
xuán wén
  • Spiral pattern;lira
旋纹[xuán wén]
  1. 这些衬衫上印着佩斯利旋纹图案。

    The shirts were printed with a paisley pattern

  2. 他穿一件格子衬衫戴一条旋纹花呢领带,看上去很怪。

    He wore a Paisley tie with a checked shirt which looked very strange together .

  3. 多晶铜的旋纹断口

    Spiral fracture in polycrystalline copper

  4. 本文通过分析史前彩陶上的旋纹和玉器上的旋目神的鸟崇拜属性,从新的角度再次论证了鸟崇拜的广泛性和统一性。

    This paper demonstrates popularity and oneness of the bird worship custom by analysing the revolved lines and veins on the prehistoric painted potteries and jade articles .