
nuǎn qì piàn
  • radiator;heating radiator
  1. 韦德把冰凉的双手放在暖气片上取暖。

    Wade placed his chilled hands on the radiator and warmed them

  2. 管道的两端与暖气片相连接。

    The two ends of the pipeline are connected with the radiator .

  3. 检查所有的暖气片,看有没有小裂缝,尤其是管道连接处附近。

    Check all radiators for small leaks , especially round pipework connections .

  4. 所以,在今年新年前夜午夜后不久,我从马克斯(Max)和阿里(Ari)的派对上出来,把十根香烟留在大堂的暖气片上。为了祈求好运,我点燃第11根烟,吸着它走进夜色里。

    And so shortly after midnight this New Year 's Eve , I left my 10 cigarettes on the lobby radiator on my way out of Max and Ari 's party , lit the 11th for good luck and smoked it out into the night .

  5. 暖气片水箱纵缝自动焊接设备的电气控制

    Electric control of longitudinal seam automatic welding equipment for radiator water tank

  6. 我不能再挨着暖气片睡觉了。

    I have got to stop sleeping next to radiator .

  7. 由于工作太长时间了,这个暖气片已经失控了。

    The radiator is out of control because of its long working hours .

  8. 确保每组暖气片都具有领先国际水平的品质。

    Radiator to ensure that each group has a leading international standard quality .

  9. 当时人质被铐在暖气片上。

    The hostage had been shackled to a radiator .

  10. 我把手放在暖气片上取暖。

    I warmed my hand on the radiator .

  11. 布罗迪捡起那堆报纸,把它们堆放到暖气片上。

    Brody picked up the heap of papers and piled them on top of a radiator .

  12. 有一次她的手机在上课时响了,老师便收了她的手机砸向暖气片。

    When her cellphone rang in class one day , the teacher smashed it against the radiator .

  13. 窗户和暖气片之间那点狭小的缝隙刚好放上了那盏小台灯

    The skinny lamp that fit in the sliver of space between the window and the radiator .

  14. 杨玲擦桌椅,吴英负责暖气片。

    Yang Ling can dust the desks and chairs and Wu Ying will take care of the radiators .

  15. 通过对暖气片厂排放的工业废渣的试验检测,确认了该工业矿渣作为路基填料的可行性,并成功运用于路基的填筑。

    By the test , the paper discussed the feasibility of industrial slag used as subgrade filler for reference .

  16. 冀中暖气片有限责任公司是集设计生产销售于一体的专业生产散热器的生产企业。

    Jizhong radiator is a limited liability company designed and manufactured sales specializing in the production of radiator manufacturing enterprises .

  17. 然后,他们把他绑在了一个暖气片上,并且在拿了钱,离开之前打电话报了警。

    Then they tied him on a heating plate and called the police before they took the money and left .

  18. 建立了肋片导热模型,并用于计算带肋的暖气片的肋高和肋厚的合理比值的优化研究,实现了在保证散热效果的前提下,最大限度的节约材料的目标。

    Building flake heat transfer model and deriving basic formula to calculate a reasonable ratio height and thickness of a radiator .

  19. 好在,今天拉窗帘时发现,那个铁方格子般的暖气片竟然有了些温度。

    Fortunately , today when pull a curtain , found that the iron bar radiator of grid to have some temperature .

  20. 罐内设置暖气片组,通上气暖或水暖在寒冷冬天不影响使用;

    For using in cold weather , heating is provided in the tank , either by gas heating or water heating .

  21. 我公司主营产品包括:八棱柱、建筑门窗、梯子、暖气片、工业型材等。

    Our company mainly sells a variety of products including Eight-Edges Prism ( Exhibition facilities ), Ladders , Doors , Windows , Radiator , etc.

  22. 这块板子高高挂在暖气片的上方,那儿可是厨房里最温暖的地方,我们常在那儿挂湿抹布和粘着雪的手套。

    The board hung above the radiator , where we drape wet rags and mittens dripping with snow , in the warmest spot in the kitchen .

  23. 他笔下的纸杯、塑料袋、暖气片等物件经他的独特处理,呈现出一种别具一格的视觉效果。

    Objects such as paper cups , plastic bags and radiators are transformed through the inventive handling of the medium into visually arresting displays of virtuosity .

  24. 详细介绍了暖气片水箱纵缝自动焊接设备电气控制系统的设计思想、工作原理,并给出了具体的控制电路。

    In this paper , the main functions , operating principle and control circuit of longitudinal seam automatic welding equipment for radiator water tank are introduced .

  25. 夏天,每平方米的玻璃上的通过的直接太阳辐射等同于单个暖气片产生的热量。

    In summer , each square metre of glass in direct sun can allow as much heat in as would be produced by a single bar radiator .

  26. 在生产铸铁暖气片过程中存在着铸件质差废品率高,经济效益差的难题,分析主要原因是砂型表面硬度低。

    In the production process of cast iron radiators there are a lot of defective castings and low econonic benefit . The main reason is the low hardness of mould surface .

  27. 旁管-双暖气片供热技术的应用,改善了传统采暖结构,实现了用户按需调节供热负荷,避免了无效供热。

    It makes possible to regulate the heat load by users themselves with the applications of bypass and dual-radiators in the new designed heat supply system and avoid the noneffective heating .

  28. 生产实践表明,该电气控制系统工作稳定、可靠,完全满足暖气片水箱纵缝的焊接生产要求。

    From test and practical application , it shows that the electric control system works well with high stability and reliability , and fully meets the requirements for large scale productions .

  29. 秦岭-淮河一线以北地区燃煤集中供暖,政府供热站生产的热水不断循环,并通过管道和暖气片向各个居民楼和公共场所供暖。

    Cities north of the line have coal-fired central heating , which circulates hot water generated by government heating stations through pipelines and radiators to almost every residential building and public facility .

  30. 仍旧是昏暗的走廊,老式的厕所,生锈的床铺(六人一间),一只荧光灯泡吊在天花板上,还有一只旧暖气片放在窗前。

    It still has dingy corridors , ancient washrooms , rusting bunk beds ( six to a room ), a single fluorescent bulb hanging from the ceiling and an ancient radiator in front of the window .