
  • Ermenegildo Zegna
  1. 为了应对该国日益艰巨的营业环境,埃麦尼吉尔多•杰尼亚(ErmenegildoZegna)、爱斯卡达(Escada)和CK内衣(CalvinKleinUnderwear)都已经停业或者大幅收缩经营。

    Ermenegildo Zegna , Escada , and Calvin Klein underwear had already closed or reduced operations sharply in response to the growing challenges to doing business in the country .

  2. 杰尼亚(ErmenegildoZegna)新推出的PassionforSilk系列包括了缀珍珠母纽扣的经典款夹克(售价1090英镑),把它用来与裤子(售价900英镑)以及印花丝绸衬衣(售价880英镑)相搭配。

    Ermenegildo Zegna 's new Passion for Silk range includes sharply tailored jackets with mother-of-pearl buttons ( £ 1090 ) , matching trousers ( £ 900 ) and print silk shirts ( £ 880 ) .

  3. 但他如今已转投老东家杰尼亚(Zegna),他离开后,伯鲁提的主家路威酩轩(LVMH)决定举办一场泳池酒会。

    He has headed back to his old home of Zegna , and in his absence owners LVMH decided to throw a pool party .

  4. 意大利男装品牌杰尼亚(ermenegildozegna)是15年前首批进入中国的奢侈品品牌之一。

    Ermenegildo Zegna , the Italian menswear designer , was one of the first luxury brands to enter the country more than 15 years ago .

  5. 阿玛尼(GiorgioArmani)、杰尼亚(ErmenegildoZegna)以及布鲁内诺锭奇内利(BrunelloCucinelli)都完美兼顾了公司的业务与消费者的愉悦感,满足了男士穿着既时髦又不显古板的心愿。

    Giorgio Armani , Ermenegildo Zegna and Brunello Cucinelli all find the sweet spot between business and pleasure , catering to men who wish to look smart but not stuffy .

  6. 如今感觉男装终于“回归正道”,服务自己的正常群体(米兰时装周上杰尼亚(Zegna)的效果超赞,一目了然),让上了年岁者也有了自己心仪的潮装,而不是那些让他们自感是失败者的行头。

    Now it feels like menswear is finally comfortable talking to its natural audience ( as seen so excellently at Zegna in Milan ) , giving their older customers relevant clothes , rather than looks that make them feel like also-rans .

  7. 2010年,杰尼亚的销售额增长21%。

    Group sales gained 21 per cent in 2010 .

  8. 爸爸:衬衣不错,我看看,杰尼亚的吗?

    Dad : Hey , nice shirt . Let me see . Zegna ?

  9. 杰尼亚在2012年开张的50家新店中,有约三分之一位于中国。

    About a third of the 50 new stores it is opening in 2012 will be in China .

  10. 杰尼亚估计租金只比长期租住多出15%。

    Zegna estimates that the rental cost was just 15 per cent more than that of a long-term let .

  11. 半夜村长被来自牧场令人毛骨悚然的尖叫声所吵醒,等他小心翼翼接近时,他只看到杰尼亚痛苦的在地上呻吟,哪里有狮子的身影?

    In the middle of the night , the villagers woke to the sound of blood-curdling shrieks coming from the pasture .

  12. “我们的目标是最高端的1%乃至更少的人群,”吉尔多杰尼亚说。

    " We are going for the top 1 per cent of the population , or perhaps even less , " says Mr Zegna .

  13. 如今,与杰尼亚主要的制造基地精诚合作,从制纱、染色、针织到最终面料的整个丝绸生产过程完全在公司内部完成。

    Now , together with the main Zegna manufacturing base , the silk range can be spun , dyed , woven and finished entirely in-house .

  14. 超级购物广场给他留下很深的印象,他花了2000美元买了一件“杰尼亚”牌的T恤衫和一条牛仔裤。

    He was impressed by the super big shopping malls and spent nearly S $ 2000 buying himself a pair of Emergildo Zegna T-shirt and jeans .

  15. 杰尼亚发现,中国最初是一个巨大的男装市场,因为男性具有购买力;但后来却慢慢发展成为女装市场。

    As Zegna found , China was first a big market for Menswear , as men have the buying power , but is slowly evolving into a Womenswear market .

  16. 杰尼亚和其他奢侈品公司抵挡住了金融危机,由于在中国的销售额飙升弥补了欧洲市场的冷淡,很多公司取得了强劲增长。

    Zegna and other luxury goods companies have weathered the financial crisis and in many cases enjoyed robust growth by offsetting a slowdown in Europe with surging sales in China .

  17. 杰尼亚公司的秋冬季新品是一个暗色调的中国主题时装系列,据说该系列是受到了中国革命制服的启发而设计的,而且领带上还隐藏着汉字书写体“杰尼亚”标志。

    For its Fall / Winter season , Zegna has started selling a somber-toned , China-themed collection that it says is inspired by Chinese Revolution uniforms and ties with a Zegna seal in Chinese characters .

  18. 杰尼亚总是率先为欧洲奢侈品公司开辟新市场,它早在1991年就在中国开设了第一家店铺,而大多数同行直到15年后才为中国制定认真的发展战略。

    Zegna , always among the first to open new markets for European luxury goods companies , inaugurated its first store in China in 1991 , 15 years before most competitors began developing a serious strategy for the country .