- 网络mound breakwater

The rubble mound breakwater was tested under the action of irregular waves .
A Model Study of Stone Pitching of Mound Breakwater under the Action of Regular Wave
Numerical simulation of sea ice pile-up on inclined breakwater
Chart Method for Determining Rectangular Breast Wall Size of Breakwater with Sloping Faces
Calculation of the Thickness of Dry - stone Armour of a Sloping Breakwater
The calculating method and distribution of wave pressure on breast wall of mound breakwater
New Progress of Rubble Mound Breakwater Technology & A Report on Two International Conferences
The reflection line position of multi-directional random wave on sloping breakwater is also discussed .
The Design of Berm Breakwaters
In this paper , the laboratory study of multi-directional random wave reflection on vertical and sloping breakwaters is presented .
The comparsion tests have been conducted with irregular waves and regular waves for a rubble-mound breakwater armoured with tetrapods .
Analysis and numerical simulation on stability of new safe - cleaning berm in mining with steep working slope the design of berm breakwaters
The waves slapped against the jetty . Influences on the Physical and Dynamical Characteristics of Rubble Breakwater Caused by Various Weight Distribution of the Core
Ice sheet rupture mode , pile up characteristic and the ice force before different gradient inclined breakwater and different water level semi-circle breakwater with different search frequency .
Splays are commonly formed by currents from crevasses in levees . Influences on the Physical and Dynamical Characteristics of Rubble Breakwater Caused by Various Weight Distribution of the Core
The rubble mound breakwater is the protective structure widely used in port and coastal engineering , and artificial armor blocks breakwater is one of the important section types .
This paper introduces a new kind of armour block - hexagon multihole block on sloping breakwater . It has great characteristics such as good interlocking , strong resistance against waves and saving concrete .
Wave pressure distribution on the top of rubble-mound with parapet are obtained from model tests . The stability of reversed parapet located on the rubble-mound is analysed . Its advantages and utility are discussed .
The rubble mound breakwater is the protective structure widely used in port and offshore engineering , and the research about strength failure of armor blocks is of great significance to prevent fracture failure of armor blocks in the extreme sea conditions .
In recent years , some inclined breakwater with higher construction cost but better safety and durability have been built in sea areas with water depth up to 20 m.