币和黄金的掮客。

    In addition , Old Ma introduced Yu to several dealers and brokers of foreign currencies and gold .

  26. 大批供过于求的说客、律师、政治顾问、公共关系专家和信息掮客开业。

    A plethora lobbyists , lawyers , political consultants , public relations specialists and information brokers set up shop .

  27. 校园里的情形跟本州的一样,有竞选官职的人,有政治掮客,有后台老板,也有“组织”。

    The campus had its candidates , its managers , its bosses , its machines , as had the state .

  28. 对于掮客们来说,最不可缺少的个人条件是外交技巧和平衡多种不同利益的能力。

    For the brokers , the most indispensable personal qualities were rather diplomatic skills and the ability to balance several different interests .

  29. 报告说,权力掮客之间也在相互借力:石油大亨的钱流进了对冲基金,对冲基金的钱投进了石油资产,如此等等。

    Their growth , the analysts add , is'mutually reinforcing'as oil barons put their petrodollars in hedge funds , and so on .

  30. 民主党普通党员普遍支持菅直人。他的竞争对手小泽一郎是老练的政治掮客,获得了民主党议会成员几乎一半的选票。

    His opponent Ozawa , a veteran powerbroker , captured the votes of nearly half of the DPJ 's members of parliament .