
  • 网络Ordinary truck;general wagon;general purpose goods vehicle
  1. 货物运输采用普通货车或厢式货车。

    Deliveries are made by common carrier or van line .

  2. 方案II用摘挂列车送入结点站改编,普通货车再用小运转列车向编组站输送;

    In scheme II , container trains are remade-up after hauled into a junction station in pickup and drop trains , and the remade-up trains are delivered to a marshalling station in transfer trains .

  3. 普通货车改装成车载油罐车的安全性研究

    Safety for Truck Reconstructing into Truck-mounted Bulk Vehicle

  4. 半挂汽车列车由牵引车和半挂车组成,与普通货车相比有很多优点,在现代公路运输中起到重要作用。

    Tractor semi-trailer is composed of tractor and semi-trailer . Comparing with other common truck , it has a lot of advantages and plays an important role in modern road transport .

  5. 主要用途:适用于高级轿车、大客车及普通货车轮毂轴承、底盘、水泵电机等摩擦部位的润滑。

    Main usages : It is applicable for lubrication to the friction parts of high-grade car , passenger bus and common lorry , such as the hub bearing , chassis and water pump electric motor .

  6. 经对制动率和闸瓦压力计算以及与普通货车的比较分析,找出造成机冷车踏面擦伤的原因,提出了防止措施。

    Via calculation on the braking ratio and brake shoe pressure , and comparison and analysis of ordinary freight cars , causes to resulting of tread scotching on mechanical refrigerator cars are found , and preventative measures are put forth .

  7. 他们用普通铁路货车运送这箱子。

    They sent the boxes by freight .