
  • 网络elongation at break;Breaking Elongation;break elongation;Elongation break
  1. MWNTs或CB的加入使PP材料的断裂伸长率大幅下降。

    The elongation at break of PP composites decreases greatly with the addition of MWNTs or CB particles .

  2. 在此基础上,详细研究了影响胶膜拉伸强度、断裂伸长率、24h吸水率等性能的关键因素。

    The key factors affecting tensile strength , elongation at break and the water absorption in 24 h of the films were discussed .

  3. 聚酰亚胺接枝的氢氧化镁用于阻燃EVA时,可以提高材料的力学性能,拉伸强度和断裂伸长率都有所增强。

    PI grafted MH can enhance tensile property and break extension .

  4. 虽然材料的拉伸强度、断裂伸长率略有下降,但均能达到和超过汽车密封条用PVC软质粒料质量标准。

    The quality of all products exceeds the National Standard of soft PVC granule for automobiles sealant strip .

  5. 研制了低卤阻燃HDPE,并对其力学性能进行了分析,详细讨论了不同分子量分布的HDPE、不同种类的偶联剂对阻燃HDPE的拉伸强度、断裂伸长率和氧指数的影响;

    The tensile yield strength and elongation of low-halogen flame-retardant HDPE were discussed .

  6. 当加入的纳米Al2O3的质量分数为1%时,断裂伸长率可提高13.3%。

    With 1.0 % Al_2O_3 addition , the fracture elongation is increased by 13.3 % .

  7. 对试样进行了硬度、拉伸强度、断裂伸长率、热老化等性能试验;对老化后的试样表面进行了SEM表征。

    Hardness , tensile strength , breaking elongation ratio and aging property of samples were tested and surface of sample after aging was represented by SEM .

  8. 冲击强度及断裂伸长率则随PDMS含量的增加而增加。

    The elongations at break and impact strength kept increasing with increasing content of PDMS .

  9. 发现EVA在一定浓度范围内能增加PVC与SBS的相容性,提高断裂伸长率。

    It was found that within some content area , EVA could increase the miscibility of PVC and SBS and extend material strain .

  10. 研究了温度对PVC断裂伸长率、拉伸强度及加热形变量(针入度)的影响,发现与未增塑PVC相类似,增塑PVC在90℃左右出现断裂伸长率最大值;

    The effects of testing temperature on the elongation ratio at break , tensile strength and compression deformation ( penetration ) were investigated in this paper .

  11. 经过热处理的PTT长丝的断裂伸长率增大,但断裂强度和弹性回复性都降低。

    After heat treated , its breaking elongation increases whilst its breaking intensity and elastic recover rate decreases .

  12. 结果表明:PVC的拉伸屈服强度随外力作用速度的提高而提高,断裂伸长率却随之下降。

    The results showed that with the the increase of outside force velocity , the tension yield strength of PVC increased , but its breaking elongation decreased .

  13. 结果表明,在25℃,纳米Mg(OH)2添加量在1.5%以下,对拉伸强度、断裂伸长率两项指标基本没有影响;

    Result showed that magnesium hydroxide had no effect on tensile strength and fracture elongation of PVC when the content of magnesium hydroxide was less than 1.5 % at 25 ℃ .

  14. 随着PCL含量的增多,纤维网的断裂伸长率从44.94%增大至150.25%。

    The elongation at break increased from 44.94 % to 150.25 % with the content of PCL increased .

  15. 如当复合重质碳酸钙粉体填加5~10%时,PP复合材料的断裂伸长率比基体PP还要高,甚至出现拉不断现象,填加量达到20%时仍和基体持平。

    Such as when the filling ratio is 5 ~ 10 % , the fracture elongation percent of PP filled by composite GCC was greater than PP matrix .

  16. 随着ABS树脂橡胶含量的增大,材料的冲击强度逐渐升高。材料的屈服强度逐渐降低。断裂伸长率增大。

    With an increase of rubber content in ABS resin , the impact strength and elongation of it was increase and yield strength of it was decreased .

  17. SEM观察发现采用原位聚合改性后的氢氧化镁与EVA基体树脂的相容性明显优于未改性氢氧化镁。将其填充EVA,明显改善了材料的力学性能和加工性能,材料的断裂伸长率提高4倍以上。

    The mechanical properties of EVA filled with surface modified magnesium hydroxide were greatly improved , with the elongation at break being increased by a factor of four .

  18. 经ADR反应增容后,PLA/PBAT90/10共混物的断裂伸长率和撕裂强度有显著提高。

    The elongation at break and tear strength of PLA / PBAT 90 / 10 blend were significantly improved via reactive compatibilization by ADR .

  19. 随着喷丝口与接收屏之间距离的增加,静电纺PVA纳米纤维毡的断裂伸长率和断裂强度先增加,然后迅速下降;

    The breaking elongation rate and breaking strength first increase , and then drop rapidly as the distance between the spinneret and the receiving screen increases ;

  20. 对EB辐照薄膜的某些性能指标,如表面接触角、分子量、交联度及拉伸强度、断裂伸长率等进行了测试。

    Some performance indexes such as surface contact angle , molecular weight , crosslinkage , tensile strength and break elongation etc. were investigated .

  21. 交联后PP的拉伸强度增加了3.3%,断裂伸长率降低了45.9%,屈服负荷增加了6.3%。

    The tensile strength increased by 3.3 % , elongation at break decreased by 45 . 9 % , yield load increased by 6 . 3 % based on un-crosslinked samples .

  22. PPC具有优异的生物相容性和阻氧性,且其分子链柔性高,制品的断裂伸长率较大。

    PPC has excellent biocompatibility and gas barrier properties ( oxygen resistance ), high molecular chain flexibility and elongation of its products .

  23. 通过对该复合材料的力学性能分析,复合材料的断裂伸长率为42%,比原PVC基体提高51.5%;

    By mechanic properties tests showed that the elongation at break of PVC / bentonite composite attained 42 % , and was increased by 51.5 % compared to that of pure PVC ;

  24. 填充了不同粒径的两种玻璃微珠后,GB/PP体系的各项力学性能均得到提高,缺口冲击强度和断裂伸长率比未填充玻璃微珠的PP提高50%。

    Filling two different glass beads to PP resin , the mechanical properties are enhanced , notch impact strength and extension at break increase at 50 % than pure PP resin .

  25. 研究表明:Al(OH)3和Mg(OH)2用量对复合材料性能影响比较相似,随着阻燃剂用量的增加,复合材料的阻燃性能提高,拉伸强度增加,但断裂伸长率下降;

    The effects of Al ( OH ) _3 and Mg ( OH ) _2 were similar in the improvement of flame retardant properties and tensile strength , accompanied with decrease of elon - gation at break .

  26. 而软质PVC试样的断裂伸长率和拉伸强度均降低;

    The elongation at break of rigid PVC sample decreased remarkably , and tensile strength changes little , while both of the elongation at break and tensile strength of soften PVC sample decreased .

  27. 结果表明,F24微孔膜在拉伸时的应变以及断裂伸长率约为PVDF微孔膜的6~9倍;

    Stretching experimental data indicated that F2.4 membrane was about 6 ~ 9 times as large as PVDF membrane in extension ratio and breaking elongation percentage .

  28. 结果表明,在紫外光照射下,共混纤维中金红石型TiO2的含量越高,PP纤维断裂伸长率、断裂强度的降低和质量损失速率就越快;

    The results showed that the more rutile-type TiO2 particles the PP / TiO2 . fiber contained , the faster the ultimate elongation , tensile strength and weight mass loss were decreased .

  29. 原子力显微镜(AFM)力-距离曲线反映了纤维表面的模量有所提高,与断裂伸长率的测试结果相一致。

    It was proved that the modulus of fiber surface was increased from the force-distance curves , which was consistent with the test results of elongation at break .

  30. 高拉伸强度高断裂伸长率UPR制备与性能研究

    Research of the Preparation and Properties of the UPR Resin with High Tensile Strength and High Elongation at Break