
  • 网络Direction Vector;directional vector;orientation vectors;steering vector
  1. 该算法对LDI的每个深度像素增加一个方向向量,对位于同一深度的像素采用加权平均的方法生成新视点下的目标图像。

    The new algorithm adds a direction vector to every depth pixel in LDI , and creates images from new vantage points by adopting a weighted rendering method for pixels with the same depth .

  2. 针对在基站采用天线阵列的FDD-CDMA系统下,讨论利用上行链路的接收数据,通过码滤波后的数据协方差矩阵得到某一条路径的等效方向向量。

    For FDD-CDMA systems using antenna array in base station , the paper , which discussed using received data of uplink , obtained an equivalent direction vector of one path by data covariance matrix after code filtering .

  3. 由信号方向向量直接估计到达波方向(DOA)可以获得优良的估计性能。

    It is known that a good performance can be obtained when the DOAs are estimated directly from the signal direction vectors .

  4. 本文将ESPRIT技术与信号子空间技术相结合,给出了信号方向向量的完整表达式。

    Based on the combination of the ESPRIT with the signal subspace technique , a complete expression for the signal direction vectors is derived in this paper .

  5. 因此,当我解方程时,分别得到vP和,因为速度向量,垂直于方向向量。

    And therefore , when I solve the equations , vA I get both vP and vA because those are the situations that the velocity vector is perpendicular to the position vector .

  6. 另外,将分布式信源积分形式的方向向量简化为点信源方向向量与实向量的Schur-Hadamard积,避免了算法在谱峰搜索过程中的积分运算,降低了算法的计算复杂度。

    In addition , the integral steering vector is deduced to be Schur-Hadamard product between the steering vector of the point source and a real vector , which can avoid the integral in peak-finding searching .

  7. 基于方向向量模拟技术的结构系统可靠性评价

    Reliability assessment of structural systems based on directional vector simulation technique

  8. 基于非均匀方向向量近似积分法的结构系统可靠性评价

    Reliability evaluation of structural systems based on approximate integral method with non-uniform directional vector

  9. 用信号方向向量估计到达波方向

    DOAs Estimation from the Signal Direction Vectors

  10. 基于子空间方法的阵列天线方向向量自适应盲估计

    Blind Adaptive Estimation of Steering Vector of an Antenna Array Based on the Subspace Method

  11. 同时采用将方向向量离散化的方法,有效地降低了存储量。

    It also adopts an effective method of discretization of the direction vector to reduce the storage greatly .

  12. 针对传统算法对方向向量偏差敏感的缺点,提出了一种基于可变对角载入的鲁棒自适应波束形成算法。

    In this paper , a novel approach based on the variable diagonal loading to robust adaptive beamforming is proposed .

  13. 而且方向向量,指向原点,这是。

    And let 's say that the position vector , R which should be aiming for the origin , R is here .

  14. 随后,分别设计三个实验来分析项目参数和方向向量对信息函数的影响程度,得到四个结论。

    We establish four conclusions by designing three experiments to analyses the influence of project parameters and the direction vector of information function experimental results .

  15. 其后,针对低频子带系数的选择,提出了一种基于方向向量模和加权平均相结合的融合规则;

    Secondly , for the low frequency subband coefficients , we present a fusion rule based on the directional vector normal combined with the weighted average ;

  16. 该方法首先在不知道任何基阵方向向量先验知识的情况下,利用信号的多普勒信息估计波束形成的权矢量。

    The weight vector of beamforming is estimated by Doppler information of the signal first , then it is approximated by RBFNN to carry out the blind optimizing beamforming .

  17. 通过仿真分析可知不论阵元数是奇数还是偶数只要阵列满足对称的条件就能将方向向量转化为实矩阵。

    Simulation analysis shows that direction vector will converted to real matrix as long as arrays meet to symmetry , regardless of the number of array is odd or even .

  18. 在此基础上,定义了接收信号的四阶累积量,进而盲估计了矢量传感器阵列的方向向量,实现了盲波束形成。

    Based on this , we define a fourth-order cumulant of received signal and blindly estimate the bearing vector for the vector sensor array to carry out blind beamforming ( BBF ) .

  19. 当然也有另一种方法,就是用参数方程表示这两条直线,用两条直线的方向向量作外积,从而得到切平面的法向量。

    Another way to do it , of course , would provide actually parametric equations of these lines , get vectors along them and then take the cross-product to get the normal vector to the plane .

  20. 首先,在不考虑参数容差影响下,用各个测试节点上的电压增量所构成的方向向量建立了矩阵;以该矩阵为系数,构建一个线性矩阵方程;通过求解方程来定位故障元件。

    Firstly , when the tolerance influence is not considered , a linear equation which coefficient matrix is composed by direction vector of voltage increment is built to identify fault in element . From the solution of the equation , the faulty element is located .

  21. 通过子空间方法,将叠加信号用信号子空间的基表示,由于叠加信号中包含方向向量,从而得到期望数据源的方向向量估计,该算法不要求阵元数大于数据源数。

    This superposition is also expressed by a group of bases of the signal subspace by subspace method . Since the superposition involves the steering vector s , the expected steering vector can be estimated without requiring the number of antenna elements being greater than that of data sources .

  22. 线性约束恒模算法能够有效克服恒模算法中存在的干扰捕获问题,但在信号方向向量存在偏差的情况下,其性能将会受到影响。

    Linear constrained constant modulus algorithm ( LC-CMA ) is an effective solution to the problem of interference capture in constant modulus algorithm ( CMA ) . But its performance is known to degrade substantially in the presence of even slight mismatches between the actual and presumed signal steering vectors .

  23. 其中一种说明了,在向量场上,沿逆时针方向,向量做的功等于,平面区域上旋度F的二重积分。

    So , one of them says the line integral for the work done by a vector field along a closed curve counterclockwise is equal to the double integral of a curl of a field over the enclosed region .

  24. 角度平均方向合向量长度控制图

    Mean direction-resultant length control charts for angle specifications in directional data

  25. 继电保护方向元件向量检查盘及其使用

    Vector Checking Disk for Directional Elements of Protection Relays and Its Application

  26. 利用向量回转法和MATLAB软件对空间7R机构位置问题进行了分析研究,确定了各杆长和副长方向的单位向量,列出了机构的向量封闭方程,以及各杆位置方程;

    The method of rotation vector and software of MATLAB were used to analyze the displacement of the spatial 7R mechanism and confirm every pole and connection direction unit vector .

  27. PCA方法是根据样本点在多维模式空间的位置分布,将样本点在空间中变化最大方向作为基向量来实现数据的特征提取与压缩。

    According to the distribution properties of samples in the multi-dimensional space , PCA takes the direction that along which sample points changed greatest in the space for discriminant vector to realize data extraction and compression .

  28. 即竖直方向的单位向量。

    It 's the unit vector in the vertical direction .

  29. 提出了一种计算自适应方向图权向量的迭代算法。

    In this paper , an iterative algorithm is presented to compute weight vector of adaptive pattern .

  30. 第六章对涉及多个坐标方向的对偶向量的构造、对偶方程组及相应的变分原理的建立进行研究。

    In chapter 6 constructing dual vectors involved in multi-directions of coordinates , establishing dual equations and corresponding variational principles are researched .