
  • 网络Stan;stan shih
  1. 施崇棠征求了宏碁创始人施振荣(StanleyShih,两人并无亲戚关系)的许可。

    He asked Acer 's founder , Stanley Shih - no relation - for permission .

  2. 台湾科技业资深人士、台湾最大电脑企业宏碁股份有限公司(Acer)的创办人施振荣最近也警告说,台湾必须确保它吸引回来的制造商将生产高价值产品。

    Stan Shih , doyen of Taiwan 's tech industry and founder of the island 's largest computer company Acer , also recently warned that Taiwan has to make sure the manufacturers it lures back produce high-value products .

  3. 由于创办人施振荣先生的高瞻远瞩,这个计算机界巨人得以蓬勃地发展,去年总收入达99亿美元。

    The computer giant has flourished under the vision of its founder Stan Shih with revenues of US $ 9.9 billion last year .

  4. 施振荣的表述更为直白,他本周向记者表示:宏碁追求销量增长已经没有意义。从现在开始,宏碁应该关注提升利润率。

    It is no longer meaningful for Acer to pursue growth in sales volume . Acer should from now on focus on upgrading its profit margins , he told reporters this week .