
  • 网络Brushless Motor;blushless motor
  1. PWM控制技术在直流无刷电机调速系统中的应用

    Application of PWM Control Technology in Speed Control System of DC Brushless Motor

  2. 系统采用CPU驱动直流无刷电机转动,编码器输出的正余弦信号指示电机的位置。

    The system with CPU drives the DC brushless motor , and the encoder indicates the motor position outputting the sine and cosine signal .

  3. 开发了以直流无刷电机驱动的AMT车辆电控操纵系统。

    This paper discusses the brushless-DC-motor-driven electronic control system of an AMT vehicle .

  4. 直流无刷电机LQG控制系统研究

    Research of LQG Control of Brushless Direct Current Motor

  5. 利用无刷电机作为驱动元件,以DSP作为控制芯片,实现了对数控雕刻机的伺服驱动与控制。

    In this paper , the carving machine is implemented and actuated by brushless DC motor ( BLDC ), which is controlled by digital signal processor ( DSP ) .

  6. 根据直流无刷电机的特性,计论了数字PID控制系统的设计原理和实现方法,并给出了实验曲线。

    The design principle and realization method of digital PID control system are discussed in terms of the characteristics of DC brushless electromotor , and the experimental curve is also presented .

  7. 有几个选择无刷电机在市场上,如黑客和Astro。

    There are several choices of brushless motor in the market , such as the Hacker and Astro .

  8. 在变频产品开发中,通过变频模块产生的PWM信号,在控制直流无刷电机中,会产生严重的电磁噪声,将影响电磁兼容测试中的指标。

    In inverter product system , electromagnetic noise produced by PWM amplifier signal from the inverter module in control system of DC motor with non-brush can effect the levels of voltage conducting and power radiation .

  9. 双凸极永磁电机(DSPM)是一种新型交流无刷电机。

    Doubly salient permanent magnet motor ( DSPM ) is a mew type of AC sensorless motor .

  10. 用于混合动力汽车ISAD系统的直流无刷电机的设计及优化

    Optimization and Design of Brushless DC Motor in ISAD System for Hybrid Electric Vehicle

  11. 首先对直流无刷电机的基本组成环节、基本工作原理、运行特性和传递函数作了详细的介绍,分析了直流无刷电机的换相过程和PWM信号的分配情况。

    I first talk about the basic component part , the basic running principle , the running characteristic and the transfer function of the BLDG motor . Followed , it analyses the course of changing phase and distributing of PWM signal .

  12. 论述了基于C8051的直流无刷电机控制系统设计,实现了速度、电流的双闭环控制。

    Brushless motor control system design based on C8051 was introduced , speed and current double close loop control was realized .

  13. 文中首先介绍了基于EHA的车辆主动悬架系统的组成及工作原理,根据无刷电机的工作原理建立了无刷电机的等效模型,并在此基础上建立了EHA系统的综合模型;

    The mathematical model of the Brushless DC Motor is created according to the working principle of Brushless DC Motor . Based on the model , the integrative models of EHA system are created ;

  14. 开关电容变换器在直流无刷电机驱动电路中的应用

    Application of Switched Capacitor Converter in DC Brushless Motor Driver Circuit

  15. 混合励磁无刷电机的调磁原理与实现方法

    Magnetic Field Regulating Principle and Control Method of Hybrid Excitation Brushless Motor

  16. 直流无刷电机在织机送经中的驱动控制

    The Drive and Control of DC Brushless Motor in Loom

  17. 永磁无刷电机的电磁设计参数研究

    Research on Electromagnetic Design Parameter of Permanent Magnet Brushless Motors

  18. 永磁直流无刷电机设计混合型专家系统的研究

    Study on Integrated Expert System for Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Design

  19. 直流无刷电机故障检测与诊断的仿真模型

    Simulation Model of Fault Detection for Brushless DC Motor Using Parameter Estimation

  20. 基于非线性状态观测器的无刷电机故障诊断

    Fault detection of brushless DC motor based on nolinear observer

  21. 直流无刷电机轻小型控制模块软硬件设计

    Brushless DC Motor Light Control Module Software & Hardware Design

  22. 直流无刷电机驱动的高压便携式空压机研制

    Design of direct-drive air compressor drived by permanent magnet brushless DC motor

  23. 参数自适应控制在直流无刷电机驱动器中的应用

    Application of Parameter Self-adjust Control in Brushless DC Motor Driver

  24. 本机采用大功率无刷电机,转速稳定,经久耐用。

    The machine adopts high-power brushless motor , speed stability and durability .

  25. 一种直流无刷电机的稳速电路

    A speed - stabilizing circuit for DC brushless motors

  26. 直流无刷电机电流检测技术的研究

    Research on Current Measurement Technique of Brushless DC Motor

  27. 直流无刷电机换相时机的调整

    Adjustment of Phase Change Opportunity in Brushless DC Motor

  28. 基于CAN的车用无刷电机控制节点设计

    The design of brushless motor controller node based CAN

  29. 永磁无刷电机交流伺服系统

    An AC Servo System of Permanent Magnetic Brushless Motor

  30. 反电势法检测转子位置的直流无刷电机系统起动方法

    Starting Methods of Brushless DC Motor Using Back EMF to Monitor Rotor Position