
  • 网络shidian county
  1. 云南施甸县1951~2005年疟疾防治策略与效果分析

    Analysis of results of malaria control measures and effectiveness in Shidian County , Yunnan in 1951 ~ 2005

  2. 云南省施甸县1996~2005年输入性疟疾特点分析

    An analysis of the characteristics of imported malaria in Shidian , Yunnan from 1996 to 2005

  3. 云南省施甸县东山整装勘查区以铅、锌矿为主,经过多年的勘查,该地区已发现一批有地表露头,或近地表的铅锌矿。

    The exploration areas in Dongshan Town , Shidian County , Yunnan Province is mainly composed of lead-zinc mine . After years of exploitation , a batch of lead-zinc ore of outcrop or near-surface have been found .