
  1. 从上世纪末开始类文明开始向生态文明发展。

    Started from last century , human civilization began its turn to an ecological civilization .

  2. 文末以一类工程控制系统为例,说明文中设计方法的主要思想及其优越性。

    Finally , the main idea and advantage of the present design method are demonstrated by using a class of engineering control systems as an applied example .

  3. 由于钉螺寄生终末宿主哺乳类动物种类多样,活动区域繁杂,人类难以控制,抑制中间寄主&钉螺的繁生便成了血吸虫病防治的有效对策。

    Because the end host is highly diverse and has complicated behavior , making it difficult to control by human , therefore , depression of reproduction of the intermediate host becomes an effective strategy for preventing schistosomiasis .

  4. 直到20世纪50年代末才发现这类疾病是在太平间盛宴时传染的。因为出于对死去亲人的尊敬,Fore族人会将尸体吃掉。

    Finally , in the late 1950s , it was discovered that the infection was being transmitted at mortuary feasts , where tribe members would consume their deceased relatives out of respect .