
  • 网络Teaching Media;Instructional Media;teaching medium;Teaching aids
  1. 网络时代教学媒体变革引发的思考

    Thinking Resulted from Instructional Media Shift in Internet Era

  2. 教学媒体是课堂教学中一个非常活跃的因素。

    Instructional Media is a very active element in today 's class teaching .

  3. MCAI课件教学媒体的设计与选择

    Multimedia Teaching Design and Its Choice

  4. 今天,随着科学技术的迅猛发展,新的教学媒体不断涌现,在多媒体技术逐渐成熟的基础上,教学技术领域又出现了一种新型教学媒体,它就是虚拟现实技术(virtualReality)。

    Nowadays , as the technologies develop rapidly , a lot of new teaching mediums have come up . Based on the development of multimedia technology , a new type of teaching mediums has turned up , which is called Virtual Reality .

  5. 三是教学媒体和手段不够丰富。

    Third , the teaching media and methods are less informative .

  6. 网络教学媒体素材库的规范化建设

    Standardization construction of teaching media resource system based on web

  7. 大部分蒙古族中、小学,尤其是广大牧区的各旗县中、小学还在使用传统的教学媒体和教学手段。

    They still use traditional teaching media and teaching means .

  8. 试析教学媒体的选择和应用

    The analysis on selection and application of Modern Educational media

  9. 现代教学媒体的选择是实现信息化教育的重要一环。

    Modern Educational media is a dey link in realizing informational education .

  10. 现代教学媒体在和声共同课教学中的应用

    Application of Modern Teaching Media in the Chorus Class

  11. 试论古代汉语教学媒体的选择依据

    How to Choose Teaching Media In Ancient Chinese Education

  12. 在图学教育中教学媒体的现代化建设和优化使用

    The modernization construction and optimized using of the teaching media in graphics education

  13. 90年代起,多媒体计算机已经逐步取代了以往的多种教学媒体的综合使用地位。

    From 1990s , the multimedia computer gradually replaced the previous integrated media .

  14. 现代教学媒体的发展与影响应用率的几个因素

    The Development of Modern Instructional Media and the Factors of Affecting Utility Ratio

  15. 现代教学媒体的教学效果研究

    The Research of Teaching Effect Using Modern Teaching Media

  16. 现代教学媒体对特殊教育教学活动的支持研究

    Application and the Problem on the Modern Teaching Media in the Special Education

  17. 现代教学媒体在思想品德课课堂教学中运用的研究

    Research into the Application of Modern Teaching Media in Ideological and Political Course

  18. 运用现代教学媒体是否等于提高教学效益。

    Is using the modern teaching-media equal to increasing of the educational efficiency ?

  19. 我校现代教学媒体应用探讨

    Exploration into modern teaching medium in our college

  20. 现代教学媒体在教学过程中的应用方法与教学效益研究

    Applying Methods of Modern Teaching Media in the Teaching Process and Teaching Benefit Research

  21. 教学媒体在视觉特殊教育中的运用

    Application of instructional media in visual special education

  22. 论现代教学媒体运用与教学策略

    Application of Modern Instructional Media and Teaching Strategies

  23. 谈高校教学媒体的管理与开发

    Management and Exploitation of Teaching Media in Universities

  24. 教学媒体与教学的总体设计

    The Overall Design of Teaching Media and Teaching

  25. 面向对象的计算机类教学媒体的角色设计

    Role Designing of computer Teaching Media Towards Objects

  26. 远程教育中教学媒体的交互性研究

    The Interactivity of Teaching Media in Distance Education

  27. 现代教学媒体在高校教学中的选择与应用研究

    The Alternative and Approach of Modern Teaching Medium in Teaching in Colleges and Universities

  28. 然而,单靠传统教学媒体很难创设理想的教学情境。

    However , teachers have difficulty in simulating satisfactory teaching context with traditional media .

  29. 教学媒体设计凸显先进性、组合性。

    Finally , the design of teaching media should be both highly advanced and integrated .

  30. 浅谈教学媒体的实效性

    About the Practical Results of Teaching Media