
tánɡ cí ɡānɡ bǎn
  • enameled pressed steel;enameled iron
  1. 地下工程与隧道内装饰材料&开尔搪瓷钢板

    Decorative Material for Substructure Work and Tunnel & Kail Enameled Pressed Steel

  2. 介绍新型建筑装饰材料开尔搪瓷钢板产品的性能特点,地下工程与隧道传统材料分析以及开尔搪瓷钢板在地下工程与隧道应用的适应性。

    The paper introduces the performance and characteristics of a new type of building decorative materials ─ Kail enameled pressed steel , the analysis of substructure work and tunnel traditional material as well as the adaptability of the application of Kail enameled pressed steel in substructure work and tunnel .

  3. 冷轧搪瓷钢板的抗鳞爆性能的研究

    Study on FISH-SCALING resistance of cold rolled steel sheet for enameling

  4. 确定性退火技术含钛超低碳搪瓷钢板的退火工艺

    Annealing Practice of Ti - Stabilized Ultra-Low-Carbon Enamelled Steels

  5. 热轧高强双面搪瓷钢板组织与性能研究

    Study on Microstructure and Property of Hot Rolled High Stength Double-faced Enamelled Plate

  6. 冷轧搪瓷钢板抗鳞爆性能检测方法评述

    Review on test method for fish-scaling resistance of the cold rolled enamel steel sheet

  7. 搪瓷钢板中析出物的测定

    Measurement of Precipitates in Enamelled Steel Sheet

  8. 研究了冷轧超低碳搪瓷钢板的抗鳞爆性能。

    The fish scaling resistance of the ultra low carbon steel sheet for enameling has been studied .

  9. 退火工艺对含钛超低碳搪瓷钢板成型和贮氢性能的影响

    Effect of annealing modes on mechanical properties and hydrogen permeability of Ti-STABILIZED ultra low carbon enameling sheet

  10. 研究了两种不同退火工艺&罩式退火和连续退火工艺对含钛超低碳搪瓷钢板成型性能和贮氢性能的影响。

    The effects of batch annealing ( BA ) and continuous annealing ( CA ) on mechanical properties and hydrogen storage property of ultra-low-carbon enamelled steels were investigated .

  11. 就罩式退火和连续退火工艺对含钛超低碳搪瓷钢板成型性能和贮氢性能的影响进行了研究。结果表明,试验材料经连续退火后其成型性能较罩式退火好;

    The effects of batch annealing ( BA ) and continuous annealing ( CA ) on the formation property and the hydrogen permeability of ultra low carbon enameling sheet were investigated .

  12. 在实验室加工了具有不同稀土、钛和铌含量的冷轧搪瓷钢板,测定了钢板的再结晶温度和模拟退火后钢板的成形性能,并观察了其金相组织,分析了钢中的第二相粒子。

    The cold-rolled enamel sheets were manufactured in laboratory with different content of RE , Ti and Nb , and the recrystallization temperatures , tensile strength were measured after simulation annealing , the microstructure and precipitates were examined .

  13. 搪瓷用钢板适应性研究

    Study on the Adaptability of Sheet Steel for Enamelling

  14. 搪瓷用钢板的综合研究

    A comprehensive study of enamel sheets

  15. 搪瓷用钢板需具有良好的密着性、抗搪烧变形性、抗鳞性等特殊的搪烧工艺性能。

    However the cold rolled sheets used for the household enamel article are not special enamel sheets in the country .

  16. GB/T13790-1992日用搪瓷用冷轧薄钢板和钢带金属薄膜&陶瓷基组件热载屈曲失效

    Cold rolled sheets and strips for civil enameling Buckle-driven delamination of metal film / ceramic substrate systems under thermal loading