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  1. 如果你要到外面去,尤其是当室外是艳阳日时,你应该在夏天涂防晒霜。

    If you are going to be outside , especially in the sun , you should put on suncream in summer .

  2. 2013年美国人时间利用调查(2013AmericanTimeUseSurvey)发现,拥有大学学历的美国就业者有38%会在工作日时在家处理部分、甚至全部的工作。

    The 2013 American time use survey found that on the days they work , 38 % of employed Americans with college degrees do some or all of their work from home .

  3. 当开发者到达SiteB开始他们的工作日时,他们使用本地的Windows界面登陆IBMRationalClearQuest以检查他们的对新变更请求任务的“todo”列表。

    As developers arrive at Site B to begin their work day , they log into IBM Rational ClearQuest using its native Windows interface to scan their " to do " lists for new change requests assignments .

  4. 正因为如此,印度总理莫迪才于2014年10月发起一项雄心勃勃的“清洁印度行动(CleanIndiaMission)”计划,旨在到2019年甘地150周年诞辰纪念日时,让印度各大城市的面貌焕然一新。

    So muchso that prime minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the ambitious " Clean IndiaMission " ( Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ) in October 2014 with a goal of drasticallysprucing up the country 's major cities by Mahatma Gandhi 's 150 birthday in2019 .

  5. 当处理规模为0.25万吨/日时,4个污水处理工艺方案综合效益优劣次序的排序为生物接触氧化工艺、SBR工艺、氧化沟工艺、A/A/O工艺。

    When the scale is 0.25 × 104m3 / d , the best process is Bio-contact Oxidation Process , the second is SBR , the third is Oxidation Ditch , the last is A / A / O.

  6. 母亲和父亲节昏纪念日时去餐厅用餐。

    Mom and Dad dined at a restaurant on their anniversary .

  7. 截止8月31日时,只收到了140万美元。

    As at31 August , only $ 1.4 million had been received .

  8. 在荣军纪念星期日时,花圈被安放在纪念碑前。

    Wreaths are laid at the Cenotaph on remembrance sunday .

  9. 这位之前的派对男孩不再在工作日时出去寻欢。

    The former party boy no longer goes out during the week .

  10. 审判日时,上帝复活死者。

    On Judgment Day , God resurrects the dead .

  11. 当它弹日时,会有很大的力量和弹性。

    And when it returns it has a lot of power and spring .

  12. 这种矛盾的可能原因是高磁扰日时等离子体层顶附近动力过程的复杂性。

    This is possibly caused by the complexity of the dynamic processes around the plasmapause .

  13. 此外,分期实施的拖架检验计划到一九九八年三月一日时,将扩展至包括所有拖架。

    Examination of trailers is being implemented to cover all trailers by March 1 , 1998 .

  14. 她表示自己工作日时每天只能睡六小时。

    She revealed that she could only sleep for six hours a night on working days .

  15. 给出了一种年月日时干支纪法和公历纪法换算的算术方法。

    It gives us a method to know the conversion between Chinese era and the Gregorian calendar .

  16. 在一项长期负债接近到期日时,它最终会在本期内到期。

    As the maturity date of a long-term liability approaches , the obligation eventually becomes due within the current period .

  17. 来自曼哈顿的29岁喜剧演员纳特·陶森五月在纽约参加喜剧黑客日时想出的这个主意。

    Nat Towsen , a 29-year-old comedian from Manhattan , conceived the idea in May during New York City Comedy Hack Day .

  18. 他在晚年不再对自己创建的慈善运动着迷,在这个运动的50周年纪念日时,他决定终止这个慈善的运动。

    Disenchanted with the movement he founded , he marked its 50th anniversary with a call for an end to its charitable status .

  19. 当贾斯汀·比伯决定出门享受这个周日的节礼日时,一大群少女发现了他并迅速引起了轰动。

    When Bieber decided to partake in the post-Christmas holiday on Sunday , hoardes of teenage girls took notice * and freaked out .

  20. 下跌30%将使股市跌至3000点左右,即3月19日时的水平。

    A 30 per cent drop would bring the market down to around 3000 points , a level it last saw on March 19 .

  21. 到4月22日时,这张照片在脸书上已经收到37万个赞,被转发超过4.5万次。

    By Wednesday , the image on his page had been liked by 370000 Facebook users and had been shared more than 45000 times .

  22. 红白髓中淋巴细胞迅速减少,到注六次恢复4和5日时脾小体几乎完全消失,红白髓难于辨认。

    Lymphocytes in the red and white pulps decreased in number , and almost vanished on 4 and 5 days after the last injections .

  23. 股价在7月29日时下滑到34美元每股,随后到报告截止日期即8月16日,又下滑到33美元每股。

    That price fell on July 29 to $ 34 per share and then to $ 33 per share for the period ending August 16 .

  24. 饲养至42日时,各组每个重复分别随机宰杀4只,采血并分离血清,采集肝脏及腿肌组织样品,-20℃保存。

    Fed 42 days , 4 broiler chickens were killed randomly in each replication , collecting blood and separating serum , getting liver and leg muscle .

  25. 但是9月7日时,总理还是得到了些许宽慰:德国最高法院判定早先的欧元拯救计划并没有违反宪法。

    But on September7th the chancellor heard better news : Germany 's highest court ruled that earlier measures to rescue the euro do not violate the constitution .

  26. 另一方面,当我想到我是作为一个圈内人在奎拉邦得利吃着炸面包度过了哥伦布纪念日时,我感到有一股暖流涌上心头。

    On the other hand , it warmed my heart to realize that I had spent Columbus Day AS an insider on the Qualla Boundary eating fry bread .

  27. 周一,世界卫生组织在庆祝世界卫生日时,呼吁全世界的政府和人民都采取行动,为孩子们创造一个健康的环境。

    On Monday , the WHO asked governments and citizens around the world to take action to create healthy environments for children as it celebrated World Health Day .

  28. 最近一项研究发现,五分之三的老板都认为,减少雇员工作日时长,从八小时降到六小时,可能有利于公司发展。

    A recent study found that six out of 10 bosses believe that cutting employees ' work days from eight to six hours could be beneficial for business .

  29. 培养15、20、25日时,30个培养物(每个时间点10个培养物)中都出现了诱导性软骨细胞。

    After 15 、 20 and 25 d in culture . BMG-induced chondrocytes were observed in all of the 30 expiants ( 10 explants in each point of time-period ) .

  30. 在今天纪念国际非暴力日时,让我们共同努力,利用非暴力的伟大武器,为我们自己和我们的子孙建造和平与公正的社会。

    On this International Day of Non-Violence , let us work together to use the great force of non-violence to build peaceful and just societies for ourselves and for our children .