
  • 网络cultural integration;Culture Fusion;Cultural fusion;culture blending;acculturation
  1. 文化融合语境下的视觉形态设计研究

    Cultural Integration of Visual form in the Context of Design Research

  2. 中国主题酒店文化融合的思考

    Reflections on Cultural Integration of China 's Theme Hotels

  3. 跨国公司,全球市场营销,新兴通讯技术和文化融合的发展,使全球公共关系或者说PR得到了不平行的发展。

    The rise of multinational corporations , global marketing , new communications technologies , and shrinking cultural differences have led to an unparalleled increase in global public relation or PR.

  4. 就TQM未来的发展而言,笔者认为,TQM在高等教育中的发展,最终将和传统的学院文化融合,并构建一种以学术文化为基础的高校全面质量管理模式。

    Considering the development of TQM in the future , the author think that at last the ideals of TQM in higher education will merge with the traditional cultures of higher education institution and form a TQM model of higher education institution based on academic cultures .

  5. 利玛窦对中西方数学文化融合的贡献

    Matteo Ricci Contribution to Fusion of Chinese and Western Mathematic Culture

  6. 文化融合与高等教育第三,文化方面的融合。

    Cultural Fusion and Higher Education Third , amalgamate different culture .

  7. 经济交流及文化融合为两岸合作奠定了基础。

    Economic intercourses and cultural fusions lay foundation for the cross-straits cooperation .

  8. 我们的孩子是带着对文化融合的期许开始他们的人生的。

    Our children started their lives with blended cultural expectations .

  9. 论第二次中外法律文化融合

    The Second Fusion between Chinese and Foreign Law Culture

  10. 语言艺术和音乐艺术的文化融合产生了声乐作品;

    The cultural melting of language art and musical art produces vocal compositions ;

  11. 它也是顺应时代的民族文化融合创造的新势能在艺术创造上的象征。

    It also represented a new erection of national culture integration in art creation .

  12. 总的说来,他的小说是关于身份认同与文化融合为主线的小说。

    Generally speaking , identity and cultural intergration are the main-line of his novels .

  13. 民族文化融合不是单向的,是多元的、双向的。

    The ethnic cultural infusion is not unidirectional , but is bidirectional and pluralistic .

  14. 外迁型移民与移民文化融合&丹江口水库之淅川县移民迁置荆门研究

    Emigrants and the Culture - Blending of Migrants

  15. 企业理念的渗透与文化融合研究

    Corporate Mind Permeation and Cultural Amalgamation Study

  16. 以本地人才为主,建立具有文化融合力的人力资源管理系统;

    The second is establishing culture fusion human resource management basing on the local staff ;

  17. 同时,该研究也使得我们对多元文化融合的内涵有了新的认识。

    Finally , this study sheds us new light on the meaning of multi-cultural integration .

  18. 钢琴音乐自从在中国落地生根开始,便与中国悠久的音乐文化融合。

    Piano music has inosculated with the Chinese musical cultures since it transferred into China .

  19. 文化融合中的语言异化问题

    Language Alienation in the Fusion of Culture

  20. 斐洛是古希腊哲学和古希伯来文化融合进程中至关重要的人物。

    Philo was a key figure to bridging ancient Greek culture and ancient Hebrew culture .

  21. 管理理论的文化融合与转型

    Cultural Fusion and Transformation of Management Theory

  22. 巫山神女:巴楚民族历史文化融合的结晶

    Goddess of Wu Mountain : Crystallization of Merging of Historical Culture in Ba & Chu Nationalities

  23. 文化融合与高等教育

    Cultural Fusion and Higher Education

  24. 观念的悬隔&近代中西建筑文化融合的两种途径研究

    Disparity of Conception & Research on Two Kinds of Approaches of Architecture Culture Amalgamation in Modern China

  25. 孔子整理的《诗经》既是文化融合的产物,也对文化融合起到了积极的推动作用。

    Shijing collated by Confucius was the fruit of cultural fusion and promoted the further cultural fusion .

  26. 对于合并大学来说,完成文化融合是大学合并后的一项重要任务。

    It is an important task for the merged university to complete the integrity of the university culture .

  27. 英国多元文化融合的进步阶段之后,是一个分离主义和混淆的阶段。

    The positive phase of multicultural integration in Britain has been followed by a phase of separatism and confusion .

  28. 雷州石狗是雷州先民“图腾崇拜”和各民族文化融合的产物。

    Leizhou stone dog is a heritage product blending the ancestors'tradition of totem worship integrated with different ethnic cultures .

  29. 通过对比中西文学中相似的神话故事,论证文化融合的可能性。

    By comparing similar myths in both Chinese and western cultures , the possibility of cultural integration is definitely elaborated .

  30. 中国传统体育观念是在早期众多地域文化融合的基础上形成的。

    China 's traditional sports idea takes shape on the basis that the early culture of numerous regions is merged .