
  • 网络literature
  1. 我们认为他的小说属于文学类。

    We classified his novels as serious literature .

  2. 在非文学类专业中开设文学艺术类课程,能帮助大学生加深对社会、人生的认识,开阔视野,提升人格,培养人文素质,提高生存质量。

    To open literary and artistic courses for non - literature program college students can help them to have more knowledge of society and life , broaden their views , cultivate better personalities , improve their qualities and living quality .

  3. 对北冰洋西部N.当代文学类畅销书研究

    Studies on N. Studies of Contemporary Literature Bestsellers

  4. 文献史料又可以分为史志类文本和文学类文本。

    Historical documents can be sorted into historical text and literature text .

  5. 文学类课程开放式网络多媒体教学探索

    A Probe Into the Teaching Of Literature Courses Using Open Multi-medium Network

  6. 语文教学现状与发展研究&对文学类选修课教学情况的调查研究

    Research on the Present Situation and Development of Language and Literature Teaching

  7. 目的论多用于非文学类文本的翻译。

    Skopos Theory is often used in the translation of non-literary texts .

  8. 后者我们把它归类于旅游文学类图书。

    The latter we classify it to " tourism literature books " .

  9. 文学类写作教学悖论困境探析

    A Dilemma of the Paradox of Literature Writing Instruction

  10. 在高校非中文专业的学生中开设文学类课程,受到学生们的欢迎。

    The students greet the courses of literature in the college with joy .

  11. 要充分发挥两课和文学类课程的教学优势,进行生态价值观渗透和生态意识的培养;

    The two courses and literary courses should be brought to full play .

  12. 关于《中图法》第四版文学类按时代划分的思考

    Thoughts on Category of Literature Classified by Age in " CLC Version No. 4 "

  13. 文学类文本审美性教学刍论

    Research on Aesthetic Teaching of Literary Texts

  14. 高校英语专业英美文学类课程教学现状调查

    A Survey of Teaching " British and American Literature Courses " to College English Majors

  15. 美育是最能体现文学类学科本质的根本教育目标。

    The esthetic education can manifest the basic educational goal of the literature discipline essence .

  16. 召唤结构与文学类文本教学

    Calling Structure and Literature Text Teaching

  17. 像文学类、历史类、哲学类。

    Literature , history and philosophy .

  18. 再版古代蒙古人撰写的民族历史、文学类图书;

    The second one is such kind of National History and Literature Books written by the ancient Mongolian ;

  19. 文学类书籍作为特定的书籍类别,其本身就具有独特的文化内涵和艺术品位。

    As a kind of specific books , literature books themselves have a unique cultural connotation and artistic taste .

  20. 第一届新概念作文大赛的成功举办,掀起了青春文学类图书的出版热潮。

    The success of the first new concept essay contest held , setting off a wave of Youth-literature book publishing .

  21. 民间文学类非物质文化遗产适宜博物馆开发模式,同时应辅以旅游纪念品开发的形式。

    Folk literature intangible cultural heritage is suitable for museum development pattern , and should be supplemented by souvenirs development pattern .

  22. 摘要汉语非文学类文本的英译应该遵循用规范的英语准确地传递原文所承载的信息的标准。

    The translation of a Chinese non-literary text should follow the criterion of transferring information into its English version using standard language .

  23. 当我向朋友和熟人倾诉我阅读的苦恼(大多数都是文学类书籍),许多人告诉我他们也有相似的经历。

    When I mention my troubles with reading to friends and acquaintances literary types , most of them many say they 're having similar experiences .

  24. 2001年,莫言的作品《檀香刑》获台湾联合报读书人年度文学类最佳书奖。

    In 2001 , Sandalwood Penalty was awarded with the prize of the Best Literary Book for Readers , granted by Taiwan United Daily News .

  25. 文学类课程是人文素质教育中所开设的文科类选修课的重要部分,而合理设计这类课程,是保证和提高其教学效果的实际需要。

    Literature courses are an important part of liberal arts education ; therefore , proper course design is a must to ensure the quality of teaching .

  26. 但如何提升文学类课程的价值,促使此类课程有益于学生个体的发展,也有益于校园文化的发展,则是任课教师必须思索的。

    Teachers must think about how to promote the value of the courses and make them benefit to the students , then do good to campus culture .

  27. 本文探讨在国家大力推行素质教育的背景下,综合性高校语言文学类公共课的课程设置、教学内容、教学形式等问题。

    This thesis discusses the curriculum provision , teaching content and teaching form of public language and literature courses in colleges and universities under the background of quality education .

  28. 根据目前高校语言文学类课程的开设现状,我们设计了全新的教学模式,并在多年的摸索终,确定了以文学史为线的教学体例。

    According to the current setting and arrangement of the language and literature courses in college , we advance a new teaching model based on the history of literature .

  29. 《破坏者》是一篇由复杂的人物特性引发出人意料的结尾,从而给读者带来深刻的启发的文学类小说。

    " The Destructors " is a literary fiction because the unexpected ending was caused by the complex characters , and it makes readers think deeply about the human nature .

  30. 目前语言文学类课程考核,通常是一张试卷决定学生成绩高低与语言文字水平优劣。

    Nowadays , the students'achievements and language levels are tested by a paper at the end of the semester , which is the common assessment method for language and literature courses .