
Yang , however , wasn 't feeling very lucky .
As they passed , his father gave a quick toot of the horn .
Yang 's mother was gone , too .
Weeks later , when the gaokao results were released , I called Yang .
Now there was only one day left , and Yang had no time for anything but study .
Cao still talked vaguely about becoming an English teacher , Yang said , but his future looked bleak .
Yang 's childhood friend , Cao , tanked on the exam - a panic attack , Yang said .
But for those of limited means , like Yang , the economic uncertainty has only intensified the gaokao competition ;
I perched on a wooden chair that Yang 's father had placed , untethered , in the cargo area .
Yang 's mother , Lin Jiamin , quit her garment-factory job to support him in his final year of cramming .
Just up the alley from Yang 's room , I met a fortune teller sitting on a stool next to a canvas chart .
Yang 's parents and I lingered in front of the rows of dormitories where their son spent his first two years at Maotanchang .
I bid the family farewell and , from a distance , watched them pile into the bread-loaf truck for Yang 's final gaokao journey .
Villages like Yuejin , where Yang 's father is the Communist Party secretary , have poor school facilities and a paucity of well-trained teachers .
Her anxiety had started to make her son tense and irritable , so he asked if his grandfather could take over for her in the final weeks .
Now , with the gaokao just 69 days away - the number appeared on countdown calendars all over town - Yang had entered the final , frenetic stretch .
Yang 's parents did not seem especially superstitious , but they paid high rent to live close to the mystical tree and its three-foot-high pile of incense ash .
The flames from their bundles of incense were so hot and the pile of ash so big that we almost couldn 't squeeze past to Yang 's rented room .
The ritual was gratifying earlier in the school year , when Yang 's marks were rising close to the level needed to enter one of China 's nearly 120 first-tier universities .
Despite the creeping sense of panic , Yang 's parents seemed eager to show me evidence of the school 's success , as if their own aspirations for upward mobility depended on it .
When Yang 's scores slipped , his mother confiscated his cellphone and made him study late at night while she sat next to him , weaving needlepoint slippers with butterfly and fish designs .
Before dawn the next morning , Yang 's parents drove from their home in Yuejin to pick up their son and take him to a rented room near the exam site in Lu'an city .
Yang 's mother sat in anxious silence while his father careered around the curves , sending me and my chair sliding , as he talked about the California peaches he grows on his farm , which he had christened Big Love .
A peach farmer 's son in half-laced high-tops , Yang had spent the previous three years , weekends included , stumbling to his first class at 6:20 in the morning and returning to his room only after the end of his last class at 10:50 at night .
Xu 's achievement is so well known in Maotanchang that Yang refers to him as " a cult figure . " The tiny space that Xu and his mother rented out last year is now advertised as the " zhuangyuan room , " a reference to the top scorer in the ancient imperial exam .