
xīng dǒu
  • stars
星斗 [xīng dǒu]
  • [stars] 星的总称

  • 满天星斗

星斗[xīng dǒu]
  1. 超越西方星斗的浴场,至死。

    Of all the western stars , until I die .

  2. 新的转机和闪闪星斗,

    The latest , favorable turnings , the twinkling stars

  3. 本文研究了鄂西天宝山、武当山、星斗山等山地土壤胶体的阳离子交换量(CEC)与其固相组成的关系。

    The cation exchange capacity of mountain soil colloid in western area of Hubei province and its relation to solid phase components were studied .

  4. 肯尼迪总统故意将“老挝”误读为“Lay-os”,以免美国人认为他想与一个星斗小国开战。

    President Kennedy deliberately mispronounced Laos as " Lay-os , " lest Americans think he wanted to go to war with a small bug .

  5. 仰望着这满天的星斗。

    Looking up at the stars of sky .

  6. 笔底寒潮撼星斗&陈独秀与中国新诗

    CHEN Du-xiu and Chinese Vernacular Poetry

  7. 缓缓地,忽明忽暗,和着漫天星斗,越发地深邃、神秘了。

    Slowly , it flickers with a skyful of stars and appears more profound and mysterious .

  8. 不断地像发光的星斗

    Continuous as the stars that shine

  9. 你的光芒灿如星斗

    You shine like a star

  10. 满天的星斗多么美丽,有如夜空之林中银色的鸽子,

    All the beautiful stars of the sky , All the silver doves of the forests of Night ,

  11. 我仰望星空,漫天的星斗告诉我,您的爱能容下高山;

    When I look into the sky , stars tell me that your love can embrace a high mountain ;

  12. 苍穹金烛台般的星斗争光,但其美恰如任何母亲的孩子一样。

    As any mother 's child , though not so bright As those gold candles fixed in heaven 's air :

  13. 他听到门廊边中纱门关闭的声音,感觉到妻子正看着他,就如同他正看着这满天的星斗。

    He heard the porch screen door tap shut and felt his wife watching him as he watched the night .

  14. 他有一回站起身来,隔着船舷撒尿,然后抬眼望着星斗,核对他的航向。

    Once he stood up and urinated over the side of the skiff and looked at the stars and checked his course .

  15. 当我们抬头仰望星空看著满天的星斗时,是否想过,自己到底来自于哪里?

    When a person gazes up into the sky and sees all the stars , do they ever wonder where they come from ?

  16. 我决心驶向太阳沉没的彼方,超越西方星斗的浴场,至死方止。

    for my purpose holds To sail beyond the sunset , and the baths Of all the western stars , until I die .

  17. 老人凭着观察天上的星斗,看出那鱼整整一夜始终没有改变它的路线和方向。

    The fish never changed his course nor his direction all that night as far as the man could tell from watching the stars .

  18. 或许离完美的专业培训还有一定的距离,但是它就如远方星斗,指引我前行,从不放弃。

    Surely there is a long way to take to be an expert but it is just like the northern star guiding me to make progress and never give up .

  19. 他有无边无际的权力、道理、正义、法治精神、舆论,满天的星斗环绕在他的后面和他的四周。

    Behind him and around him , at an infinite distance , he had authority , reason , the case judged , the legal conscience , the public prosecution , all the stars ;

  20. 人们去赞美高山、大海,以及大河的蜿蜒和星斗的移动,但是他们忘记了考虑自己。

    Men go to admire the high mountains and the great flood of the seas and the wide-rolling rivers and the ring of Ocean and the movement of the stars ; and they forget themselves .