
  • 网络japanese higher education;Higher education in Japan
  1. 日本高等教育评估机制与资源配置

    The Assessment System of Japanese Higher Education and its Resources Allocation

  2. 知识经济背景下的日本高等教育特点

    Characteristics on Japanese Higher Education under Knowledge Economy 's Background

  3. 21世纪COE计划是在此基础上做出的进一步、更为明确地建设世界最高水平大学的重大举措,同时也是日本高等教育改革的新举措。

    " COE Program for the 21st Century " is another important strategy taken to further develop world-class universities based on previous work , and a promoter for Japan 's university reforms .

  4. 百年回顾:20世纪的日本高等教育

    100 Years in Retrospect : Japanese Higher Education in the 20th Century

  5. 20世纪90年代以来日本高等教育财政制度改革

    The Reforms in Financial Institution of Japanese Higher Education Since 1990 's

  6. 20世纪90年代日本高等教育质量保证机制改革述评

    Comment on the Reform of Quality-Guarantee Systemin the 2090 's Japanese Higher Education

  7. 日本高等教育发展进程中的几个特征

    An Analysis on Characteristics of Higher Education in Japan

  8. 日本高等教育质量保障体系的多样化、多元化和一体化

    Diversification , pluralization and systematization of quality assurance system in Japanese higher education

  9. 生源危机中的日本高等教育改革

    Japanese Higher Education in the Crisis of Enrollment

  10. 与此同时,日本高等教育为日本经济发展提供了充足的人力储备。

    Meanwhile , Japan 's higher education offered sufficient manpower for Japanese economic development .

  11. 日本高等教育考察记

    An Investigation Report on Higher Education in Japan

  12. 日本高等教育分类是既包括横向分类,也包括纵向分层的分类模式。

    The Japanese higher education classification includes both the horizontal classification and the vertical stratification .

  13. 日本高等教育的若干特点

    Several Features of Higher Education in Japan

  14. 当代日本高等教育财政拨款制度

    Contemporary Japan Higher Education Financial Allocation System

  15. 日本高等教育公办民营的改革实验&日本东北艺术工科大学的案例

    The Reform Test of Government-owned and Civilian-run Higher Education in Japan & The case of North east Art and Engineering University

  16. 因此,研究日本高等教育大众化中的教育与经济双向互动发展的成功经验对于厘清我国高等教育发展规模问题具有积极的借鉴作用。

    The Japan 's successful experience of balanced development between education and economy has positive effect on the popularization of higher education in China .

  17. 教育部官员表示,中国学生现在在日本高等教育机构占外国留学生的百分之六十,在南韩占外国学生的百分之七十。

    MOE officials said Chinese students now account for60 percent of foreign students in Japanese tertiary institutions and70 percent of foreign students in South Korea .

  18. 可以说,生涯教育具有牵一发而动全身之效应,它给日本高等教育带来的影响是多方面的。

    As it were , the career education is extremely important , it brings influence to Japanese higher education headed up in the university in many ways .

  19. 探讨日本高等教育国际化政策的发展进程,预测其发展趋势,将有助于推动我国的高等教育国际化发展。

    Discussing the development of the internationalization policy of higher education and predicting its trend in Japan will help us to promote the development of the internationalization of higher education in our country .

  20. 随着经济社会发展的需要,当代日本高等教育与生产劳动和科学研究相结合的指导思想、具体内容、方式方法都发生了很大变化。

    With the development of economy and society , great changes have taken place in guiding ideology , content and method concerning the combination of higher education and production and scientific research in Japan .

  21. 本文对日本高等教育三个阶段内所实施的大学体制改革,从改革背景动因、改革政策形成以及改革内容三方面进行了分析研究,论述了各阶段改革的特征及其功过。

    The thesis explores the university reform the Japanese higher education system implemented in the three phases in the aspects of background , policy formulation and content to discuss characteristics , merits and demerits of each phase .

  22. 本论文在教育社会学的结构功能理论、社会冲突论和制度创新理论指导下,对二十世纪九十年代以来日本高等教育改革的政策进行深入分析。

    Under the guidance of structural-functionalism theory , social conflict theory and institution innovation theory in sociology of education , a deep study on policies of Japanese higher education reformation since the 1990 's has been made by this dissertation .

  23. 大学的遴选机能与劳动市场的变化。市场原理的有效性在日本高等教育改革中得到较充分的应用,特别是国立与私立大学并存的高等教育结构体制将会发生重要的改变

    The option function of the university and the change in labor market The efficiency of the market principal is fully applied in the reformation in Japan higher education , especially that the higher education structure system in which the national and the private university coexist will take place great changes

  24. 本文拟通过介绍日本高等教育质量管理体系的转移、外部评价及系统内评价制度结构,分析日本双轨、多元评价制度的关系特征,揭示日本高等教育质量保障新体系的真正内涵。

    By introducing the evolvement of quality-administrating system , and the structure of inner and outer evaluation organization , this paper tries to analyze the characteristics of the dual-track and multiple evaluation institution in Japan , and then expose the real connotation of quality guarantee system of Japanese higher education .

  25. 日本的高等教育和大学生就业论大学毕业生就业风险

    Higher Education and Undergraduate Employment in Japan Students ' Employment Risk

  26. 日本的高等教育与中国的高等教育具有很大的相似性。

    China and Japan share great similarities in higher education .

  27. 日本私立高等教育的经费政策及启示

    Research and Enlightenment on the Funding Policy of Japanese Private Higher Education

  28. 日本私立高等教育的发展及经验

    The Development and Experience of Japanese Private Higher Education

  29. 1955~2002年日本私立高等教育发展统计研究

    A Statistical Research on the Private Higher Education in Japan during 1955 ~ 2002

  30. 日本高等农业教育发展道路及模式探索

    Study on the route and models for the development of higher agro-education in Japan