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  1. 本实验的目的就是在以INSTRON材料试验机及脊椎牵引器探讨整条羊脊椎在外力牵引下的生物力学特性如应变分布、椎间盘变形量以及破坏负载。

    The purpose of this study is to use the whole spine of goat under the axial load in INSTRON machine and Traction Bow to investigate the biomechanical properties such as train distribution , deformation of disc , and load - to-failure .

  2. 有经济能力的穆斯林献牲宰一整只羊,或者同时与其他六个人宰一头骆驼或牛分享,是周一开始的古尔邦节顺从安拉的重要体现。

    A financially-able Muslim sacrifices a single sheep or goat or shares six others in sacrificing a camel or cow as an act of worship during'Eid Al-Adha , to start on Monday .

  3. 后来他赶着整群的羊跑掉了。

    Later he made away with whole herds .