
  1. 用数字示波器观察CCD信号

    Observing CCD signal by digital oscillograph

  2. 采用三维数字显微镜观察了烧结试样的微观形貌。

    The micro-morphology of the sintered samples was observed with three-dimensional digital microscope .

  3. 尝试在文本框中键入不同的数字,观察结果如何改变。

    Try typing different numbers into the text boxes to see how the results change .

  4. 另外,官方仍没有公布任何投票率的数字,观察人士预计投票率在一些塔利班激进分子猖獗的地区可能只有10%。

    Officials also still not have released any figures for voter turnout , which observers predict may be as low as10 percent in areas where the Taliban insurgency is active .

  5. 方法分离豚鼠耳蜗外毛细胞,用硫汞撒(thimerosal)为激动剂,用钙离子敏感染料Fura2和数字荧光显微镜观察离体外毛细胞内钙离子浓度的波动。

    Methods Intracellular calcium of isolated guinea pig was investigated using thimerosal , a & SH group oxidizing agent , and fura 2 fluorescence ratio imaging microscopy .

  6. 利用数字图象技术观察蛋白质的结晶过程

    Examination of protein crystal growth using digital image capture techniques

  7. 通过使用数字显微镜跟踪观察旋转超声钻削过程中金刚石工具表面形貌变化,研究了旋转超声钻削先进陶瓷过程中的工具磨损机理。

    The tool wear mechanism is studied by using a digital microscope to observe the topography of the diamond tool in RUD of advanced ceramics . 5 .

  8. 采用倒置荧光数字成像显微镜下观察细胞形态变化,采用噻唑蓝(MTT)法检测细胞活力。

    Morphological variation is observed by inversion flourescence digital imaging microscope . The cells viability is measured by MTT assay .

  9. 利用数字全息干涉术观察RuO2:LiNbO3晶体中畴反转的区域特性

    Visualization of domain inversion region characteristics in RuO_2 : LiNbO_3 crystal by digital holographic interferometry

  10. Tango技术应用若符合预期,购买家具的顾客将可以使用Phab2Pro下载沙发、椅子和咖啡桌的数字模型,以便观察家具尺寸是否符合客厅实际尺寸。

    If Tango fulfills its promise , furniture shoppers will be able use the Phab2 Pro to download digital models of couches , chairs and coffee tables to see how they would look in their actual living rooms .

  11. 经酶消化后用机械法分离成单细胞,用钙离子敏感的荧光染料Fura-2染色,于数字荧光显微镜下观察。

    Vestibular ganglion cells were isolated with pipetting after enzymatic treatment for 30 min and loaded with calcium sensitive dye fura-2 . Morphology of the VGC and intracellular calcium changes were monitored with digital imaging microscopy .

  12. 数字减影造影观察股骨颈骨折对股骨头血供变化的影响

    The clinical research on blood supply of the femoral head after the fracture of femoral neck by DSA

  13. 在数字显微系统下观察钎焊后工具的微观形貌,分析钎焊时间对钎焊质量的影响。

    At the microscopy system to observe the microstructure after brazing , analysis the effect of brazing time on the brazing quality .

  14. 令人担忧的统计数字支持此一观察,显示许多美国人在公司比在自己家里的时候感觉更快乐、更满足。

    Alarming statistics back this observation up , showing that many Americans feel more happy and fulfilled in their offices than they do in their own homes .

  15. 其次,在前一部分的基础上通过统计分析的方法,对100份阿拉伯数字笔迹样本进行观察分析,总结10个阿拉伯数字的特征表现,并进行特征价值评断。

    On this basis , through the statistical analysis method , the author summarizes the performance of the features about the ten Arabic numerals , by observing and analyzing one hundred samples of Arabic numerals handwriting , and carries on appraising the value of these features .