
  • 网络grain boundary
  1. 480℃二级回火2h时磁体主相晶粒边界光滑,富稀土相在晶界分布连续、均匀。

    SEM analysis shows that when annealed at 480 ℃ for 2h , the grain boundaries of the magnets are more smooth and the distribution of RE-rich phase in the grain boundaries is continuous and uniform .

  2. 结果表明,M7C3碳化物是在高温保温阶段奥氏体晶粒边界液相区域形成了富铬富碳的微区。

    The results show that M_7C_3 carbides form in the liquid phase zones of the austenite grain boundaries during the high temperature soaking stage .

  3. 低压ZnO压敏陶瓷晶粒边界电子陷阱态的研究

    Investigation on trapping states of the grain boundary of ZnO ceramics varistors with low breakdown voltage

  4. 探讨了热处理气氛对ZnO晶粒边界电性能的作用机理。

    The mechanism of the effect of heat treatment on the electrical properties of ZnO grain boundary is discussed .

  5. 晶粒边界粒子的析出和溶解;激光熔覆过程中TiC的形成机理以溶解&析出机制为主。

    Grain growth and grain boundary migration ; The mechanism of TiC formation regarded the dissolve-crystal mechanism as principle .

  6. 由于在球磨粉末中保留有部分细小的Al元素,而Al的熔点较低,因而烧结时首先发生液化,Al扩散及相变形成的晶粒边界连接强度高。

    As the milled powders to retain some small Al element , while the lower melting point of Al , which occurs when the first liquid sintering , Al-proliferation and the formation of grain boundary phase connection strength .

  7. TEM组织观察表明蠕变之后亚晶粒边界清晰,亚晶之间的位相差很小,同时亚晶界位错间距减小,亚晶内位错密度几乎不变。

    TEM observation shows that after creep the boundary of subgrain is clear , the phase difference between subcrystals is very small , while the subgrain boundary dislocation spacing decreases , the dislocation density within subgrain almost unchanged .

  8. 过渡层化学元素分布不均匀,其中Zr与Mg分布特征相同,Zr与Ni分布位置互补,Cr、Al主要以氧化物形式位于晶粒边界处。

    Chemical elemental distribution is not homogeneous in every transitional coating . Zr and mg elemental distribution is similar , yet the distribution of Zr and Ni is supplementary . Cr and Al elements are placed as oxide inclusions in the boundary area between splats .

  9. 晶粒边界线;

    The grain ′ s boundary line ;

  10. 铬在18铬-8镍型不锈钢晶粒边界的贫铬层中的分布

    On the distribution of chromium in the chromium depleted zone of a sensitized 18-8 stainless steels

  11. 先共析铁素体沿原始奥氏体晶粒边界生长,形成网状结构。

    The pre eutectoid ferrite transformation initiated at the original austenite grain boundaries and formed a net structure .

  12. 发现晶粒边界性质以不同方式影响着磁体矫顽力和剩磁比。

    It was found that hoth coercivity and remanence were affected by the grain boundary but in quite different way .

  13. 而在含有大量缺陷的晶粒边界,存在六角氮化硼的成核与生长。

    The presence of hexagonal BN was due to defects within the grain boundaries of the underlying polycrystalline diamond substrates .

  14. 而Sr2+主要分布在晶粒边界处,对表面受主态及材料相关电学性能有重要影响;

    The Sr2 + mainly distributes in grain boundary areas , which behaves as an interface acceptor state and so influences on the electric properties of varistor markedly .

  15. 显微组织分析表明,矫顽力的提高可归结于晶间相的均匀分布和主相晶粒边界的规则化。

    Microstructural studies re - vealed that the improvement of the coercivity could be attributed to a well - distributed intergranular phase and even grain boundary of main phase .

  16. 在厚铝生长过程中产生应力的积累,这种积累的应力在铝薄膜晶粒边界处释放,造成铝沿晶粒边界的异向生长,形成铝柱状突起。

    The stress which is accumulated during the growth of thick aluminum film will be released at the grain boundary of film and induces the abnormal grain growth along the grain boundary .

  17. 在低场下测量钉扎力随磁场的变化规律,研究了由晶粒边界引入的弱磁通钉扎和磁通蠕动。

    The weak flux pinning arising from the grain boundary and flux creep were studied in low magnetic field region through the measurement of voltage-current characteristics and field relation of volume pinning force .

  18. 给出了多晶硅样品光致发光相对强度的二维扫描记录和晶粒边界附近相对发光强度及相差变化的实验曲线。

    The paper presents a two dimensional scanning records in a relative intensity of the luminescence and the experimental curve indicaes the change of the phase and the intensity near the crystal boundary on the sample .

  19. 另一方面,晶粒边界的空间电荷会阻止晶粒表面的极化电荷,产生空间电荷极化,因此晶粒边界形成了耗尽层,极化强度降低了。

    On the other hand , the space charge of grain boundary will hinder the polarization charge on the surface of the grain , and the space charge polarization emerged , and depletion layer will form and reduce the polarization .

  20. 然后,借助于补偿的离子注入制作了高稳定的、阻值在千欧级的多晶硅电阻.该方法使得多晶硅晶粒边界电荷的俘获/反俘获对氢退火不敏感。

    The formation of high-stability polysilicon resistors in the range of several k Ω 's has been decided by compensating the ion implantation , which makes the charge trapping / detrapping at the grain boundary less susceptible to the hydrogen annealing .

  21. 研究结果表明,壳-芯边界不同于通常晶粒边界结构,而在铁电畴的畴界处,存在一维方向几埃到数十埃的原子紊乱过渡区。

    The results also show that the disordered region located at the ferroelectric domain boundary is about several to tens angstrom along the { 001 } lattice and the interface of core-shell is different from the general grain boundary and the domain boundary .

  22. 热化学聚合反应易导致绿松石晶粒边界溶解络合形成絮凝状结构,有助于改善绿松石坯料的工艺性能,提高其力学强度,但绿松石坯料的化学成分、晶体结构未发生明显改变。

    Thermochemical polymerization facilitates dissolving and complexing of the grain border of turquoise crystallines to form flocculated structure without remarkable changes in chemical composition and crystal structure of the master turquoise , but with enhancement of the technological properties and increasing of mechanical strength of the material .

  23. 探讨了晶粒界面边界相对交换耦合纳米复合材料性能可能的影响。

    It is also suggested that the boundary phases existed between hard and soft magnetic phases may have an important influence upon the property of the magnets .

  24. 发现经不同电场极化后的样品均存在两种驰豫机构,分别由晶粒及晶粒边界组成。

    It has been found that there are two relaxation mechanisms at varied poling electric fields .

  25. 裂纹尖端超钝化、裂纹分叉、沿着层间偏转,形成显微裂纹区,裂纹停在障碍晶粒前的边界上为这种材料的韧化机制;

    The crack tip blunted , crack bifurcation , the deflection of the main crack by the lamellae takes place , a diffuse zone of micro-cracks is formed , and crack stopped by a barrier made by a grain with a lamellar interface orientation unfavorable for crack propagation .

  26. 所以晶粒尺寸的增加使得晶粒边界减小了,介电性能提高了。

    So the bigger the grain size and the smaller grain boundry , and dielectrical properties improved .

  27. 微波磁场烧结的不但降低烧结温度,缩短烧结时间,而且使磁体整体加热,受热更均匀,因而磁体晶粒更细小,并且主相晶粒边界趋于规则化,晶间相的分布更均匀;

    The microwave magnetic sintering can not only lower the sintering temperature and shorten the sintering time , but also decrease the micro-grain size of magnets and make intergranular phase and grain boundary of main phase distributed well .

  28. 晶粒截面各种参数均可通过界定晶粒截面边界来获得。

    The various section parameters of crystals can be obtained by defining their boundaries in the cross-section .

  29. 发现薄膜中晶粒的结晶取向、晶粒大小和晶粒边界条件直接影响其电畴的形态复杂程度。

    It was revealed that the crystallographic orientation , dimensional sizes and boundaries of ferroelectric grains significantly affect the domain structures of thin films .

  30. 结果表明,4Cr13不锈钢非平衡组织激光加热时存在明显的组织遗传特征和相变硬化再结晶现象。当激光加热时,细小的奥氏体晶粒沿原奥氏体晶界优先析出,产生晶粒边界效应;

    The results showed that the structure heredity and the recrystallization caused by phase transformation hardening were observed during laser heating , the fine austenite crystal grain was first precipitated along original austenite grain boundary , which was grain boundary effect ;