
chēng gān
  • arm-tie;bar stay;brace rod;brace strut;pole;strut
撑杆 [chēng gān]
  • [pole] 撑杆跳高用的长杆子,用竹子、合金或玻璃钢等制成

撑杆[chēng gān]
  1. 张弦结构撑杆稳定性的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of the stability of stretching structural brace rod

  2. 撑杆与拱型桁架梁连接处截面是索拱主要的控制截面;

    The major control section of the cable-arch structure is the connection of brace strut and arch beam ;

  3. 这名撑杆跳高运动员以5英寸之多超过了世界纪录。

    The pole vaulter bettered the world 's record by five inches .

  4. 几乎不可战胜的撑杆跳高名将伊辛巴耶娃又给俄罗斯军团增添一金。

    And the almost unbeatable pole-vaulter Yelena Isinbayeva added one more gold to Russia 's tally .

  5. 小型无人机C/G复合材料尾撑杆的研制

    Study on c / g composite tail boom for UAV

  6. 预应力撑杆横向张拉量ΔH值的讨论

    Analysis on lateral stretching quantity of pre-stressed struts

  7. Excel在塔机附着撑杆设计中的应用

    Application of Excel in design of attachment strut of tower crane

  8. 得出了H型张弦梁结构在不同地震作用下的内力和位移响应规律,以及在不同预应力和撑杆数目下结构的内力和位移响应变化规律。

    Internal force and displacement response regularity of H-BSS at different earthquake action or different pre-stress and strut numbers were deduced .

  9. FAASTC批准的的在机翼撑杆或机身上安装的吊舱。

    STC FAA-approved mounting system installs on wing strut or under belly .

  10. 基于BP神经网络建立了前撑杆疲劳寿命预测模型,对前撑杆的结果应力水平和疲劳寿命进行了预测,并与仿真结果进行对比,取得了较好的预测效果。

    Based on the BP neural network , a prediction model of fatigue life for forestay was established . Then both stresses and fatigue lives of the forestay were predicted . Comparing with the result of simulation , the predicted results were comparatively ideal .

  11. 通过基片绕支撑杆和基片表面法线旋转,实现了在(100)LaAlO3基片两面同时原位沉积厚度均匀的YBCO薄膜。

    By rotating the substrate around the axis of the substrate holder and the normal of the substrate , YBCO thin films on the both sides of ( 100 ) LaAlO 3 substrate were simultaneously deposited .

  12. 弦支穹顶(suspen-dome)是由上部的单层球面网壳,下部的预应力环索和斜索以及联系二者的撑杆组成的一种新型的复合结构体系。

    Suspend-dome is a new multiplex structure system composed of single-layer spherical latticed shell above , prestressed cables below and braces bars used to link them .

  13. 预应力撑杆加固钢筋混凝土柱的试验研究

    Test and Study of Reinforced Concrete Column Strengthened with Pre-stressed Struts

  14. 用于安装弹簧撑杆,从2005年1月开始不再供货。

    For installing spring brace , no longer available since jan.2005 .

  15. 撑杆跳高是一项奥运会的比赛项目。

    Pole vault is a competitive event in the Olympic games .

  16. 此处将有关修理气动弹簧撑杆支柱的这些原则再次详细列出。

    These are specifically listed here again for repairing air-spring struts .

  17. 右侧与左侧的对角撑杆是相同的零件。

    The right and left-hand diagonal braces are identical parts .

  18. 单向张弦梁结构下部撑杆计算长度的近似分析

    An Approximate Analysis of Calculating Length Coefficient of Strut in One-way Beam-string-structure

  19. 长撑杆双瓣四索抓斗修理数值模拟分析

    Numerical simulation for repair of two-jaw four-rope clamp buckets with long brace

  20. 确保可以够到对角撑杆的螺纹接头。

    Make sure the screw connections for the diagonal braces are accessible .

  21. 双撑杆横张智能预应力梁设计参数数值分析

    Numerical analysis of design parameters of smart prestressed beam with two struts

  22. 用原装发动机舱盖撑杆固定发动机舱盖,并将其关闭。

    Secure bonnet using original bonnet stay and close it .

  23. 字形撑杆结构定位精确,万无一失。

    Special U type support bar construction ensures accurate registration .

  24. 浮码头撑杆力的计算

    Calculation of Force on Bracing Pole of Floating Ponton Wharf

  25. 确保对角撑杆的螺纹接头不被遮挡!

    Make sure the screw connections for the diagonal braces are accessible !

  26. 迈克尔·斯通面临着他撑杆跳高生涯中最有挑战的一天。

    Michael Stone faced the most challenging day of his pole-vaulting career .

  27. 撑杆跳高的杆是什么材质?

    What are the poles made of in pole vaulting ?

  28. 于是,他深呼吸,然后轻轻地把撑杆放在脚边。

    So he did and gently laid his pole at his feet .

  29. 我用一根驳船撑杆也够不到它。

    I wouldn 't touch it with a barge pole .

  30. 电子表格在管桩极限承载力研究中的应用【电】撑杆,帮桩,接腿

    Application of EXCEL to ultimate bearing capacity of pipe-pile