
  • 网络service guarantee;service assurance
  1. 还包括服务保证代理(SA代理),以测量端到端服务水平协议(SLA)和MPLS环境中网流的益处。

    Also covered would be Service Assurance Agent ( SA Agent ) to measure end to end Service Level Agreements ( SLA ) and benefits of Netflow in MPLS environment .

  2. 在此基础上,研究了服务补救对服务保证的反馈作用以及对服务质量的反馈作用,并详细阐述了服务补救绩效管理提升策略。

    Based on this , studied the feedback function of service recovery to service assurance , and also service quality , and elaborated the promotion strategy of service recovery management in detail .

  3. 此服务保证所有Web服务器都能收到各自订阅的全部用户名/散列密码对信息。

    It also allows subscribers to receive the list of all username / hashed-password pairs . It 's also quite likely that it would keep the same data in memory too .

  4. PKI技术通过为网络提供认证、不可否认、加密解密和密钥管理等服务保证了网络的安全性。

    The PKI technology provides various services such as certification , non-repudiation , encryption and decryption and key management for network to ensure the security of network .

  5. 针对区分服务保证转发服务中传输流间带宽分配公平性的问题,本文提出一种自适应RIO(ARIO,adaptiveRIO)算法。

    An adaptive RIO algorithm ( ARIO ) is proposed for the bandwidth fairness problem in bandwidth allocation among flows for assured forwarding service in DiffServ network .

  6. 在机载多用户以太网中提供了语音流的实时、可靠传输及QoS服务保证,实现了基于OLAN的小型语音会议系统。

    The real-time and credible transmission of audio stream and the pledge of QoS are provided in OLAN of multi-user . The small audio conference system based on OLAN is implemented .

  7. 因此,Femto更适合于室内覆盖环境,它能提供更好的服务保证。

    Thus , femtocell is more adapted to the indoor coverage scenario , and can provide better quality of service guarantee .

  8. 在DPS的基础上提出了一种用多级FIFS队列提供延迟保证的包调度算法,并给出了该算法实现服务保证的约束条件。

    A packet scheduling algorithm with multi-level FIFS queues , which is based on DPS , is provided in this paper to get guaranteed service . And the constrained conditions to delay guarantee under this algorithm is also provided .

  9. 剖析“唯服务保证经济工作论”

    Analysis of " severise only to warrant the economic work "

  10. 我公司提供比竞争者更长久的服务保证。

    Our company offers a longer guarantee for this product than other companies .

  11. 减少客户的成套成本,增加售后服务保证。

    Reduce the set cost of customers and increase the after-sales service guarantee .

  12. 用户期待什么样的服务保证?

    What service guarantees do consumers expect ?

  13. 论服务保证下的品质管理

    On Quality Management Under Service Guarantee

  14. 为打得赢提供强大精神动力,为不变质提供可靠的政治保证,给思想政治教育发挥服务保证作用赋予了时代内涵,提高了更高的标准。

    To supply strong mental power for being capable of winning battles and reliable guarantee of politics for never degenerating .

  15. 组织域信息服务保证服务的当前信息有效性,用于组织域内服务的协商和调度决策。

    Organization information service is used to guarantee the validity of current service information , which is available for service negotiation and scheduling decision .

  16. 用对象池服务保证信息系统的数据安全,并提供功能构件之间的松耦合机制;

    With Objects-pool Services , OPSAA can insure business data against illegal or inaccurate accessing , and provide a loosely coupled mechanism for its components .

  17. 它显著地提高了在数据平面和控制平面的可扩展性,在灵活性、利用率和服务保证的水平方面提供了可保证的服务,接近提供每一个流的状态的保证型服务。

    It significantly enhances the scalability of both the data and control plane mechanisms for implementing guaranteed services , and at the same time , provides guaranteed ser-vices with flexibility , utilization , and assurance levels similar to those that can be provided with per flow mechanisms .

  18. IP网络的服务质量保证

    Guarantee of Quality of Service on IP Networks

  19. 此时,传统的IP网络没有服务质量保证的弱点已经显示出来。

    At this point , the traditional IP network has shown the weaknesses of quality of service .

  20. 另一方面,当前的Internet是基于尽力而为传输模型的,它不能够提供任何服务质量保证。

    On the other hand , the current Internet is based on the best-effort model , which can 't provide any QoS guarantees .

  21. 不论activity发生什么情况,使用服务可以保证操作至少拥有“服务进程”的优先级。

    Using a service guarantees that the operation will have at least " service process " priority , regardless of what happens to the activity .

  22. MAC服务没有保证服务数据单元的传输。

    The MAC Service does not guarantee the delivery of Service Data Units .

  23. 基于多传播路径的VOD服务QoS保证的新构架

    New video-on-demand service architecture using multi-spread path to guarantee QoS

  24. 具有服务质量保证的QoS路由技术是为具有QoS要求的多媒体等网络业务提供有保证的网络服务的核心要素。

    QoS routing is an essential mechanism for networks to provide quality-of-service guarantees to the multimedia traffic .

  25. MPLS成为网络优化和提供服务质量保证的首选技术。

    MPLS has become the first choice for network optimization and QoS guarantee .

  26. MPLSVPN服务质量保证技术及其应用

    The Technology of Quality of Service in VPN Based on MPLS and Its Application

  27. 基于SSL的安全Web服务,保证了用户与远程管理系统通信的安全性。

    The safe web service base on SSL guarantees the security of the communication between the users and the remote management system .

  28. 然而,数据网格通过提供调度、资源管理、存储保留、服务质量保证、监视和其他功能,从而优于Web服务。

    However , a data grid goes beyond the Web service model by providing scheduling , resource management , storage reservations , quality-of-service assurance , monitoring , and other capabilities .

  29. IPTV中的服务质量保证策略

    The Tactics of Service Quality Guarantees in IPTV

  30. 社区宽带综合业务网服务质量保证的研究面向NGN的城域综合业务网解决方案

    Research on Quality of Service Guarantee in Community Broadband Network System with Integrated Services