
  1. 结果表明,相对于天王星卫星确实可以精确测定同一CCD视场中暗恒星的位置,位置测量的精度和国外最好的天王星卫星位置测量的精度相当或更高。

    The results show that the positional precision for each star is comparable to or better than the best observations of Uranian satellites that is used to improve their ephemeris .

  2. 要设置星图上显示的最暗恒星的星等,就在极限星等区域更改数值。

    To set the magnitude of the faintest star which appears on the map , change the value in the Limiting magnitude field .

  3. 由于不可能进行光学观测,所以关于暗云中恒星数目的推算长期以来不受重视。

    Because optical observations are impossible , speculation on the stellar content in dark clouds long received little attention .

  4. 开普勒-62F行星是一个比地球大1.4倍的岩石世界,它围绕着一颗比太阳小且暗的恒星运动。

    Kepler-62f is a rocky world 1.4 times bigger than earth and circles a star smaller and dimmer than the sun .

  5. 这些恒星有规律地发生脉动,可以透过星系中巨大的星际尘埃云看到,这些尘埃云会使较暗的恒星体很难被发现。

    These stars pulsate at regular intervals and can be seen through the galaxy 's immense clouds of interstellar dust that can make dimmer stellar bodies hard to spot .

  6. 这些行星经过地球和他们的主恒星之间。科学家通过变暗的程度以及恒星被行星重力牵引时微小的运动(由其他望远镜探测)得出行星大小和质量的范围。

    The depth of dimming , and the tiny movements of the star as it is very slightly pulled by the planet 's gravity ( detected with other telescopes ) , allow scientists to place constraints on the size and mass of the planet .