
  • 网络Agile Product Development
  1. 敏捷化产品开发的框架及关键技术

    The Framework & Key Technologies for Agile Product Development

  2. 敏捷化产品开发中调度问题的研究

    Research of scheduling problems of agile product development

  3. 最后,给出了基于项目管理监控和Web服务技术的敏捷化产品开发集成框架,以指导相关企业进行敏捷产品开发,达到降低企业装配设计成本,提高快速响应市场变化和客户的多样化要求的目的。

    Finally , an integration framework based on project management and Web Services technology was set up to direct correlative enterprises to develop agile product .

  4. 故研究支持敏捷化产品开发的决策技术对提高企业敏捷化竞争能力具有十分重要的理论和实践意义。

    Researches on decision-making technique for agile product development have much meaning in theory and practice .

  5. 敏捷化铁路货物运输产品开发方法研究

    Study on the Agile Development of Railway Freight Products