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  1. 她的父亲约翰•V•布维尔三世是投资银行世家的后代,她的妈妈简妮特•李是一位建筑大亨的女儿。纽约派克大街上大多数独特的公寓建筑都是出自这位建筑大亨之手。

    Her father , John V. Bouvier III , was an investment banking scion , and her mother , Janet Lee , was the daughter of a construction tycoon who built some of the most distinguished apartment houses on Park Avenue in New York .

  2. 李是一位天生的政治家,斯泰尔斯表示,你可能永远都不会跟他生气。

    James is a real politician , says Mr Styles . You can 't possibly ever be offended by him .

  3. 十年前,李先生是位老师。

    Ten years ago , Mr Li was a teacher .

  4. 李博士是位信息检索专家。

    Dr. Li is a specialist in information retrieval .

  5. 李顾两位没说什么。

    Li and Ku said nothing to this .

  6. 李博士是一位“行动者”,富于冒险精神,这促使他“多看,多做,多经历,”他的儿子Tadahiro说。

    Dr Lee was a " man of action ", whose adventurous spirit led him to " experience more , see more , and do more ," said his son Tadahiro .

  7. 李太太是一位护士。她是我们的邻居。

    Mrs Li is a nurse . She 's our neighbour .

  8. 李女士是一位美国白人,这让她与一般中国妇女不同。

    What makes Ms Lee different is that she is a white American .

  9. 这是李老师,一位新来的老师。

    This is Mr Li , a new teacher .

  10. 孙:那么李小姐一定是位大学者喽。

    Miss LI must be a great scholar then .

  11. 李先生和七位亲属整晚在码头和三家地区医院寻找他的姐姐。

    Mr. Lee and seven relatives searched all night for his sister at the pier and at three area hospitals .

  12. 李夫人是一位大交际花。只要看她从一个晚会到另一个晚会奔波的样子,就够令人疲惫的了。

    Mrs Lee is such a social butterfly that it makes me tired just watching her flit from party to party .

  13. 李先生有一位朋友王先生,在中国驻洛杉矶领事馆商务处工作。

    Mr Li has a good friend , Mr Wang , at the Commercial Section of the Chinese Consulate at Los Angeles .

  14. 李先生是一位出众的人,他令这所大学的许多学子的生活发生了改变。

    Mr. Lee was a remarkable man , and he made a difference in the lives of many people in this state and at this university .

  15. 李说,“如果没有贷款和绿色通道,我只好回家了,”李的父亲是位有残疾的农民。

    " Without the loan and the Green Channel , I would have had to go home ," said Li , whose father is a disabled farmer .