  • clear;fine
  • 天空中无云或云很少:~天。~朗。~和。~丽。~爽。~碧。~雨表。


(天空中没有云或云很少) fine; clear:

  • 晴转多云

    change from fine to cloudy;

  • 天转晴了。

    It's clearing up.

  • 雨过天晴。

    The rain stopped and the sky cleared up.

  • 雨季不结束天不会放晴。

    The weather won't clear up until the rainy season is over.

  1. 晴了一天后,天空又乌云密布,顷刻间便雨打窗棂。

    After a fine day , the sky had clouded over and suddenly rain lashed against the windows .

  2. 多难捉摸的天气,时晴时雨!

    What mixed weather , now fine , now showery !

  3. 今夜晴,部分地面有霜冻。

    It will be a clear night with some ground frost .

  4. 预报间晴,有阵雨。

    The forecast said there would be sunny intervals and showers .

  5. 开始会有雨,雨后间晴。

    There will be rain at first , with sunny spells later .

  6. 典型的英国天气,时雨时晴。

    Typical English weather ─ one minute it 's raining and the next minute the sun is shining .

  7. 天忽晴忽雨,已有一个星期。

    We had a week of alternate rain and sunshine .

  8. 早霞主雨,晚霞主晴。

    Rosy morning clouds indicate rain , and a rosy sunset means fine weather .

  9. 明天的天气:上午晴,下午转多云。

    The weather for tomorrow : Clear in the morning , changing to light overcast in the afternoon .

  10. 天气一会儿晴一会儿阴。

    The weather is now clear , now cloudy .

  11. 气象预报伦敦周末天气晴热,最高温度为摄氏32度,最低温度为摄氏22度。

    Hot and sunny weather is forecast for London over the weekend with about high of32 ℃ and low of22 ℃ .

  12. 们在其中一半的牛身上画上眼晴,另一半牛保持原样。

    They have painted half of the cows with eyes and left the other half as normal .

  13. 晴朗朗的天,白森森的云,给你一份好心情。

    Orotund blue sky , white cloud , gives you good mood .

  14. 我过去听人讲过:“从前,四川、陕西、湖北交界处的南部,常常阴雨连绵,少有晴日,偶然日出,狗就吠个不停。”

    In the past , I heard people say : " Formerly1 , it was often cloudy and drizzly2 for days on end in the south of the juncture3 of Sichuan , Shaanxi and Hubei , with very few fine days in between . When the sun shone occasionally , the dogs would bark consistently without stop . "

  15. 湿度日变化来看,无论晴、阴、雨湿度日变化均呈U形。

    In sunny , cloudy or rain day , the humidity changes were on U-shaped .

  16. 造成青枯的外因除与V型变温有关外,雨后骤晴的强光与高温协同作用亦是青枯发生的重要外因之一。

    " V " type temperature , together with intense light and high temperature after rain , was the external factors causing green wilting .

  17. 对三系杂交稻T0代转基因植株进行PCR和Southern杂交检测(恢复系湘晴),表明外源基因已经整合进湘晴水稻基因组中。

    The PCR and Southern analysis ( only in Xiangqing ) showed the anti-Waxy gene had been transferred into genome of these hybrid rice and expressed .

  18. 第一部分,以玉米幼苗(大黄和晴三)为材料,测定了两个品种1℃冷胁迫下幼苗的存活曲线和内源H2O2含量变化的双峰曲线。

    Firstly , the survival percentage curve and the dual-peak curve of H2O2 content of two kind of maize seedlings were investigated under chilling stress .

  19. 制作了广西白天全晴的LST平均图。

    The clear-sky day-time-averaged LST in Guangxi were imaged .

  20. 这一合作带来了一款灯罩设计-“风雨晴”(comeraincomeshine)其特点在于传统的刺绣加上一组绳索编织物环绕在一个圆形金属框架上。

    The collaboration resulted in a lampshade design come rain come shine that featured traditional embroidery and rope-work set around a circular metal frame and Boontje asked Artecnica to produce it commercially .

  21. 对比研究了亲水醋酸纤维素超滤膜(CA膜)及疏水聚丙烯晴超滤膜(PAN膜)的低温氧等离子体表面改性。

    The surface modification of both hydrophilic super-filtration membrane ( made of acetate fiber ) and hydrophobic super-filtration membrane ( made of polyacrylonitrile fiber ) with low temperature oxygen plasma was investigated .

  22. 野外监测表明:在干、晴气候下,岩溶土壤CO2含量高且CO2释放速率大,岩溶作用欠发育;

    Detection of CO2 content of karst soil in fields under different conditions shows : in dry and shining weather condition , CO2 contents of karst soil and CO2 emission rate are high , karstification is low ;

  23. 目的评价应用99m锝-甲氧基异丁基异晴(99mTc-MIBI)心肌断层显像中左室腔与心肌计数(C/M)比值对左室收缩功能异常诊断的价值。

    Objective To assess the diagnostic value of left ventricular cavity-to-myocardial count ratio ( C / M ratio ) in 99m Tc-MIBI myocardial SPECT studies for abnormal left ventricular systolic function .

  24. 2011年,贺兰晴雪在英国葡萄酒杂志《醇鉴》(Decanter)主办的国际大赛上获金奖,这成了重要的转折点。

    A major turning point came in 2011 when Helan Qingxue won a gold medal in a prestigious international competition by the British wine publication Decanter .

  25. 以水稻品种日本晴为材料,在碱性条件下利用cDNARAPD法,在水稻中首次报道了VB12不依赖型蛋氨酸合成酶基因的克隆和表达。

    Under the alkaline condition , using cDNA RAPD method , a new VB 12 independent methionine synthase gene has been cloned and characterized for the first time in rice in this study .

  26. 应用该方法对几种模式生物的全基因组PPR和TPR蛋白家族进行了预测,其中粳稻日本晴中含有536个PPR蛋白、199个TPR蛋白;

    By this method , we predicted the PPR and TPR proteins families in whole genome of several model species . There were 536 PPR proteins and 199 TPR proteins in Oryza sativa ssp .

  27. 目的:了解高频彩超、CT、99mTc甲氧基异丁基异晴(MIBI)双时相平面显像核医学对尿毒症继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进(SHPT)患者甲状旁腺检查的敏感性和特异性。

    Objective : To investigate the sensitivities and specificities of high-frequency color doppler ultrasonography , thin layer CT enhancing scan and 99m Tc-MIBI biphasic scintigraphy in diagnosis of secondary hyperparathyroidism ( SHPT ) in uremia patients .

  28. 研究了优质杂交粳稻MH2003、寒优湘晴的有机栽培技术。

    Organic cultivation techniques on hybrid japonica rice " MH2003 " and " Hanyouxiangqing " were studied .

  29. 目的:评价多巴酚丁胺99mTc-甲氧基异丁基异晴心肌断层显像(Dobu-ECT)检测心肌梗塞后残余心肌缺血的价值。

    Purpose : To evaluate the value of dobutamine technetium 99m methoxy isobutyl nitrile ( sestamibi ) single photon emission computed tomography ( Dobu ECT ) in detecting residual ischemia after myocardial infarction .

  30. 使用Mie散射激光雷达在阴、雾和晴三种天气状况下采集了大气回波信号,从所测数据反演气溶胶消光系数的过程中发现,气溶胶后向散射消光对数比对反演结果存在较大影响。

    By using Mie scattering lidar , return signals in cloudy , foggy and sunny weather are measured . In the process of inversion , selection of the logarithmic ratio of aerosol backscatter-to-extinction has a large effect on extinction coefficient .