
wò lì
  • grip;the power of gripping
握力[wò lì]
  1. 术前饮食不良患者血磷浓度下降尤为明显。补磷组患者的血磷、白细胞介素2及握力水平较对照组有明显改善,并发症发生率也较低(P<0.05)。

    The levels of serum phosphate , IL 2 and the power of gripping in the study group increased significantly , the occurrence of complications of this group was also lower than that of the controlled group ( P < 0.05 . )

  2. 低氧环境对60m跑和握力等无氧运动项目的影响不大。

    The hypoxia environment had little effects on the time of 60m run , the power of gripping and other no & oxygen sports .

  3. 结果A组患者的体重、握力较C组显著增加(P<0.05);

    Results The body weight and hand grip force of A group were higher than that of C group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 结果(1)替代治疗后,睾酮水平明显升高,第二性征明显发育,身高、握力、血红蛋白显著增加(P值均<0.05);

    Results ( 1 ) The serum testosterone , penile growth , height , hand wrest strength , and hemoglobin were increased after androgen replacement ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 目的:设计一种在上肢握力负荷的同时再增加下肢等长运动负荷方法即增强的等长运动负荷,并结合超声心动图对冠心病(CAD)进行初步研究,探讨其检测冠心病的价值。

    Objective : To investigate the diagnostic value of enhanced isometric exercise and stress echocardiography in patients with coronary artery disease ( CAD ) by designing a new instrument for sustained handgrip .

  6. 握力评分方面,与安慰剂组比较,无统计学意义;但安慰剂组与治疗前比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Between grip strength after treatment and before treatment , the difference was statistically significant ( P0.05 ), but compared with the placebo group there was no statistically significant .

  7. 对TJ系列抓手提供高度紧凑的设计握力。

    The TJ Series Grippers provide high grip force in a compact design .

  8. 指标:心理的疲劳问卷(睡眠情况、症状自评量表及疲劳症状),体能测试(引体向上、立定跳远、100m跑、背肌力、左右手握力)。

    The symptom checklist , the psychological fatigue questionnaire , a sleep questionnaire , and several physical fitness measures were evaluated .

  9. 握力运动对Colles骨折患者桡骨骨量的影响

    Effect of gripping exercise on the radius bone mass of patients with Colles fracture

  10. 并且将PVDF薄膜传感器利用于检测假手的触觉、滑觉信号,提出了自适应调节假手握力系统的解决方案。

    In this paper touch signal and slip signal are detected by PVDF , which is used for adjusting grip of artifiial hand .

  11. 方法对101名化工作业工人进行肌肉骨骼功能(背肌耐力、手握力、躯干柔韧性、腹肌力和肌肉骨骼功能指数)测定和工作能力指数(WAI)测定。

    Methods The musculoskeletal function and work ability index ( WAI ) were tested in 101 workers from CI .

  12. 观察指标包括反应关节炎症表现的疼痛指数、压痛指数、肿胀指数;反应关节功能的双手握力;以及反应病情活动的血沉、C反应蛋白和晨僵时间。

    Observe index including reaction joint inflammation of the pain index , tenderness performance index , the swelling index ; Reaction joint function hands grip ; And reaction condition of activities , blood sedimentation c-reactive protein and morning stiffness of time .

  13. 结果:治疗前与治疗后相比,患者晨僵持续时间、握力、ESR、CRP、RF有统计学意义(P<0.05),患者关节压痛数及关节肿胀数差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    ESR ? CRP ? RF ( P > 0.05 ), There have not statistical significance on the tenderness number of joint and swelling of joint ( P > 0.05 ) .

  14. 与正常学生相比,50m跑和握力没有显著性差异;

    Compared with the normal students , there is not apparent difference in the index of 50-metre-running and gripping power for the deaf-mute students ;

  15. 结果:治疗后除两组关节疼痛个数和莫比可组握力未获显著改善外(P>0.05),其余观察指标均获显著改善(P<0.01或P<0.05)。

    Results : After treatment , all the observed parameters were significantly improved in both groups ( P < 0 01 or P < 0 05 ), except the number of painful joints in both groups and grip strength in mobic group ( P > 0 05 ) .

  16. 65~69岁组和70~74岁组老年男性BMD与握力呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。

    Left heel BMD has a statistically positive correlation with grip strength in 65 ~ 69 a group and 70 ~ 74 a group in elderly men ( P < 0.05 ) .

  17. 结论:Colles骨折小夹板固定后采用握力健身器运动可以预防桡骨骨密度的下降。

    CONCLUSION : Gripping exercise can prevent the decrease of the radius bone density after Colles ' fracture treated with small splint immobilization .

  18. 武汉市选择BMI指数、肺活量/体重指数、握力/体重指数、立定跳远4项指标在中考体育考试中对学生的体质健康状况进行评价是科学的。

    It is scientific for Wuhan City to choose BMI index , vital capactiy / weight index , grip / weight index to evaluate the physical and heathy conditions of students in high school entrance .

  19. 治疗后,患者的晨僵时间、休息痛、关节压痛和双手握力等症状明显改善,而20m步行时间和肿胀关节数无明显改善(P>0.05);

    The morning stiffness , rest pain , hand grip and joint tenderness were obviously relieved , while 20m - walking time and the number of joint with swelling remained unchanged .

  20. 结果,糖尿病高危患者锻炼后,体重、体重指数(BMI)、腰臀比、收缩压和静态心率均显著减少(P<0.05),肺活量、握力、座位体前屈显著增加(P<0.05);

    The result shows that after exercise , the body weight , BMI , waist hip ratio , systolic pressure and heart rate at rest of high risk group of diabetes significantly decrease , while vital capacity , grip strength and seating body anteflexion increases remarkably .

  21. 握力被广泛用于体育科学中作为一项前臂与手部肌力的指标,但简单地以每千克体重的握力(GS/KG)作为指数来衡量不同体型个体的相对水平不尽合理。

    The grip strength ( GS ) is widely used as an indicator of the forearm and hand force in the physical measurement . But it was suggested that GS / KG as an index of relative level of grip strength for individuals with different body mass was unfair .

  22. 试验研究结果表明:一般500kV线路悬垂绝缘子串均可进行倒V型绝缘子串改造;只有当大档距或大高差时,通过采用加强型大握力线夹,也可以进行倒V型绝缘子串改造。

    Test and research result shows that the retrofit of backward V insulators can be carried out for 500 kV suspension insulator string , and when it is big span or high difference , the retrofit of backward V insulators can be through with reinforced type line clamp .

  23. 利用前臂的表面肌电信号和安装在假手指端PVDF传感器所产生的触滑觉信号,形成闭环控制,使假手有握物感觉和具备握力自适应调整能力,实现了对多种不同软硬物体的稳定抓取。

    Relying on superficial myoelectrical signals of the forearm and the tactile and slip signals produced by the PVDF sensor on the finger to form a closed-loop control , the myoelectrical hand has the grasp feeling and can snatch at some kinds of different soft hard objects .

  24. 作者分析了127例口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤患者握力与上臂肌围(AMC)及肌酐身高指数(CHI)的关系,并对其估计术后并发症能力进行了初步的探讨。

    The correlation between hand grip strength ( HGS ), arm muscle circumference ( AMC ) and creatinine-height index ( CHI ) were studied in 127 patients with oral and maxillofacial malignancies . Prediction of postoperative complications by using HGS was also attempted in the patients undergoing surgical treatment .

  25. 民族男生的50m跑、1000m跑、坐位体前屈均优于汉族男生,汉族男生的立定跳远、握力成绩优于民族男生。

    The marks of 50m run , 1000m Run , body bending on seat of college minority nationality boys in Xinjiang are higher than the Han boys , and standing long jump , grip strength performance of minority nationality boys are inferior to the Han boys .

  26. 身体素质指标,包括握力、坐位体前屈、闭眼单腿站立、选择反应时、简单反应时、背力、纵跳、10m×4往返跑、俯卧撑(男)/仰卧起坐(女)等。

    Indexes of body constitution , including grasp force , bend-ahead in sitting , stand up on one leg with eyes closed , choice reaction time simple reaction time , back strength , 10 m × 4 shuttle run , and pushup ( male ) / sit-up ( female ) etc.

  27. 术后平均随访15个月,观察正中神经功能恢复情况,并测定其握力、肌力和正中神经的运动神经传导速度(MNCV)和复合肌肉动作电位(CMAP)的潜伏期和波幅。

    The average follow up period was 15 months . Restoration of median nerve function was evaluated by measuring the grip strength , muscle power , median nerve conduction velocity ( MNCV ) and compound muscle action potential ( CMAP ) .

  28. 结果:治疗0.5a关节疼痛、肿胀、压痛、握力、晨僵症状治疗组均优于对照组(P<0.01)。

    RESULTS : After 0.5 a treatment , the treatment group got better effectiveness than the control group in such symptons as joint pain , swelling , pressing pain , weak holding strength , and morning stiffness ( P < 0.01 ) .

  29. 人掌短肌形态结构与握力的研究

    The Study on Morphological Structure of Palmaris Brevis and Gripping Power

  30. 握力平均达正常侧的75%。

    The grip strength was 75 % of the normal side .