
  • 网络Nippon Ichi
  1. 波士顿美术博物馆已经签订合同,将其部分藏品租借给日本一家博物馆。

    The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has already contracted to lease part of its collection to a museum in Japan .

  2. 研究人员在研究日本一种天然酶的结构时发现了这一现象。

    The   researchers   made   the   discovery   while   examining   the   structure   of   a   natural   enzyme   in   Japan .

  3. 不过,日本一家店将抗衰老的仪器做到了一个新的境界。

    But one store in Japan is taking age-defying gadgets to a whole new level .

  4. 西北太平洋国家实验室的科学家们称,他们认为“牛奶雨”可能来自日本一座火山喷发出的火山灰。本顿清洁空气机构则表示,他们的科学家认为,俄勒冈州中部地区的灰尘是罪魁祸首。

    Scientists at the Pacific Northwest Nationallab said they believe the rain may have carried volcanic ash from an erupting volcano in Japan , while Benton Clean Air said its staffers believe dust from central Oregon was the culprit .

  5. 三星电子在与美国苹果电脑公司的长期知识产权争斗中赢得最新一个回合,日本一家法院上周就涉及三星Galaxy系列手机和平板电脑的案子判定三星获胜。

    Samsung Electronics has won the latest case in its continuing battle with the American owned computer company Apple over property rights . A court in Japan ruled in favor of the South Korean company last week in a case involving its Galaxy series of smartphones and tablets .

  6. 日本一家发廊从毫不起眼的番茄身上获得了时尚灵感,改写了“前沿”的定义:造型师Hiro设计了一款“熟番茄”发型。

    A Japanese hair salon is rewriting the meaning of " cutting edge " after taking fashion inspiration from the humble tomato : stylist Hiro has designed a hairdo called " Ripe Tomatoes " 。

  7. 这是日本一段昏暗阴霾的历史。

    This is a dark time in the history of Japan .

  8. 日本一家垃圾焚烧厂二恶英污染的探讨

    Introduction and Discussions on the Pollution of Dioxin From an Waste Incineration Plant in Japan

  9. 送给日本一块更大的蛋糕吗?

    Serve the Japanese a huge banquet ?

  10. 介绍了日本一次电池和二次电池业的变化和发展;

    The changes and development of the primary battery and secondry battery in Japan were introduced .

  11. 租赁价格是每月200到250元,仅相当于在日本一晚的价格。

    The renting price ? 200 to250 yuan per month or a night in Tokyo 's capsule hotel .

  12. 日本一负债的零售商接受了政府援助,而西武集团则面临诸多麻烦。

    A debt-ridden retail chain accepts a government-backed rescue , and there are more troubles for the Seibu conglomerate .

  13. 日本一公司近日要求2700员工全部剪短发来节约能源。

    A Japanese company has ordered all 2,700 of its employees to get identical hairstyles - to help save energy .

  14. 日本一天不道歉,我就一天不从数学补考教师里出来。

    Japan has refused to apologize , I have one day without make-up of teachers from the math came out .

  15. 日本一家名为“天空驾驶”的初创公司已开始对其飞行汽车原型进行试飞,试飞时有一名驾驶员在车内。

    A Japanese startup called SkyDrive Inc. has begun conducting test flights of their prototype flying car with a human pilot .

  16. 通过对日本一国道边坡应用对本方法的有效性进行了验证。

    The effectiveness of the proposed method has been tested in a practical application to a landslide-prone road slope area in Japan .

  17. 日本一村一品运动对我国少数民族地区文化建设的启示

    The Movement One Brand for Each Village in Japan and Its Inspiration to the Cultural Construction in the Ethnic Groups Areas in China

  18. 据一位活动组织人员表示,日本一名28岁的男子在一次快速吃饭团大赛中竟然活活噎死。

    A 28-year-old man died in Japan after choking on a rice ball at a speed-eating contest , an event organiser said Tuesday .

  19. 日本一位高级贸易官员说,如果要让我给协议打分,我会打满分100分。

    One senior Japanese trade official said : ' If I had to grade the agreement , I would give it 100 out of 100 . '

  20. 日本一家啤酒制造商于本周二宣布,他们正计划生产(人类历史上的)首款“太空啤酒”,这种啤酒将以曾在国际空间站保存过的太空大麦“后代”为原料。

    A Japanese brewery Tuesday said it was planning the first " space beer ," using offspring of barley once stored at the International Space Station .

  21. 上周六,日本一名名叫Narathiga(不是他的真名)的20岁学生,像每个月一样前去钓鱼。

    Last Saturday , Narathiga ( not his real name ) , a 20-year-old student , went fishing in Japan just like he does every month .

  22. 该举措很快实现了目标欧洲各国立即取消了固定汇率机制,日本一周后也开始让日元浮动。

    The measure quickly accomplished its goal the European countries stopped pegging their currencies immediately and the Japanese allowed the yen to float a week later .

  23. 1994年,中国队仿效日本一年前的举动,引进了足球俱乐部制,终于开始跟中国包办一刀两断。

    China finally began to wean their players off state dependency with the introduction of club soccer in1994 , following the example of Japan a year before .

  24. 韩国一家生物科技公司于本周一宣布,他们以日本一只拉布拉多嗅癌犬为原型,成功克隆出四只嗅癌猎犬。

    A South Korean biotech company on Monday unveiled four Labrador retriever puppies it said were cloned from a Japanese dog skilled at sniffing out patients with cancer .

  25. 日本一个研究机构从冻结的海底沉积物中首次提取出了甲烷气体,这意味着日本距离开发一种潜在新能源又近了一步。

    Japan has moved closer to unlocking a potential new energy source , after a research group extracted methane gas from frozen undersea deposits for the first time .

  26. 期待在太空举行婚礼的新人可以美梦成真了。日本一家公司于本周二起开始接受“太空婚礼”预定。

    A Japanese firm on Tuesday began accepting reservations for couples who really want to make the big leap & by blasting into space to exchange their wedding vows .

  27. 非洲大学的互联网能力与日本一个家庭相当,这就等同于3万人要使用一个家用连接能力来上网。

    African universities have the Internet capacity of a family home in Japan , which is the equivalent of " 30,000 people trying to use a single household connection " .

  28. 蒙娜丽莎的微笑神秘依旧,但日本一位声学家使人们有可能听到她的“真正声音”。

    The Mona Lisa 's smile may always remain a mystery , but it is now possible to hear what her voice would have sounded like , thanks to a Japanese acoustics expert .

  29. 双方言辞激烈,中国的一家报社有力地指出,应该跳过那些没用的外交手段直接进入主题,给他们日本一颗原子弹吃!

    Amid heated rhetoric on both sides , one Chinese newspaper has helpfully suggested skipping the pointless diplomacy and moving straight to the main course by serving up Japan with an atom bomb .

  30. 日本一家营销公司日前规定,员工失恋后可享受带薪假期。而且随着年龄的增长,这种“疗伤假”会增多。

    Lovelorn staff at a Japanese marketing company can take paid time off after a bad break-up with a partner , and more " heartache leave " on offer when they get older .